The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2771: Internet

"What's the matter?" Li Yifei just closed his eyes and hurriedly opened his eyes when he heard the call. As a result, he saw Wu Shuwei pressing his fingers again and again, wanting to quit. By accident, his cell phone stuck for a while, and he saw the screen. The picture above is a picture of a naked sex, and the key part is not covered. The private letter contains more than this one, and there are even more than ten copies in total. Wu Shuwei hadn't noticed it before, so she clicked on it. At that time, it was an exclamation.

Li Yifei also saw it. Wu Shuwei's face turned red with a brush, like cooked prawns. Li Yifei was also taken aback. He didn't expect it to be like this. Before speaking, Wu Shuwei threw the phone over and fell into his arms. Inside, his face has already moved to the other side.

Li Yifei gave a dry smile and said, "This...someone like this, but I don't usually read it. I don't see so many private messages. They are cleaned up regularly. Don't get me wrong!"

"How come there are such people, are they crazy?" Wu Shuwei couldn't help but said.

"Well, it's a woman's body and not a man's. Don't be shy. As for the question of whether you are crazy or not, I can tell you responsibly that they are not crazy, but they are also crazy, although I don't think much. Private messages, but I know that many women send me this kind of pictures every day, and even men. They are young, beautiful, and some of them are even very good, but they are not ashamed, or they feel that they are sending this kind of one-on-one. Photos, there is no shame, in short, every day, but I know that they are not crazy, many of them have an idea, if they are taken by me, they can climb to the sky in one step, after all, I have other aspects There is no taint, but the name of **** is still spread far, which is why I have received so much." Li Yifei explained: "Even if there is no status, some girls want me to sleep. On the one hand, I am Ning Province. The richest man, and lecherous, on the other hand, I am still a veteran. After creating this image of a justice messenger, many young little girls are driven by personal worship and willingly dedicate themselves."

In this passage, Li Yifei said very calmly, as if he was not talking about himself. Wu Shuwei listened blankly, and then heard Li Yifei continue to say: "This is something I didn't expect when I established Weibo. It was nothing more than establishing Weibo at the time. I want to say something, but now it seems to be a burden. The positive image of this Weibo makes me pay attention to my words and deeds in my life. To a certain extent, it promotes, but it is more restrictive. Mention, just talk about this matter. When I first received it, frankly speaking, I was angry. Who is not curious about the body of a young girl? Who doesn't want to look at the private parts? But this is just thinking, not doing it. Now they took the initiative to not cherish themselves and sent it to me. I couldn’t figure out this behavior at the time. Later I figured it out. This is not something that can be summed up in a few words. There are social faults and teacher faults. , There are the faults of the children’s parents and family members, and the faults of various public opinion guidance in all aspects. These mistakes pile up, causing the girls who are growing up to either self-indulge and degenerate, or be curious!"

"I wanted to mention this issue many times, and I believe that it is not just that I received such photos or verbal harassment, some other celebrities, big Vs, etc., will definitely receive it, the whole The Internet users on the Internet are now generally younger. They have smartphones in their teens and can register and apply for an account, and then they can publish and see these things. In addition, some bad guys and disgusting people must be guided, how can they control Got it?"

What Li Yifei said was messy. In fact, he himself was helpless. After spending several days studying the psychology of these girls, Li Yifei finally gave up because it was too big. He can only hope that every girl or boy’s parent, You can really lead by example and use specific words and deeds to guide your children instead of stocking, upbringing, and upbringing. If you don't teach well, don't give birth to them as soon as possible to avoid becoming a scumbag.

Wu Shuwei nodded, then sighed, and said, "Actually, I can understand a little bit, but sometimes I feel helpless. I think you really have to persuade them. The best thing is to persuade them not to adoration of personality, to be sensible, and to understand the bottom line. If you like a celebrity, don’t dedicate your body. Oh, money is not enough. If you are rich, then say another thing."

"Yes, it’s a pity that you don’t understand some children. Do you think I have not persuaded? One-on-one persuasion is useless. A child in his teens knows about falling in love and knows ZUO love. How do you persuade them? She knew that her body was very valuable, and it didn’t matter even if she didn’t study or work hard now. She knew that in a few years she would be able to eat with her body, and what she could even have. I couldn’t help asking her why. What do you think you want, guess how that kid answered me?"

"How to say?"

"She said that the two sisters in the family are like this. Now one is in Tiannan, and I forgot where the other is. Anyway, I am alive and chic. It is called a nourishment. If you want to travel, you can travel. You can eat whatever you want. Buy what you buy, and then as a younger sister, she has all kinds of envy, and she has a lot of things in her ears, and she knows more about the set of sets in her mouth than I know! So, in order to be more powerful than her sister, she gave it to I am not malicious when I send these photos. I guess she will also send them to many people. This is called "Guang Casting the Net." Li Yifei still feels lingering fears when he talks about it. educational? What kind of atmosphere is at home that can make the children hold this kind of thinking?

Li Yifei didn’t know, and he couldn’t think of it. Wu Shuwei was the same. Such a world was too far away from her. It was not a world at all. Wu Shuwei never thought that there would be people and things like this at such a young age. Are you telling a story?

Of course, she knew that Li Yifei would not make jokes about this kind of thing, so he was not telling a story, but the truth. Especially when she saw it just now, the body of the girl in the photo... is clearly just developing, not too old.

At first, she still wondered what these girls pictured. Li Yifei gave her an answer. Now Wu Shuwei has only an ideological shock.

Regardless of Li Yifei's private messages, she still doesn't know there will be so many things.

"Men too?"

“The online world is too impetuous and relatively secretive, so many people’s true hearts have been released. Men are the same. I’m fine. Few men harass me and send me photos, but I believe that many women V, celebrities and the like, because of their gender, they will receive more harassing photos and words than mine. Never overestimate the moral bottom line of some people."

"I knew it well. Some time ago, there were many people's sneak shots on the Internet. I was shocked at the time. Fortunately, I rarely go to the bathroom outside, and now I don't dare." Wu Shuwei said.

Li Yifei smiled helplessly and said, "I did it that time, alas!"

"Ah? You picked it out?" Wu Shuwei said in surprise.

"It's okay to use the word pull. Anyway, I expanded it to the entire network, coupled with the specific implementation of Chu Xiaoyao and others at home, so I picked out these abnormalities one after another, brought them to justice, and even urged the country. Special legislation, this is a good thing!"

"Of course it's a good thing, it's a great thing. Yifei, you know, when I learned about this, my whole person was not very good. I was still thinking about how such an abnormality existed. There are all kinds of identities. I remember that at the beginning, the person was a graduate student. In the school, the girls went to the toilet... When I thought about the identity of the other person, I was like swallowing a fly."

"Graduate students? There are also professors. This matter has nothing to do with academic qualifications. It is entirely about personal moral quality and mental health. Perverted people do perverted things, but they have to endure perverted methods. There is nothing to say." Li Yifei Tao.

Wu Shuwei shook her head repeatedly. Obviously this is a bit ruining her three views. She slapped her tongue and said: "This is really long-sighted, alas, I will be careful in the future, especially now that the shooting equipment is so advanced. I remember that there are pinhole cameras. Right!"

"You know too little. We learned that there are not only pinhole cameras, but also various shapes. So, for this reason, relevant departments and some online shops have directly shut down a group of people selling this kind of thing. Shops can be regarded as doing some good things. Although it is impossible to completely eliminate containment, at least it makes it difficult for criminals to find channels."

"This thing is so good, I personally top you out!" Wu Shuwei said.

"Haha, there is a long way to go. As I said just now, I made such a big V. Now I find that the responsibility is getting heavier and heavier, because some fans really lack the ability to distinguish themselves. What you say and do is easy It’s more worrying to be believed by them as the most common sayings. If I say something wrong, they might just do it. Wouldn’t it be because I’m also harming society in disguise and harming them.”

"Are you sure this is the case? Are they really so mindless?"

"You can see the comments below some hot news events. The pages are full of words that make you feel speechless. In addition to the promotion of many people on the Internet, you will be easily biased."

Wu Shuwei didn’t believe it very much, so he found a hot news, which was very controversial news, and when he clicked it in, it was either unsatisfactory or very extreme. Of course, there are still some positive views. People, this makes Wu Shuwei feel a little more comfortable, she sighed: "Let you be right, people in this area are really...Is it because the age of the Internet is too young, so the cognitive ability is limited?"

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