The Supreme Being

Chapter 1057 Wang Family’s Opinion

Wang Siyuan's old illness relapsed, and he will not live long?

Meng Qi was quite surprised when he heard the news. The Dharmakaya is a real immortal, and he has already completed the ladder of heaven in half a step, close to the real immortal. Any illness should have been cured long ago. The reason why Wang Siyuan was sick was because of the backlash of the heaven. As long as he didn't do anything stupid, he would not lose control before the fifty-day limit.

Moreover, Wang Siyuan's evilness was far better than every ancestor of the Wang family who had achieved the Dharmakaya in the past thousands of years, and he was probably not much worse than the young saints. In addition, he had accumulated a lot of experience, and with the help of himself, he got rid of the hidden dangers of the devil and Buddha. There were still many years before the deadline. The road ahead was bright and open, and a breakthrough was expected. How could the old illness suddenly relapse?

After being surprised, Meng Qi's first thought was that Wang Siyuan was making a plan. As for what plan he was making and who he was targeting, there was insufficient information and it was difficult to judge.

Of course, it was also possible that Wang Siyuan did something secretly and caused the backlash in advance.

Meng Qi's thoughts fluctuated, and he nodded slightly, saying to Ruan Yushu: "Young Master Wang has been very kind to me for a long time. I have to go to Guangling to explore."


The accumulation of history and the appearance of time, this is the feeling Meng Qi had when walking in the depths of the ancestral home of the Wang family in Jiangdong. Some mottled traces did not show decay, but instead revealed the eternal heritage of the Wang family.

"Please, Master Su." A round-faced sweet maid led Meng Qi through the courtyard hall, into the inner courtyard, and stepped into Wang Siyuan's wing room.

This place is the same as the homes of ordinary wealthy people, with thick Western carpets. Even if the martial arts are low, it is difficult to hear the footsteps when walking. There are many calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls, with Taoist connotations and different postures. They are the works of the ancestors of the Wang family. The windows are tightly closed, the copper stove is curling with smoke, and the smell of sandalwood is calming and calming without being strong, but there is a real sense of illness permeating the room. At first glance, it is clear that the strong man who has met the inside and outside has lost control of himself and affected the world.

The screen was removed, and the black wooden bed appeared in front of Meng Qi's eyes. Wang Siyuan had been helped up by the maid, leaning against the pillow, with a medical bandage on his head. He looked increasingly emaciated, and with his delicate and beautiful appearance like a woman, it seemed that he would fall apart if a strong wind blew.

"Cough cough cough." Wang Siyuan coughed violently several times, as if he was coughing out his internal organs, which made people shudder. It took him a long time to recover and said, "Why visit a dying person?"

Meng Qi smiled: "This is not the eldest son Wang I know."

"What kind of eldest son Wang do you know?" Wang Siyuan looked over, his pupils slightly dilated, and he was in a daze, just like an ordinary person who was seriously ill and waiting to die.

Meng Qi restrained his smile and said seriously: "The eldest son Wang I know believes that he can't live without madness. He will never wait for death quietly. He is depressed, but he may use his life as a bet and bait to set up a life-and-death game, and he doesn't care."

Wang Siyuan's mouth curled up with difficulty: "You, you think I can set up, ahem, what life-and-death game?"

"If you can guess your chess game based on the current information, you are presumptuous to claim that you have 'calculated all the people'." Meng Qi stopped in front of the removed screen.

Wang Siyuan took a few deep breaths, as if he had recovered a little spirit: "If I really want to set up a plan, ahem, if you can see that I want to set up a plan, it will also be a failure. Human power is sometimes limited. Many great powers in the past could only sit quietly and die without the final resistance. My body is like this, and my life should be like this."

He spoke smoothly for a while, which made Meng Qi almost suspect that it was a last gasp.

Without waiting for Meng Qi to speak, Wang Siyuan smiled faintly: "Should I thank you for your advice on the family motto?"

"You?" Meng Qi was shocked. The great charlatan Wang actually knew that he had returned to the Middle Ages!

Which Dharma body told him, or did the saints leave it?

Wang Siyuan coughed violently again and spat out a mouthful of blood into the copper basin beside him. He exhaled several times before saying: "The 'Sword Saint' Su Meng was famous in the Middle Ages. He was humble and indifferent. How could I not have heard of him? Moreover, the ancestor of the family left a few words, mentioning the matter of Yuhuang Mountain, and highly praised the master surnamed Su, saying that he was deeply inspired. He didn't realize it in the past, but now he associates it with it, and he understands it naturally."

He spoke frankly, without avoiding the maid next to him, and was very confident that the news would not be leaked.

In response, Meng Qi could only laugh dryly twice.

Wang Siyuan didn't say much about this matter, but turned to look away and closed his eyes tiredly: "Guldo died? Didn't the Heavenly Punishment Axe save him?"

"He is indeed dead, and the Heavenly Punishment Axe escaped on its own." Meng Qi said simply.

Without opening his eyes, Wang Siyuan said with a half-smile: "When the time comes, the heaven and earth will work together, and when the luck is gone, the hero will not be free."

After speaking, he shook his head, as if he could no longer bear the long conversation. The half-step Dharma body that could go without food and drink for a long time actually became exhausted: "You stay at the Wang family tonight, tonight, and tomorrow, tomorrow I have something to discuss with you."

"Okay." Meng Qi did not refuse.

"He Xiang, take Master Su to stay at Tianji Tower temporarily." Wang Siyuan instructed the round-faced maid.

The maid responded respectfully and led Meng Qi out of the room. When they were about to reach the door, Meng Qi heard Wang Siyuan say self-deprecatingly: "I have no friends in my life. After the recurrence of my old illness, except for the sects and families who sent people, cough cough, to visit, only you came to visit."

Hiss, Meng Qi took a breath. This was not the normal tone of Mr. Wang. The more he savored it, the more meaningful it felt in combination with the previous words.

Is he really going to die soon and want to play a big game?

As his thoughts turned, Meng Qi followed the round-faced maid He Xiang through the courtyards and came to a two-story building. It was blue-gray in color, simple but ordinary.

"The Tianji Tower is not far from the core of our Wang family. Master Su must not walk around casually. If you want to go out, ask your maid to lead the way." He Xiang opened the door to the building and said with a smile.

The interior of the building was elegantly decorated, without the decay of being unoccupied all year round, and without the irritation of frequent guests. It seemed unusually quiet. Meng Qi climbed up the stairs to the second floor and asked casually: "When did Mr. Wang stay in bed?"

"About twenty days ago, something went wrong while practicing, and the old disease recurred..." He Xiang said, and suddenly water filled his eyes.

Meng Qi didn't ask any more questions at this time. He stepped onto the second floor with his hands behind his hands. Looking far away, he could see the nearby waterside pavilion garden. However, not far to the left, the evergreen pines and cypresses surrounded an ancient building, which looked extremely solemn and harmonious. Solemn.

"Where is it?" Meng Qi asked.

He Xiang restrained her emotions and said, "That is the ancestral hall of our Wang family."

Ancestral temple? Meng Qi nodded slightly, entered the room, sat cross-legged and meditated, waiting for the day to come.

The sun was setting in the west, and the night was getting darker. Meng Qi's spirit naturally covered the surroundings, and he felt the tranquility of the night. No one was walking around, and only the fragrance of lotus stood outside the door.

Dark clouds cover the moon, the third watch has arrived, and the night is so deep that it seems as if there is thick ink that cannot be melted away. Meng Qi seems to be still but not still, connected with the "mark of others and me."


Suddenly, a scream reached his ears, the sound was hoarse, as if he had encountered something extremely terrible and could only bear it with his eyes. With Meng Qi's cultivation level, he couldn't help but shudder.

As soon as his figure flashed, Meng Qi appeared outside the door. He looked at He Xiang who was unaware and said, "What was that scream just now?"

He Xiang immediately showed an apologetic look: "My little maid was negligent and did not remind Headmaster Su. If all the ancestors of my Wang family had achieved Dharmakaya, they would have screamed like this when they were enthroned. Everyone said it was a punishment from heaven. When they wait After entering the ancestral hall, there is still a little obsession, and the screams echo from time to time, but they will gradually decrease as time goes by. This place is close to the ancestral hall, and it is normal to hear screams occasionally. "

Does the Wang family's Dharmakaya emit such a terrifying scream before sitting down? Meng Qi suddenly thought of the farewell words of several saints: the more you see the truth, the more you can't help yourself. It may seem like a flashy experience, but it has many benefits, but in the end, you have to pay it back, even with the profits...

"There shouldn't be any saints among these screams, right?" Meng Qi asked as if he had no intention of doing so.

"Well, the ancestors of several saints died in other places, and only their clothes were brought into the ancestral hall." He Xiang answered truthfully.

"When did the dharma body that still remains screaming first come from?" Meng Qi asked casually.

He Xiang thought for a while and was about to answer when another scream came from the ancestral hall. The ancient vicissitudes seemed to have penetrated the eternity, mixed with extreme fear, and Meng Qi almost felt terrified.

"The earliest, the earliest one was my Wang family who established a clan and established clan ancestors..." He Xiang said tremblingly.

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