The Supreme Being

Chapter 1075 Su Meng’s “Current Status” (First update, please vote for me)

It's time to go to Journey to the West.

Following Meng Qi's thought, the handsome young monk sat down cross-legged, and his whole body bloomed with pure light of glass, turning into a golden Buddha. One finger pointed to the sky, and the other hand touched the ground. The swordsman in white stood ethereal, with sword energy lingering, like the source of time, the void. The starting point, the incarnation of the great road, almost has the appearance of a heavenly deity, the sword light bursts out, splits into two, splits into four, spreads all over the heavens and the world, without missing anything, and the hidden hero is light gold and clear, the acupoints contain different heavens and earth, Indestructible for all eternity, everything he does has great power.

The three incarnations formed by "one Qi transforming into three pure beings" were not created at will by Meng Qi, but with the help of this great magical power, he reorganized and purified his own skills. He did not have a deep grasp of the way of time and could not break out of the "past" of the current world. In the case of the "present and future" body, based on the innate Qi and relying on each skill, the incomplete "Tathagata Golden Body" was cut out, and the "Jietian Tao Body" was combined with the Four Swords of the Immortal, and the changes were endless. Thousand, the "immortal Taoist body" of the sanctified body, the deity only retains the "Yuanshi Taoist", only the nine seals of the Yuanshi and the sword skills that do not involve the Dharmakaya.

However, this is also an expedient measure. After all, the "Immortal Yuanshi Body" composed of the Immortal Dao Body and "Yuanshi Taoist" is a complete Dharma body and does not need to be divided. Meng Qi originally wanted to cut out the "Bodhi Golden Body", but he could not get involved. Deep, it is difficult to succeed, so we can only temporarily replace it with the "immortal Tao body", hoping to perfect it in the future.

As these non-major exercises transformed into incarnations, Meng Qi felt that his body was pure and peaceful, as if a heavy burden like Mount Tai and the North Sea had been lifted. The meaning was light and free, and almost half of his acupoints naturally followed With the "Open Heaven Seal", the Taoist rhyme opens up different universes and caves.

This is a necessary stage of spiritual practice. Purify yourself and see yourself. When you reach a higher level, you will swallow the incarnation and contain the meaning of all things with the infinite chaos and the immortal body. At that time, the incarnation can kill all energy. Together, no more obstacles.

Meng Qi opened his eyes, and chaotic clouds of joy rose up from the mud balls. The Tathagata's golden body, Jietian Dao body and Immortal Dao body jumped up at the same time and fell into the clouds. They faced each other and sat cross-legged, hiding in the darkness. Deep in the depths, as Qingyun withdrew and returned to Niwan.

"With the help of the great magical power of 'One Qi Transforms Three Purities', it is much easier to cut out the incarnation than Han Guang..." Meng Qi sighed, patted his green robe, changed his clothes, and auspicious clouds rose up from under him, shrouding him. , travel through time and space, descend to the world of Journey to the West.


In the virtual hall where the message "The Righteous Path of the World Is Vicissitudes" hangs, the "Living Human Emperor" Gao Lan has gone offline. Several Dharmakayas are trying different functions with great interest, while seizing the opportunity to discuss martial arts and the Dao. The atmosphere is harmonious. It's fun.

At this moment, Mr. Lu Da, Master Yunhe and others heard the emotionless prompt:

"Your friend 'Yuanhuang' Su Meng uploaded "Documents for the Hierarchical Construction of Universal Knowledge"."

"Your friend 'Yuanhuang' Su Meng uploaded the "Plan to Promote the Simple All-realms Universal Identification Talisman to the majority of people in the world and the common people"."

“Your friend ‘Emperor Yuan’ Su Meng uploaded the “Proposal to Cooperate with Mo Palace to Restore the Prosperity and Convenience of Medieval Times”.

"Your friend 'Yuanhuang' Su Meng uploaded "The idea of ​​remote trading of skills and items with the help of universal knowledge and the establishment of a system of natural punishment for those who sell fakes" (note, don't curse and swear casually, there will be five thunders from the sky) Todoroki is no longer joking).”

"Your friend 'Yuanhuang' Su Meng uploaded the 'Virtual Communication Center' Based on Universal Knowledge of All Realms" (discussions on martial arts, travel experiences, anecdotes and legends can be shared here)."


Bang bang bang, Mr. Lu Da and others watched helplessly as Meng Qi uploaded many documents. They felt that they knew every word, but when they were put together, they didn't understand what they meant.

They looked at each other, settled their thoughts, and began to read the documents.

Suddenly, Meng Qi's transparent figure flashed, and the emotionless Universal Knowledge prompt sounded again:

"Your friend 'Yuanhuang' Su Meng uploaded the current status."

Current status? Mr. Lu Da, Su Wuming, Master Yunhe and He Qi looked at the light screen and saw the image change and solidify on a scene:

The white clouds form waves and swirl around, the sky is vast, the mountains stand tall, and the barbaric and demonic aura rises into the sky everywhere. On a towering peak, a man wears a cloud crown on his head, wears water-resistant clothes, a silk ribbon around his waist, and mango shoes on his feet. The handsome Taoist priest stands casually, with mottled temples and weathered eyes, looking into the distance, his shirt fluttering in the wind, and the feeling of a Taoist priest is ready to come out, he is just like Meng Qi.

Under the scene, there is a line of text:

"This is the world of Journey to the West, where monsters are in chaos, and gods and immortals have mansions. We are here again after many years."

...In the Xijiang Pavilion, Huamei Villa, Wanxiang Sect and Donghai Jianzhuang, Su Wuming, Mr. Lu Da and others looked at this scene in confusion, a little confused as to what the situation was.

Xiao Su is sharing his travels?

But it feels weird, the focus is on his own image...

After a while, they heard the prompt again:

"Your friend 'Yuanhuang' Su Meng uploaded the current status."

The scene changed, the pool was deep, the blue waves were endless, and Meng Qi's Taoist robe was chic, his feet were on the water, and he was holding a snake-like insect with several heads in his hand. But for some reason, this monster that should be huge obviously only occupied the entire area. The scene is only a small part, and the main subject is still a Taoist priest who has emerged from the dust and is indifferent to the vicissitudes of life.

There is also a line of text below:

"Bibo Pond was the residence of the nine-headed worm, the great sage of the demon tribe, in the past. Today, it is no longer a place, and only the blood remains. Time flies, and the years are unstoppable. I feel and sigh about it, and leave it here as a souvenir."

Witnessing this scene, Mr. Lu, Su Wuming, Jiang Zhiwei, Zhao Heng and others seemed to be in a trance, as if they understood something.

Meng Qi put away the descendant of the nine-headed insect and his own posture, smiled and looked at his "Ten Thousand Worlds General Talisman", and then saw a series of prompts:

"Your friend 'Heavenly Sword' Su Wuming has gone offline."

"Your friend 'One Heart Sword' Mr. Lu has gone offline."

"Your friend 'Sword Maniac' He Qi has gone offline."

"Your friend Jiang Zhiwei has gone offline."

"Your friend Qi Zhengyan has gone offline."

"Your friend Zhao Heng has gone offline."

"Your friend Ruan Yushu sent a message asking: Can I eat it?"

"Your friend Yunhe Zhenren sent a message: Collect more materials!

"Your friend Yunhe Zhenren has gone offline. "It's just a status post, is it necessary to do this... Meng Qi wiped the non-existent cold sweat, replied to Ruan Yushu with a sentence "Try it later", then put away the universal knowledge symbol, honestly stepped into Xiniu Hezhou, and looked for the old site of Wuzhuang Temple in the image of a Taoist. "The descendant of the nine-headed insect has no intelligence, so we have to find a real demon king to ask again." Meng Qi touched his chin. "A-choo! At this time, countless demon kings in Xiniu Hezhou sneezed for no reason, and felt a deep chill, as if there was an indescribable malice lingering. "I finished writing that one too late last night, and I got up late today. This chapter has only 2,000 words, but there were 4,000 last night, which can be considered as making up for it. The first update is here, and I ask for double monthly votes and recommendation votes~

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