Only then did the women understand the status of Elder Hu, Li Xinyue said: "Then this game should be fair, and the referees will not favor those quacks!"

"That's for sure, Hu's appearance seems to want to use this incident to express to the society the position of Chinese medicine doctors!"

"It's starting, sisters, sit back quickly." Su Li said excitedly. On the TV, the host had announced the start of the game. A timer appeared on the screen. Every three minutes, a mark appeared on it. Anyway, a total of thirty minutes. If you have a lot of space in front of you, the patients in the back will not be able to see enough.

The final judgment standard is determined by the referee team. There is no specific standard, but the four members of the referee team promise to be fair and guaranteed by their reputation.

At the beginning of the competition, one patient in the twelfth group walked to Li Yifei's side, and the other person walked to Yan Qiu and stood one meter apart. Upon request, they were all wearing shorts and short sleeves. The part is exposed.

The contestants must not talk nonsense to ensure fairness.

Wu Shuwei clenched his fist and said that it is false not to be nervous. If this game loses, Li Yifei can't help losing one billion yuan, and the loss is even more face, so he can't lose. Although Wu Shuwei knows Li Yifei's magic, he still can't help it. tension.

Mr. Hu and others sat down the stage, waiting for the patient who had been diagnosed by the two on the stage to step down, and they would make another diagnosis while observing both sides.

I saw Li Yifei looking up at the child in front of him. He looked like eighty or ninety, standing there a little timidly. Li Yifei smiled at him, and the child smiled back. The distance of one meter is actually very close. Li Yifei could smell some of the other person's body, smell... the milk that I should drink in the morning, the smell of eggs, and the smell of chocolate.

Well, this is no longer hope, but smell. Li Yifei smiled, looked at the little boy, let out his power, and surrounded the little boy, as if forming an invisible position, there is even a kind of invisible that can be used at any time The power lifted the little boy up.

Of course this is impossible. At least today Li Yifei can’t do this. The power is overwhelmed. Li Yifei’s perception ability is released. The little boy is not a cultivator. Naturally, he has no resistance at all. In less than a minute, Li Yifei can Basic judgments have been made.

Whether a person has a disease or not is almost a certain thing. When a person has a disease, it will definitely happen, but the human body’s own immune system is also very strong. Some diseases will not show up at all, just like there are countless bacteria in the human body. Viruses can even occupy less than half of the human body's mass, but they do not affect the normal survival of the human body, so this is not a disease.

As for the disease, the little boy is really sick. Although it is not serious, it is also a disease that is extremely difficult to treat—leukemia. There are many types of leukemia, which can also be called a blood cancer. It is a very difficult disease to treat, and it is dead. The rate is very high, especially among minors.

Li Yifei was almost certain that this symptom had occurred in the boy's body. He couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect that the first patient diagnosed had encountered this condition. The child was only eight or nine years old and had a nearly terminal illness.

With a sigh, Li Yifei wrote down the boy's number on the paper, and wrote: "Leukemia, the type is unknown, it needs to be checked specifically, and there is another fracture in the bone. Although healed, the bone is not in the correct position, so it will still be very uncomfortable!

This is his judgment. If someone is watching at this time, he will probably be dumbfounded, and then shake his head again and again. He will never believe this. Just looking at it, can you tell that the other person has leukemia? Isn't this nonsense? Either knowing the child's condition in advance, or just talking nonsense. After all, leukemia requires a certain amount of time to detect and it is impossible to get results immediately.

Of course, no second person will see it at this time, and the camera is not allowed to capture the text on the medical certificate. It can only be announced after the judge's judgment. Li Yifei's handwriting is very beautiful, with dragons flying and phoenix dancing, but he can recognize it at a glance. Unlike those doctors, what he wrote is basically a scripture, or ghost painting.

A patient looked over, and Li Yifei said, "Next one."

"What? The veteran has finished watching a patient?" The audience in the audience was all stunned. This is too fast. After checking the time, more than a minute has passed. Then I finished watching a patient and wrote Finished the medical certificate?

"No, veteran, are you playing." The netizens in front of the Internet can't help shaking their heads. It's not that they don't believe in the veterans. It's really hard to believe.

The Li family members breathed a sigh of relief. They saw Li Yifei's expression and were very relaxed, and they knew that he was very confident, so they didn't worry about it.

Old Hu and others were also slightly surprised. They didn’t expect Li Yifei to be so fast. They even prepared to ask for a delay if they couldn’t finish the diagnosis when they saw it. After all, this kind of game itself is extremely unfair to Li Yifei. He is not a Chinese medicine doctor. Although he has learned a little bit, Hu doesn't believe that he can really master Chinese medicine. However, Li Yifei quickly diagnosed the first patient, which made them stunned.

Yan Qiu next to him was trying to condense his mind and breath, and make a concentrating diagnosis...Oh, it can also be said to be concentrating on guessing the condition. It is really difficult for him to judge the basic condition after just a few glances, so two minutes later, Yan Qiu He wrote: "Lack of qi and blood, weak liver function, lack of sleep, irregular menstruation, cold hands and feet..."

Yan Qiu had already used three minutes after he finished writing for the next patient to play. This is because he has already written quickly, and over there, Li Yifei has already diagnosed the second patient. I don’t know if it was his luck or a coincidence. The second patient was also sick. Although he seemed to have a smile on his face, Li Yifei felt that he was sick. He had a heart problem. After five or six strokes, he would jump very weakly and his face was red. There are also problems with the heart and brain blood vessels, but they are not the key. The key is that there is a problem with the person’s lungs, which Li Yifei can perceive, but he is not sure whether it is swelling, lung fluid, or cancer, so he wrote: "Heart There are arrests, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and serious lung problems."

Because he wasn’t sure, he didn’t write it so eloquently, and Yan Qiu over there was a little anxious. He had only read one, and the other side had read two patients. This is too nonsense. What is so fast? So thinking of this, Yan Qiu wanted to speed up so that he would lose to Li Yifei in terms of the speed of diagnosis.

However, Li Yifei's speed has always been so fast, which also made the audience in front of the audience and the Internet very uncomprehending, thinking that Li Yifei's speed is too fast, it is simply... nonsense, if a person's condition is diagnosed so fast If so, how many doctors are still used.

There was nothing wrong with the third patient. Li Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he should not wear a halo of doom. If one diagnoses a person, one has a problem. If he can choose, he would rather these people have no major problems.

Soon six patients passed by. Li Yifei began to diagnose the patient Yan Qiu had diagnosed. It was a woman, about nineteen years old, with a pale face and light make-up on her face. She was a little shy, standing by Li Yifei. In front of her, with her hands stirred in front of her abdomen, and after looking at Li Yifei, the little girl became even more ruddy and bit her lip lightly. Li Yifei smiled at her, and the little girl smiled at him.

This girl was diagnosed by Yan Qiu just now. It was the same routine. Because he knew that he was young, he did not write about gynecological diseases. Instead, he wrote about irregular menstruation, beware of cold palace, keep warm, avoid being cold, staying up late, and having severe hair loss. Because in his subjective consciousness, such a little girl should live without X, so he didn't think about gynecological diseases, otherwise he had to write about gynecological diseases.

However, Li Yifei found something wrong. This girl not only has X life, but also won the bid. There are clearly two breaths of life in her lower abdomen, and it has been more than two months. In other words, she has become a big embryo. Oh, it's two embryos. They look like twins. It's just that the girl is wearing loose shorts and short sleeves, so it doesn't look obvious, but this is also because when it is two months old, there is no obvious display.

Li Yifei looked at the ruddy, shy girl, sighed in his heart, and wrote: "The fetus in the abdomen is about two to three months old. For twins, parents are advised to take them to the hospital for examination. YIN tract inflammation is serious. There is a rancid smell across the clothes. If you want to have a baby, it is recommended to have this treatment first."

This is the medical certificate he wrote down. If you give it to Yan Qiu, he will probably lose all his smiling teeth, because in Yan Qiu's eyes, it is absolutely impossible. Can a girl under twenty years of age get pregnant? ? Of course it can, but Yan Qiu didn't see the slightest sign of her being pregnant, and he was only two or three months old, so he really couldn't tell.

Li Yifei had finished writing one piece of paper, replaced it with another one, pressed it down, nodded to the girl, and said, "Next one."

Yan Qiu only saw four patients. Li Yifei has already read seven of them. This speed can definitely be said to be fast, and the time has only passed twelve minutes, and there are eighteen minutes. There are still five people who need diagnosis, which is actually enough , This is Li Yifei slowing down some speed.

Heming and Wang Dafu also seemed surprised over there. Of course, they still think that Li Yifei is pretending, and it is absolutely impossible to have this ability and be able to diagnose so quickly.

Lao Hu and others have already started to diagnose the first patient. Similarly, Li Yifei’s first diagnosis is placed on their desk, with a number on it. Lao Hu and others diagnosed that person separately and then combined their respective diagnosis results. Write it down and compare it with the diagnosis of Li Yifei and Yan Qiu. If most of them are consistent, then the diagnosis can be judged to be correct.

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