The Supreme Being

Chapter 1056 The Third Task

Is this Lu Ya the real body?

He seems to have escaped?

The words of Moonlight Bodhisattva echoed in Meng Qi's heart, as if a stone stirred up a thousand waves. Lu Ya actually escaped? How did he escape? Did another great power help him?

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the Lu Ya in front of him is likely to be at the level of good fortune. The gap between him and him is greater than the gap between planets and stars, and he still wants to rely on the God-beating Whip and Moonlight Bodhisattva to snatch the List of Gods from this great fortune!

What is an ant trying to shake a tree? This is an ant trying to shake a tree!

If Lu Ya had malicious intentions, he would not have come to snatch the List of Gods, but to give the God-beating Whip!

A thorn in his back suddenly arose, and Meng Qi seemed to have returned to his childhood, powerless, and saw the dry rope on the ground and wanted to play, but when he got closer, he found that it was a triangular, hideous, withered and yellow poisonous snake, spitting apricots, with cold eyes, and a slippery and disgusting feeling that seemed to be transmitted to his heart.

Yuan Xin's beating slowed down, Meng Qi's expression remained unchanged, and he said without any abnormality: "I pursued the traces of the Green Emperor, but never found anything until I was invited by Yuan Hong, the Great Sage of Meishan on Jin'ao Island, to attend a banquet. I ran into the Green Emperor fighting with Yuan Hong, who was holding the core fragment of the Donghuang Bell. I was affected by the aftermath and sent to the Middle Ages. By chance, I entered the Eastern Glazed Pure Land and met the Buddhist body of the Green Emperor, the Medicine King Buddha."

"He was only a relic at the time, but he sensed the breath of the Green Emperor and the fragment of the Haotian Mirror that I imitated, and heard 'Who am I, who am I' After speaking, he suddenly entered Nirvana, jumped out of the long river of history, and left the Buddhist beads to bless me to return. When I activated the Buddhist beads, I told him the figure that appeared. "He did not hide anything, because whether it was the ally or the enemy of the Qing Emperor, Lu Ya seemed to be involved in this matter, and he would not be completely unaware of the specific results and the general process. If I deliberately made up a story, it might make Lu Ya's new and old hatreds come to his mind, and he would not care about restraining the demon Buddha and kill me on the spot. The Immortal Slaying Flying Knife is the nemesis of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art. Even if the Moonlight Bodhisattva has been promoted to the Creation, there is a clear gap between him and Lu Ya, an old monster who has lived for at least one era, became famous in the ancient times, and is still famous in the ancient times. Lu Ya sighed, "Go back to the past? I don't know how many fortunes have sunk into the sea of ​​suffering. I want to go back to the past once, but unfortunately, it is rarely possible. When the Heavenly Emperor's stone tablet was at its peak, it was close to the other side, so it was possible. Now the Seven Killings Tablet only has a few dozen breaths of time, what can it do? Without the help of the other side, it can only sigh in despair. You have this opportunity, I don't know how many fortunes envy it."

You? Meng Qi is more and more certain that Lu Ya is deeply involved in this matter. Perhaps his escape came from this, such as the big man on the other side behind the scenes rewarded him to guide himself.

Who could it be?

"The Medicine King Buddha is the Blue Emperor, the Middle Ages is also the present, all history is a projection of the current situation, and your mission is indeed completed." Lu Ya restrained his smile and suddenly sighed.

"All history is contemporary history", Meng Qi has heard many versions of the words, but never once as shocked as now.

Because this sentence is no longer just a description, but a statement!

As long as the current game between the big men on the other side changes, history will change accordingly. Unless you reach the peak of the legend of the perfect creation or master the time technique, you can't even detect it. Even if you have the characteristics of the other side, you can only remember a little after the initial vagueness, but with the thorough change of history, you will completely forget it until the cause of the various fruits goes further or is promoted to legend, and then you will remember the tampered and forgotten history again.

Sighing, Lu Ya took out the list that flashed with light golden light, as if the heaven and earth were materialized, and smiled slightly: "It's still customary, let's talk about the third task first."

The third task? Lu Ya escaped from the predicament without anyone noticing, and the old monster of creation actually entrusted him with a task. What was his intention? Meng Qi muttered to himself and breathed a sigh of relief. At least Lu Ya had no intention of turning against him on the spot. Even if this task was very strange, it would not immediately threaten his life. Similarly, he didn't seem to find the divine whip, so he wouldn't become a treasure boy.

After being reminded by Moonlight Bodhisattva, Meng Qi immediately reversed the cause of all the results, confusing and isolating the cause and effect of the Whip.

"Please tell me, Taoist." Meng Qi said calmly.

He had been planning for a long time, thinking about taking back the List of Gods, but it ended up like this. It's really not easy to deal with this old monster who has lived for an era!

Lu Ya smiled and said, "I have something for you. Go to the Journey to the West world and find the descendant of Wuzhuang Temple. It will be completed when you hand it over to him."

Wuzhuang Temple? The Wuzhuang Temple of Zhen Yuanzi, the same king as the world? The original owner of the great magical power in his sleeve? Meng Qi pondered over this task and speculated on Lu Ya's purpose, but due to too few clues, he could only temporarily restrain his thoughts and said, "Okay."

Lu Ya took out a green jade box from his sleeve. The appearance was warm but mottled, as if it had been through the dust of time without changing its essence: "The object is placed in the jade box, with 81 seals attached. It must be handed over intact to the descendants of Wuzhuang Temple. Of course, if you want to see it, I am powerless to stop you due to the current situation. As for any consequences, it has nothing to do with me."

He smiled and glanced at Meng Qi, as if he was not worried at all that he would peek at the box.

Cunning, still pretending to be suppressed! Meng Qi complained in his heart and said seriously, "I always keep my promises."

Just as he got the green jade box, he suddenly felt a throbbing on the back of his hand, which was fleeting. It came from the enchanting blood peach!

Does Little Taozi react to the contents of the box? Meng Qi was stunned. According to Gu Xiaosang, the blood peach is an evil thing left over from the previous era, and Lu Ya is the son of the ancient Haotian God. He is also an old monster left over from the previous era. Could the thing in the box be involved? Ancient?

His appearance was normal, without any abnormality, and he put the green jade box into his other sleeve.

After reaching the Earth Immortal level and achieving the Void Seal, he no longer needs the mustard seed ring.

"Okay, whose name do you want to erase?" Lu Ya pointed at the list of gods.

Meng Qi pondered for a moment and said, "Ruan Yushu."

Neither she nor Zhao Heng has been promoted half a step forward, but they have known each other earlier and their friendship is deeper.

I am not a selfless person who is too selfless. I treat people and things far and near, so selfishness is unavoidable.

Lu Ya didn't care, and touched the list of gods with his hand. The three golden characters of "Ruan Yushu" stood out and then shattered. A few true spirits broke out of the restraints and penetrated into the void. Meng Qi pulled out the Overlord's Absolute Sword and grabbed it. This true spiritual aura penetrated the many barriers, not only to rush to help the snack guy cut off the connection with other powerful people, but also to take the opportunity to escape, lest Lu Ya change his mind.

Looking at Meng Qi's disappearing back, Lu Ya chuckled, and his body suddenly spun around, turning into a bit of fire, and threw himself into the small vermilion gourd. Then the gourd jumped on the spot and jumped out of this world.


The pavilions and pavilions of the Ruan family in Langya are each beautiful and very poetic.

Ruan Yushu was dressed coldly in white, sitting behind the desk, with Qi Fengqin next to her. There was a stack of snacks in front of her, and there were many documents next to the snacks. She was in a daze, not playing the piano, not enjoying the snacks, and not dealing with family affairs.

Suddenly, something flew over and penetrated into the center of her eyebrows. Suddenly, she felt an unprecedented sense of perfection, better than any delicious food she had ever eaten before. The interior of the acupoints around her body moved in response, and the Dharma and Soul emerged, and she had already touched the first... The steps of the three-story ladder.

At this time, she saw a familiar voice in front of her, purple lightning leaping, the sword light cutting into nothingness, the realm of cause and effect highlighted, bright star rays shining, and several strands were cut off by the sword.

A feeling of relief came to Ruan Yushu. He found an opportunity, accumulated a lot of success, and naturally passed the ladder and became a grand master!

She closed her eyes and concentrated on breakthrough and stability. Meng Qi smiled and sat down casually. He picked up the snack and stuffed it into his mouth without being polite, enjoying the sweet but not greasy and refreshing taste.

After an unknown amount of time, Ruan Yushu's state stabilized and he opened his eyes. He first cast his gaze on Meng Qi's face, and then moved the plate down, as if he wanted to invite Meng Qi to share some snacks, and at the same time to express his gratitude for his hard work.

However, the plate was empty, and there were still some snacks left.

Ruan Yushu couldn't help but wrinkled his nose: "Weren't you trapped on Jin'ao Island for the past two years? How come you have the time to complete the mission?"

From Jiang Zhiwei's escape from reincarnation and the few words she said, it was not difficult for her to guess the general reason. At this time, her concern overflowed lightly.

"I'm not trapped on Jin'ao Island, but trapped in the Middle Ages." Meng Qi said with a smile, as if he was going to tell a story to the children.

Ruan Yushu was really interested, and just as he was about to ask, he suddenly stood up, rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, and found a bunch of snacks. How could he not have something to eat while listening to the story?

Ruan Yushu was fascinated by the story of the Middle Ages and the joy of the Middle Ages, and was quite yearning for it.

Seeing her like this, Meng Qi had a thought and said: "When a great catastrophe comes, there will be many opportunities and dangers. You must seize it carefully and not slack off. You cannot only think about food and music."

Ruan Yushu pursed his lips and smiled: "I know, just like the Ruan family, it used to be a top family, but today's world may not be able to support this name. If you try to take advantage of something that is not in line with your status, you will easily be destroyed. ”

Meng Qi was stunned and said suddenly, "I still think of you as the little girl you were before. I never thought you already know so much."

"In the past many years, I have been helping my grandfather and father handle family affairs, and gradually took over the Ruan family. I am no longer a willful little girl who only thinks about food and music." Ruan Yushu looked out the window with deep eyes, "Although I I’m still that little girl at heart and don’t want to grow up at all.”

Meng Qi was about to speak when Ruan Yushu raised his index finger to his lips and gave a rare playful smile: "Don't talk."

She took a photo of Qifeng Qin, playing the Qin with both hands, the sound of music drifting, peaceful and quiet, as if Guanghan came to the world and the moonlight fell.

I don't know how long it took before the sound of the piano ended, and Meng Qi felt calm inside. At this time, Ruan Yu wrote: "Well, Wang Siyuan's old illness has relapsed, and it is said that he will die soon."

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