The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 895: Black and white

All the people in the room looked towards the door at this moment. There were a total of eleven people here. Although the positions were a bit scattered, Li Yifei could still see that they belonged to the two camps, and one of them was sent by the government. There were five people demolished, and their clothes were all normal.

The other six people, although they were not wearing fancy clothes, could feel a kind of brutality, a kind of brutality, and they were obviously from the steel factory.

Among those staff members, except for a man in his 50s who was quite calm, the other four were quite nervous. Obviously, when they met the people from the steel mill, they were all in a deep sense. Can not be as calm and style as ordinary people.

But just now that person hit the door, and the other two guys rushed over immediately, stopped Li Yifei directly, and shouted, "Boy, what are you doing?"

Li Yifei glanced at the two faintly, and said, "This land is mine."

A kid immediately glared and shouted: "Are you looking for death, talking big words here, do you know who this steel factory belongs to? Do you want to live?"

Li Yifei was too lazy to care about such thugs, and with a casual push with both hands, the two of them were already involuntarily pushed away by Li Yifei, and Li Yifei went straight to the desk and sat down, facing the one with a big golden chain inside. The man said, "You are Director Zhao, right?"

The two people Li Yifei pushed away slowed down and hurriedly chased them, but Zhao Shenggang, who was sitting on the boss’s chair, waved his hand at this moment, looked up and down at Li Yifei, and said: "You said this land belongs to you, that is Do you want to do demolition?"

Li Yifei nodded and said, "Yes, it's me. I don't have so much time to entangle with you. Please make an offer and see if I can accept it."

Li Yifei didn't speak aggressively at this time, and his tone was not fierce, but Zhao Shenggang felt a kind of pressure for no reason, and said, "I'm not selling."

"Okay, then I won't buy it anymore." Li Yifei glanced at Zhao Shenggang and immediately stood up and was about to leave.

Zhao Shenggang was stunned. He kept saying that he would not sell, which was forcing the other party to pay a high price. Unexpectedly, when he said that he would not sell, the other party would not buy immediately. What kind of rhythm is this. I thought Li Yifei was just acting, who Knowing that Li Yifei turned out to be going out without stopping.

It was the first time that Zhao Shenggang met such a person, and Fang Cun was immediately disrupted, but Li Yifei walked to the door, but stopped. This made Zhao Shenggang happy. It seems that the other party is obviously pretending, this My heart has more bottom.

Li Yifei turned around, but didn't look at Zhao Shenggang. Instead, he said to the staff: "You won't use it in the future. I will communicate with your leader later. This is not your job issue."

Those five staff members didn't want to do this for a long time. When encountering someone like Zhao Shenggang, unless they are uniting multiple departments, it is impossible with them. They are still thinking about whether to go back this time. Public security, procuratorate and other departments have pulled out this hard nail.

But they didn't know Li Yifei, and they didn't know if Li Yifei was really the owner of this land, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"I'll let Mayor Song tell your leaders. You can leave without worry. My name is Li Yifei." Li Yifei saw their concerns and directly moved Song Zhentao out.

These people still didn't know who Li Yifei was, but the other party even moved Mayor Song out, then they believed it, and they all spoke with Li Yifei politely, and then left one after another.

Zhao Shenggang was also taken aback at this time. The other party really had a lot of background, and even Mayor Song could move out. If he remained stuck in such a stalemate, it would seem to be of no benefit to him. Does his steel mill comply with the law? , Can it be reproduced? He knows very well that it is simply impossible to reproduce. In the past two years, he has been very angry. He invested more than 30 million. It is not good to catch up with the steel market, and he did not make much money. Afterwards, the environmental protection was not passed, and the steel plant could no longer produce.

If someone came to buy his factory directly, he would want to sell it for a few million, but when he heard of the demolition, he immediately became energetic, just wanting to make a lot of money, so he has been so arrogant.

But Li Yifei has such a great background. If he gets some policies and just forcibly demolishes the steel factory, he will have nothing wrong. After all, he has no environmental protection procedures or anything. He is now an illegal existence. If this continues, it will be bad for him. There is no benefit. Seeing that the staff have really left, he quickly shouted: "This brother, how offended you just now, let's sit down and talk."

Li Yifei turned his head to look at Zhao Shenggang, and asked faintly: "Are you willing to agree?"

Zhao Shenggang frowned and said, "I can agree to demolition, but can't we talk about compensation?"

Li Yifei turned and sat opposite Zhao Shenggang, lit a cigarette, and said, "Okay, let's talk."

Zhao Shenggang was a little dumbfounded. If he wants to talk, the other party should always talk about the conditions first, but Li Yifei is smoking and looking at him now. He didn't mean to say at all. It was not like the staff. It was propaganda and talked about. This says that.

This made Zhao Shenggang extremely upset. It seemed that everything was under the control of the opposite person named Li Yifei, but he still stared and said, "Okay, then I will ask for it. Two hundred million, you give me two hundred million. , This steel mill is yours."

"Two billion?" Li Yifei's mouth turned upwards, and said, "Do you really dare to ask for it?"

Zhao Shenggang also took out Poppi’s nature at this time, saying: "Two billion sounds like a lot, but if you don’t take these two billion, you won’t be able to occupy this piece of land. Other places are worthless. You can only do other things if you take one hundred million?"

"Then are you worth two hundred million?" Li Yifei squinted at Zhao Shenggang. He asked for a reasonable price. Li Yifei could give it to him. However, if the lion opened his mouth like this, it was obviously a facility blackmail. Li Yifei didn't need to be polite with him. .

Zhao Shenggang was furious with Li Yifei’s contemptuous gaze. He slapped the table fiercely, and shouted: "Boy, I don’t care what your background is, but this is Yecheng. If you want to develop in Yecheng, if you want to be here, You have to give me Zhao Shenggang face, otherwise, no matter what you do, I will make trouble for you and make you feel uneasy."

After a pause, I felt that Li Yifei didn't seem to be threatened. Zhao Shenggang snorted and said, "Don't think I am frightening you. I, Zhao Shenggang, have been on the road all these years. I am not without a background and want to play with me. , Show your enthusiasm and follow me with this set, you are still a little tender."

"Really, are you going to play **** with me?" Li Yifei was still in that unsalty tone.

"Yes, kid, if you don't please me, let's just look at it."

Zhao Shenggang looked at Li Yifei as if he had a very big background. Although his background is not too small, he is not too direct after all. So in this respect, he feels a bit inferior, but he is an authentic Yecheng man and has been in the road for some years. He knew all the powerful people on Yecheng Road, and there was no Li Yifei in front of him, so he just wanted to keep him down on the road so that he could give him a better price.

Li Yifei nodded and said, "Okay, let's just look at it. Do you want to fix it regularly, or do it at will to see who can kill anyone?"

"Let... kill?" Zhao Shenggang's eyes widened suddenly. Even if he has been on this road for a long time, but now those who are on the road are more about asking for money, unless those desperadoes will kill people and run away. Lu, like them, can be regarded as successful people. As long as you hold down the opponent and grab enough benefits, it will be finished. If you play a life, it will be easy to accident. I didn't expect the opponent to be so ruthless. Come out, it doesn't sound like a gangster on the ordinary road, but like the super boss in the movie.

"You can choose the same, I will continue, regardless of the ****." Li Yifei stood up, threw his business card to Zhao Shenggang, and said: "At this time tomorrow, I want to hear your prepared answer, I I can only give you thirty million."

After speaking, Li Yifei walked to the door.

Those guys who looked like Li Yifei were so arrogant, they were already impatient. At this time, they all stopped at the door. They rolled their arms and sleeves, and they were all ready to go. .

Li Yifei didn't even look at them, and walked directly to the door.

This made the hearts of these guys even more angry. This is simply a kind of naked contempt. They have also been mixed for so many years, and they have never seen such a big character. One person can completely ignore them.

"I'm fucking!" a boy scolded with staring eyes, and struck Li Yifei on the head with his fist.

Another kid kicked Li Yifei's lower abdomen, and the cooperation was quite tacit.

It’s just that the usual effective method is useless today. Neither of them felt how Li Yifei made the move. They had already flown out, and they also staggered the people next to them. Almost fell, when they stood firm, Li Yifei was already missing in the room.

"Damn, is this kid a monster?" a guy asked blankly, clutching his stomach.

"Master! Definitely a master!" The other said stupidly.

Then everyone looked at Zhao Shenggang and asked in unison: "Brother, what shall we do now?"

Zhao Shenggang's face turned dark, and he didn't know what to do at this time. It seemed that this kid could do everything in black and white, and his personal strength was still so strong, whether he could get it through, he really had no idea.

Suddenly thinking of someone, Zhao Shenggang's eyes lit up and he dialed a phone number quickly.

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