The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 894: The trouble of demolition

"What should I do now?" Ye Yunzhu, Ning Xiner and Xu Shanshan asked Li Yifei in unison.

Li Yifei smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know now."

Ye Yunzhu squinted his eyes and said, "Then do what Yingying said."

Ning Xin'er panicked suddenly and said anxiously: "Can this work? If Yingying is not true, and I am angry about this incident again, then I...I really can't stay here anymore."

It is normal for Ning Xin'er to be so flustered, after all, this involves her own lifelong happiness.

Xu Shanshan glared at this moment and said, "What are you afraid of? My sister said it. You don't understand my sister, don't I know her? She is always a faceless person, or she doesn't say anything. , Or say it, that is no matter how difficult it is, she has to do it. She can't do this kind of probing and conspiracy, but she will never use it on her relatives and friends, especially Yifei Mom, she is absolutely real this time."

Everyone looked at Xu Shanshan in a daze, and Xu Shanshan glared again, and said, "What are you doing looking at me like this? I tell you, if this thing is false, my sister would be too despicable. I will break off friendship with her at that time. I can't do things like that. Even if I don't agree, then she must be upright. If she is so sullen, then she is still not human?"

Ye Yunzhu sighed and said: "We still think of people too complicatedly. When we encounter things, we always think of all the possibilities, but we ignore Yingying's character. We didn't think that Yingying is such a good person. ."

Li Yifei also nodded and said, "Yeah, I think too much. Yingying is a tolerant person, and he is not a person who likes to intrigue. If that is the case, she could completely shut you out before. "

When Xu Shanshan saw the two of them saying this, she became proud of herself and said, "Look at you, each of you seems to be so smart. Is it true that the cleverness has been mistaken for cleverness?"

Ye Yunzhu smiled and said, "Yes, Shanshan is the smartest."

For Xu Shanshan, everyone likes it very much now. Normally, there are so many women around her brother-in-law. This sister-in-law is already anxious. Seeing them, she has to **** with them, but Xu Shanshan is the first to follow They were awkward several times, and after they were really together with Li Yifei, Xu Shanshan became friends with them.

At this time, Ning Xin'er said in anticipation: "Then what should I do now?"

Seeing Ning Xin'er still at a loss, Ye Yunzhu and Xu Shanshan said in unison: "Cold!" Then they looked at each other, and they all started laughing.

Li Yifei smiled and took Ning Xin'er's shoulders, and said, "Our spring is coming, Xin'er, let's have fun."

Ning Xin'er was still a little worried, but seeing everyone was very relaxed at this time, she also gave a far-fetched smile and said, "Well, I'll take it all out. If something goes wrong, you can't leave me."

Li Yifei laughed and said, "How am I willing, you are my little Xin'er."

"Disgusting!" Ye Yunzhu gave Li Yifei a white look, and then smiled happily. Xu Yingying already has such an attitude, and everyone's life can be imagined. It is really worth looking forward to.

I dealt with Xiao Ling'er and Zheng Yuling’s affairs last week. Li Yifei didn’t have time to deal with the demolition. Now it’s temporarily over there. The family’s affairs are also developing for the better. Li Yifei is even more anxious to take that The plot was built.

On the second day, Li Yifei came to the place where the land was occupied. There was demolition and relocation. The surrounding ordinary houses were already compensated and moved away. Now the steel mill is left who disagrees. After several negotiations, the other party just disagrees. move.

Li Yifei knows very well that the other party either disagrees with the relocation or wants a high price.

The demolition is often justified by the public and the mother-in-law is justified. Those who do not relocate are regarded as nail-bited households, and sometimes they are said to be harassment. Everyone wants to gain the greatest benefit. This is also human nature.

Li Yifei doesn’t care about money very much now. As long as the other party’s requirements are not too different, Li Yifei doesn’t bother to care about the other party. He came here today because he feels that the progress of demolition is too slow. At this time, the weather is warmer and construction can be done. In the end, three or two months later, the building will be completed, but if the other party does not move, the construction will be impossible.

Li Yifei has already obtained an assessment of this steelmaking plant. The initial investment of this steelmaking plant was 35 million yuan. Normally, it is not worth 30 million yuan, including the depreciation of equipment, but because of the land price. Rising, the final estimated price of this factory is still at 30 million.

Today Li Yifei drove that Porsche. When he got there soon, he knew how wrong it was to drive this car today. The road ahead is rugged and the Porsche chassis cannot drive on such a road. Get out of the car and walk inside.

"This road will have to be repaired well in the future, otherwise it will be inconvenient to travel in the future. You should buy an off-road jeep when you go back, or you really can't get in here." Li Yifei walked inside, the more depressed he got off last night. After a rain, the road was not only rugged, but also muddy. I didn't go far, and there was a lot of mud on my shoes and trousers. A suit of tens of thousands of pieces turned into work clothes.

However, the terrain here is still very satisfactory to Li Yifei. After crossing a small river, it is a very open area. Although there are some slopes, such a place does not affect the building, and it has a more layered feeling. Then the water in the small river is introduced. In the yard, it can be regarded as a natural river, and some fish are raised in it, because it is flowing water, it will definitely be more plump.

While watching, Li Yifei sketched out how to build this place in the future. He didn't care about the mud on his feet.

There are still a few empty houses here. Except for the frame of the house, there is nothing left. Although compensation was paid for the relocation, the few families here still took away everything that could be removed from the house. , Including windows or something.

These Li Yifei didn't care, anyway, they had to flatten their heads. If they could move the house, that would be great.

Finally, when he reached the door of the steelmaking plant, Li Yifei couldn't help but shook his head. With such a large steelmaking plant here, the surrounding environment would be polluted. I really don't know why it was built in the first place.

At this moment, there were three cars parked in the courtyard of the steel-making plant, one toast, and two large jeeps. In the mobile board room next to the steel-making plant, there were voices of speech, and Li Yifei walked over.

"Director Zhao, we have been here several times. We just want to talk to you about the demolition and relocation. Just ask what conditions do you have."

"I don't sell it. My steel mill plans to produce it."

"Director Zhao, how can this steel plant still produce? Now that the country is so powerful in environmental protection management, it will definitely not approve production for a heavily polluting company like you."

"That's really a joke. I don't think we have so many large steel plants in our country that are all producing? Is it possible that our country will not produce steel in the future?"

"Of course not, but only large steel plants can continue to produce, but at a scale like yours, it will definitely not be produced. I suggest you sell it well, and the compensation will definitely not make you lose."

Li Yifei heard that there were two people negotiating inside. One of them should be the person in charge of the demolition. He sounded quite polite, but then Director Zhao was quite dragging, but Li Yifei didn’t care. They wanted to fight for something bigger. Benefits, this is not an incomprehensible thing, and whoever is here will almost always do it.

Li Yifei was not in a hurry to get in either. He stood at the window and listened to what the director Zhao meant.

" really underestimated me. I have not produced for the past two years. That is because the steel market is not good and the production efficiency is not high, but it is not that I cannot produce. As long as I want to produce, I can open it tomorrow. Furnace, since I, Zhao Shenggang, can support the steel mill here, I will be able to produce it here."

"Director Zhao, I have already told you all the good things. If you do this, then I really can't help it. I can also give you a word. This land is approved by the above. Think about it. When a large piece of land is approved, the other party must have a strong background. If you have to disagree, if there is any method to be adopted, what policies and regulations will be given to you, and you will demolish your steel plant. I am afraid that you will even compensate. I can't get it."

"Yeah, are you still here to scare me? You treat me as ordinary people? I really disagree today. Let me see, who can demolish my steel factory."

Li Yifei opened the door at this time and walked away, knowing that if we continue to talk like this, there will be no progress. He doesn't want to waste time wrestling with such people.

"Who are you? Get out, is this where you can come in casually?"

As soon as Li Yifei entered the house, a big man at the door stretched out his hand and pushed towards Li Yifei, a guy covered in mud, even dared to come here, that guy didn't even look down on Li Yifei at all.

Li Yifei frowned. From the moment this guy came up, he could tell that the boss of this steel plant was not a good person. In all likelihood, he was a gangster. When dealing with such people, he would subdue them directly. Yes, they will definitely open their mouths. Not only will they bite off a piece of your meat, they will probably want to swallow you even the bones.

On the side of the body, let the opponent push completely empty, the guy staggered forward involuntarily, and Li Yifei hooked his foot by the way. This guy suddenly jumped out and hit the door frame with his head. There was a muffled noise and almost didn't faint.

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