"I thought about it, but there is actually another reason!" Li Yifei said. 『81 Chinese Ω』ΔNet

Wu Shuwei immediately asked, "What's the reason?"

"Were you so radical or extreme when you and I were at that age?"

"No, I was fine at the time, but you...you fell in love and fought, and you gave Wu Shuwei...so you are different from me."

"Don’t always mention that thing. At that time, I was young and ignorant! Well, this is not the key. What I want to say is that there are many children who are online now, especially those who are active on Weibo or some Q&A knowledge sharing platforms. In fact, there is a common phenomenon among high school and college students, that is, from birth, the general life is relatively superior, at least countless times better than when I was at that time, and even some people can be carefree for a lifetime, even without work. Peace of mind, buy what you want to buy, and play whatever you want to play!"

"Are you mapping me? Okay, my family education is quite strict. I have never had any of these. Now I can buy and play, but I don't like it." Wu Shuwei said.

"It's not about you, but about a large group of children. Their parents work hard and make money so that their children don't have to endure the same hardships as they do, and this is what created a group of children in terms of thinking. Immature, they may have been exposed to astronomy and geography, various musical instruments, and even film and television drama lace news since childhood, but lack of life, don’t know if you can understand this sentence, they rarely participate in real life, for example, Washing clothes, cooking, and some things that are really often encountered in life. They may be very involved in their age group because of the care of their parents, the pampering of their family members, and their own resistance. ."

Wu Shuwei nodded in agreement, and said: "This is true, but some children can't be said to be pampered, but their parents work hard, and they want their children to not have to take the hard work!"

"As a father, I have several children, so the question I have to think about first is whether or not to make children suffer from snacks. To be honest, when I see these children on the Internet, I am a little scared, and even feel that they suffer from snacks. No matter whether it is a boy or a girl, it should be. This may be caused by my peasant thinking, but Mengxin and the others also agree with this view."

"How specific?"

"Let’s continue just now. For example, if you go to those knowledge sharing platforms, people on the top will ask many questions, and then professional or non-professional people will answer them. I have seen a question below, and several respondents will personally experience it. When the story was told, the comment area became a piece: "Ah, how could such a thing happen, oh my god, it’s impossible, you are making up a story, or, I don’t believe it, I’ve never encountered such a thing in my life. Thing. "


"In fact, those things are some negative things encountered in life, and then make those children unbelievable, can't believe it, feel that they have not encountered them, there will be no in life, and in my opinion, those things live It’s not that it doesn’t exist, but it’s everywhere. They can’t see it, and they don’t blame it. It’s their parents who work hard, make money, and create a relatively happy environment for them."

"This is the meaning of... "Xiao Xing", right? The kind of person you mentioned, I have also met, maybe I am also that kind of person, so although I have experienced some things, but today Seeing these things about you, I am still a little surprised, and feel that the Three Views have been changed." Wu Shuwei said,

Li Yifei smiled slightly and nodded: "It’s not that I want to change you. It’s just that it’s better to understand some things. This doesn’t mean that you have to change accordingly. For example, it’s like a wrong thing. We know that it’s It’s wrong, so just avoid it everywhere. It’s not that this thing is wrong, so I have to try it and I have a concrete reflection in my heart.”

"So, do you blame the parents for this?"

"No, I don’t blame the parents. I’m the parent now, the father of a few children. If I were to choose the one who just retired from the army or the one I am now, I would choose now a thousand percent. But I can provide a lot of things to my children and my family. From the time the child is born, I don’t need to worry about raising the child’s money. As long as money can buy, I can give it to the child. I just I have to think about how to educate my children, rearing them up, rearing is behind, and education is the first! What I want to think about is how to educate my children not to do so, so that they can understand a lot of things even when they are young. I have personally experienced each kind of truth...Ah, I have to sigh when I say this, because it's too difficult!"

Wu Shuwei understood Li Yifei's heart a bit. He sighed several times tonight, all from the perspective of a father, for the consideration of his children. As a family, there are house rules in the family. Among the big families in the provincial capital, There are also many rules, especially in the training of the next generation, there are many rules. Unfortunately, the specific implementation often makes mistakes. The Li family has been established for a few years, and there should be family rules, especially the next generation has begun to thrive. It may not be a few years before, like the eldest daughter and the second daughter will appear slim, this rule should be established early.

She leaned on Li Yifei’s shoulder and said, “I used to think that you were amazing and human, but today I understand you who are more real. In addition to being unpredictable and omnipresent, in addition to lustful life, and thinking about being a father !"

"Wait, why am I lustful?" Li Yifei immediately interrupted Wu Shuwei.

"Aren't you lustful enough? There are so many women in the family!"

"Conscience of heaven and earth, am I lustful tonight? Otherwise, if I am so lustful, wouldn't it be..."

"What do you want? I warn you, don't hit my idea, otherwise I..." Wu Shuwei said, clenching his fist and making a threatening gesture. Li Yifei couldn't help laughing, and raised his hand to hold Wu Shuwei. Wrapped his small fist in his palm, and gently squeezed it, Li Yifei said: "When are you willing, when shall we...Oh, you are serious."

When Li Yifei was halfway through the conversation, Wu Shuwei elbows him and hit him on his stomach. It hurts to the point that it doesn't hurt, but he still has to pretend to be painful. Who made his words too straightforward.

"Don't talk nonsense, or I won't be so light next time!" Wu Shuwei warned.

Li Yifei waved his hand and said, "Well, I won't talk nonsense, but I can do it tonight, right, you can't deny this!"

"You have to dare, too!" Wu Shuwei said with no nose.

Anyway, as a parent, Li Yifei has more things to consider. Tonight is only two people chatting, so he can speak out if he dares to speak, but Wu Shuwei has never considered these things before, or now, how to educate children For her, it’s too far away. After all, she doesn’t even have a boyfriend, let alone a child. So tonight, I was stimulated by Li Yifei a little bit. I think what this guy said makes sense. , Also very profound.

Li Yifei’s **** rolled up Wu Shuwei’s wisp of show, gently wrapped around her hand, and once... The two really said a lot tonight, especially Wu Shuwei, she has a deeper understanding of Li Yifei. I really think he is very good.

The change in mentality is directly reflected in the vigilance of the body. Li Yifei, who has played with his head enough, even has the opportunity to slowly lower the hand that has been stretched out for a long time, slip off his shoulders, and put his arms directly around his waist. Wu Shuwei is not stretched. Tight, naturally reacted, but did not push him away.

"I'm a little sleepy." Wu Shuwei said after five minutes or so.

"Then go upstairs to sleep?" Li Yifei asked.

"En, good!" Wu Shuwei nodded.

Li Yifei was a little bit regretful. If he could hug her like this, even if he was leaning against the sand, it was a pity that Wu Shuwei didn't give a chance, so he let go, stood up first, pulled Wu Shuwei up, and said, "I will send you upstairs. !"

"I... OK." Wu Shuwei wanted to say that he could go, but he agreed.

The two went upstairs one after another. Li Yifei kept sending Wu Shuwei into the bedroom, waving his hand and saying, "Lie down first, I'll turn off the light for you!"

"Thank you." Wu Shuwei'obediently' lay on the quilt first and covered the quilt. Li Yifei made a gesture of blowing a kiss and pressed the switch. The room became quiet for an instant. Wu Shuwei's eyesight temporarily declined, while Li Yifei was. Looking at each other clearly, Wu Shuwei pursed his mouth, and a thick smile appeared on his face. Li Yifei's heart was warm, and he wanted to walk over and kiss the woman, but when she saw that she then yawned. Li Yifei knew she was really tired, so he turned and went downstairs.

When Li Yifei went downstairs, Wu Shuwei stretched out his hand and rubbed his face, and muttered softly, "Good man, it's too lustful, otherwise it's definitely the best time."

"Take it slowly, step by step!" Li Yifei was also muttering. Of course, he didn't calculate Wu Shuwei, but felt that it was good to fall in love slowly. He enjoyed it a little bit. As for the words tonight, the comments and comments on some specific groups Analysis, that was what Li Yifei thought about several times, but he never said it. It is conceivable that if he says this on Weibo, it will inevitably lead to a heated discussion, and it will soon be searched. Kind.

However, Li Yifei still did not intend to say it. After all, some things should be the same. If they are said, they may ruin the three views of people. Moreover, he understands that even if they are said, they will not help. Those who have already formed It will not change because of this, and there will be many people in Li Yifei's private letters who are confidently asking for money.

After tidying up, Li Yifei also lay down, but he was not sleepy.

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