The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2799: Results of the first field

The process is running and the game continues. Li Yifei's diagnosis and treatment speed is very fast, and even makes people feel dazzling. Many people who follow the game on and off the field can't help but think with worry. He took a few quick glances. The method that can diagnose a patient... Is it useful? Are you kidding?

However, people on and off the court can only be worried, including Wu Shuwei and others. They believe in Li Yifei, but they don't know what his situation is.

The game is still going on. Yan Qiu's back, forehead, and hands are sweating. He has a timer on his desk, and there are three minutes left, but he still has five patients who haven't watched it. You must know when the human brain is running at high speed. , The consumption is also very great, as time approaches, Yan Qiu feels nervous, a strong air pressure is oppressing him, and even breathing is not smooth. The hand holding the pen began to sweat a lot, and it felt like I couldn't hold it.

That’s not even counted. The most important thing is that Yan Qiu found that he was a bit poor. In such a short period of time, he diagnosed the condition of twelve people, and only by looking at it. This in itself is very nonsense, and these two As soon as the words appeared, Yan Qiu's mind was filled with these two words, and the operation of his thinking became even more stagnant.

As a result, in the last few patients, his writing speed is getting slower and slower, more and more uncertain, and more and more chaotic. In addition, the language is exhausted, and subconsciously he even wants to avoid the conditions that have been written before.

This is even more a wrong choice. People's bodies are the same, and there are only men and women. The condition and cause of the disease are also likely to be the same. There is nothing wrong with the so-called disease.

Looking at Li Yifei again, his expression was always the same from beginning to end. His expression was indifferent and there was no flustered expression. When there were two minutes left, he was left with the last diagnosed person, a teenage boy. The girl, wearing two cute braids, is not afraid of life. Seeing Li Yifei look over, she smiled at him with two cute dimples on her face. Li Yifei also smiled back, dozens of seconds later, on the paper Wrote: "Good health. No serious illnesses."

After finishing the last diagnosis, Li Yifei motioned to the staff to take away all his diagnoses. Li Yifei was confident in writing these diagnoses. Of course, he could not guarantee that they were all right. After all, it was just a way to feel the other person’s body through power. There are natural constraints in many aspects, so accuracy is also a problem. However, Li Yifei is confident to beat Yan Qiu next to him. No matter how inaccurate my diagnosis is, it will always be more accurate than yours. This is Li Yifei’s confidence. Believe that you will win the game.

The last person diagnosed the matter. Li Yifei put the pen on the table and leaned on the back of the chair. His eyes were slightly squinted, and his gaze swept across the audience. Thousands of people watched. This is something Li Yifei does not have in reality. Encountered.

Looking at Yan Qiu next to him again, he saw his hands trembled slightly. Obviously, he saw that Li Yifei had finished his business and was so severely disturbed that he could not write the next diagnosis. He glanced at the table. At the time, Yan Qiu threw away the pen. There was one minute left, and there were two patients left, so he simply stopped writing.

Yeah, if I can't match you, I won't live anymore, Yan Qiu thought viciously in his heart, and stared back at him, as if it would be a relief.

"The tense game is over, between the two... Our veteran Li Yifei has diagnosed all twelve people, and Senior Yan Qiu has diagnosed ten people. The diagnosis results of the two have been sent to our bench, please The twelve who participated in the diagnosis should not leave. Wait for the diagnosis of the referee's bench to complete, and then the outcome can be drawn. Please also keep quiet, and don't interfere with the diagnosis of the referee." The host said,

"Damn, twelve people have been diagnosed? If the veteran is true this time, then I can only say... Ah's eyes are a human-shaped X-ray machine, which is amazing my big brother!" A famous online The big V couldn't help writing.

"Hahaha, it's still a fierce veteran. Not only did he complete the diagnosis, he also had two more people than the opponent, a minute or two faster."

"If someone can win the diagnosis faster than someone else, then it's better to let me compare. I still think that the speed of writing a few words is not inferior to anyone. You are really enough for the brain-dumping fans. Chinese medicine diagnosis, That is a very strictly forbidden thing, and the diagnosis result in such a short period of time, I absolutely do not believe it, the veteran is completely maliciously vilifying Chinese medicine!

"The sour grapes above, what is it for you or him? Isn't it jumping out to slander the veteran? Come on, bet with Laozi, whoever loses, gambling or not?"

"Bet, why don't you dare to bet, the loser is ****, right? Okay, I bet that Yan Qiu will win this game between the veteran and Yan Qiu, and he will be completely crushed." The person immediately replied.

The conversation between the two was also discovered by netizens, and they immediately praised it to the highest point. Most of them were mocking and questioning the veterans. Of course, there were also people who supported him. After watching the game, everyone added another one. Fun, waiting for the results of the game to come back, after all, will the loser eat it?

The diagnosis of Lao Hu and others is naturally fast and slow, and a variety of methods are used. This is also to make the diagnosis more accurate, but the diagnosis results are also coming out one after another, including Hu Lao, the diagnosis results of several people They came out one after another, first of all, I made a comparison and discussed the reasons for such a diagnosis, and then put them together with the diagnosis of Li Yifei and Yan Qiu for comparison.

In fact, there is no exact comparison rule, but since it is a diagnosis, it is necessary to determine which side is right, which side will win.

The host said a few words to warm up the scene, stepped off the stage, handed the microphone to Mr. Hu, and asked: “Old Mr. Hu, everyone knows that you are the master of Chinese medicine in China. You decide this game. It will definitely be fair, and now you have the result, so...can a ruling be made?"

"We have completed the diagnosis, so we can make a ruling now. Well, now we can compare the diagnosis of the two players with our diagnosis." Old Hu said.

"That's great. Let Hu compare the results." The host immediately said excitedly, and the audience was also nervous. In this competition between Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine, which side is the quack doctor or the quack doctor. One side will naturally be spurned, and the audience on the Internet is the same, all waiting for the result of this first scene.

In fact, this first game is the most suspenseful. Once the results are released, everyone will have a preliminary judgment on Li Yifei's medical level. Is he a liar or really has medical skills? Then watch this one. So people are nervous, waiting for the result.

After Mr. Hu finished speaking, he looked down at the two diagnoses. The first one was Yan Qiu's three-line diagnosis. After reading it, Mr. Hu frowned. Such a panacea-like diagnosis was what he was worried about. As a result, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with what was said, and there was even a basis. But when you think about it carefully, some common diseases are these for people of the patient's age. Therefore, such a diagnosis made Mr. Hu shake his head and write. Scribbled, that is, Mr. Hu and others have a wealth of recognition experience, otherwise most people would not be able to recognize what the word is.

Putting down this one and picking up another one, Mr. Hu's first reaction was that the word was good. Although it was not a word for everyone, it was tangible and spiritual.

As for the diagnosis above... Lao Hu couldn’t help but widen his eyes. This first copy is the one written by Li Yifei about leukemia. This... Lao Hu stopped breathing, but felt a little weird. He found the diagnosis issued by the referee. Naturally, it is impossible to diagnose the patient with leukemia by X-ray, but some signs of the patient can be seen. Hu originally wanted to suggest the patient to go to the hospital for a physical examination to see what went wrong.

In other words, relying on the diagnosis method of traditional Chinese medicine, Hu and others can only see that there is a problem in the patient's body. As for what the problem is, they have not made a specific judgment.

This... the camera was aimed at Mr. Hu. Everyone could clearly see the old man's surprise, confusion and puzzlement. The other famous doctors in the referee's bench were also in the same mood.

However, Li Yifei shook his head. Shaking his head is not about the decision of a few people, but a feeling of helplessness for the child. General malignant diseases are relatively easy to treat in the early stage. The premise is that early detection is required, and many patients are often treated. I went to the hospital for a diagnosis until I felt uncomfortable. It was too late at that time. The same was true for this child. If it weren't for Li Yifei's diagnosis, I'm afraid he would be delayed for a long time.

"This first diagnosis needs to be discussed. It is recommended to go to the hospital for a routine blood test!" Old Hu said after thinking deeply. An old man next to him had taken Mike and said: "The blood routine can only be judged initially. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it is best to do a spinal puncture or a biopsy. Where is the parent of the child? Come up, we have something to explain to you."

The child's parents are also blinded, what's the situation? Didn’t the child do the sample? Why was the first one called up? With suspicion, the parents came on stage, and Mr. Hu turned off Mike and said: “You take your child to the Third People’s Hospital now, and I’ll let someone give it to you. You arrange inspections."

"Hu...Old Hu, what is the disease of my child?" the parent asked.

"I’m not sure yet, so I have to do an examination, but the result of Mr. Li’s diagnosis is...leukemia. Although we are not sure what it is, the cause has also been diagnosed. It doesn’t look very good. If it’s an early stage, then it’s not. It's difficult to treat, so you can take your child for diagnosis first." Old Hu said.

The parent was immediately blindfolded, and his body shook a few times, which was obviously unbelievable. The staff helped her down and arranged for staff to send her and the child to diagnose.

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