The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1771: Sister help me revenge

Important note, this book will be renamed "Super Soldier King in the City" in the near future. Please pay attention to readers.

Li Xianjin’s reaction was not slow. When he saw Li Yifei move, he was ready to shoot, but it was still too late. It took a process from brain reaction, giving orders, and body reaction. So this shot Li Xianjin directly pointed at him. Shot from the sky.

"Hey!" With a loud noise, the bullet shot out of the gun. The migrant workers behind Li Yifei turned pale in shock. Many people squatted subconsciously, while the migrant workers on the periphery simply turned around and ran away, hiding far away. .

Li Yifei did not dodge. He dashed forward, his body leaped, and punched Li Xianxun’s face with a fist. His other hand had already snatched the gun in his hand, followed by a knee bump, and Li Xianxian was like a boil. The cooked prawns crouched and made a retching sound in their mouths.

In a blink of an eye, Li Yifei abolished Li Xianyang, grabbed the gun, and pointed it at Li Xianjin's head in turn.

Li Yifei was expressionless, with his fingers on the trigger, he even wanted to shoot Li Xianxian, but he didn't do that after all. Instead, he waited for Li Xianxun to slow down and kicked it out again. On Li Xian Xian’s face, he kicked his fragile nose and spurted blood.

Li Xianxian was lying on the ground. At this time, he had the same idea as the black dog. How bad is it for him to be beaten like this?

Before Li Yifei let him go, he played for a while before stopping. The hand holding the gun turned and closed the insurance. Li Yifei was about to call and call the relevant person in charge to be there.

As soon as the mobile phone was taken out, a few migrant workers gathered around. All of them were just helping him to speak. At this time, he was dragging him and whispering, "Man, run away, thank you for this matter today. , But the Handing Group has a big backing, and you beat everyone up, they will really trouble you when you look back."

"Yeah, run!"

A few people persuaded you with a word and no one paid attention. At this time, a few people walked in at the door. The head of the woman was a woman. The dress was very fashionable and very revealing. The chest was opened very low and almost exposed. Half of her chest, a deep gully was also revealed. The woman was wearing big sunglasses on her face and a valuable handbag in her hands. She had walked over on a sway, but she saw so many people at the door. It was a meal, I took off my eyes and swept around, frowned, and muttered: "What does this kid do, why are so many people around the door, and what is going on with this door!"

When she was muttering, the woman didn't stop and continued to walk inside. Just now Li Xianxian shot and scared away many migrant workers. By this time, there was no blockage.

Li Xianxian was full of blood and body pain at this time, but he hated Li Yifei even more. If he could, he could not wait to pounce on the **** man with his teeth, but he even wanted to hide first, and then summon the manpower to deal with Li Yifei.

As soon as he raised his head, Li Xianxian saw a woman approaching. He immediately rejoiced, grinning and making a sound similar to wailing, and shouted: "Sister, sister, help me, oooo, I'm going to be beaten died!"

After the woman walked in and saw a lot of people lying on the ground, she knew that something was wrong, but she would never think that her brother had something wrong, she was still thinking, even if this stinky kid is teaching people, don’t teach in the company. Ah, so many people are watching it, how bad it is to pass it back.

But as soon as he heard Li Xian Xian’s changed tune for help, the woman was immediately shocked, and when she saw that the person lying on the ground more than 20 meters away was extending a hand towards her, the image was as miserable as she was Sadly, the woman recognized that it was her own brother!

She screamed and hurriedly ran towards Li Xianxun.

Li Yifei also saw the woman and saw her running towards Li Xianxun.

"Oh, it's Li Xianxian's sister who is here..." the man who was around Li Yifei persuading him to run quickly reminded him in a low voice.

Li Yifei asked him who Li Xianjin’s sister was, and the man quickly explained Li Xianjin’s affairs to Li Yifei.

Here, Li Xianjin’s older sister, Li Xiaohua, grabbed her younger brother, and when she saw his younger brother’s miserable appearance, she instantly became furious and asked Li Xianjin sharply, who had beaten him like this.

Li Xiaohua subconsciously thought it was the **** group of migrant workers. Li Xianxian held back for a while before pointing at the surrounded Li Yifei, and said with difficulty: "Sister, it's him, oooo, he beat us all! , You quickly ask brother-in-law to bring someone to avenge me!"

Like her younger brother, Li Xiaohua came out of society before finishing junior high school. She started working in a restaurant, but there was no money at all. Fortunately, Li Xiaohua grew up well, so someone paid her attention. Just be a lady, this stuff comes quickly, if you are more careful, save some money for a few years, look back and find an honest man to marry, it will be the same for the rest of your life.

I don’t know what ethical things honest people did in their previous life. They used to be spare tires for these women in this life. Anyway, Li Xiaohua believed her. She resigned from a restaurant and was introduced to a bar and became a princess. It was out of control.

Relying on his youth, good figure, good face, and a good life, Li Xiaohua quickly made a name for himself. Many big bosses called her out. After working for a period of time, Li Xiaohua got to know the current head of Handing Group. Manager Zhou Yangqing, Zhou Yangqing just got divorced from his wife. When they went to the bar, they met Li Xiaohua. After a few times, the two got closer. After learning that Zhou Yangqing was rich and still the big boss, Li Xiaohua felt that she The opportunity is here.

After some tactics, Li Xiaohua and Zhou Yangqing came together and left the bar to concentrate on being Zhou Yangqing's lover.

After training in the bar for a long time, Li Xiaohua really has a good hand in serving men. Zhou Yangqing was fascinated by her. That’s why Li Xianhua’s younger brother Li Xianjin entered the Handing Group and became a fat man. .

Zhou Yangqing had no intention of publicizing this matter, but he couldn't stand Li Xianjin from showing up everywhere. Soon people in the company knew the relationship between the two, so they were so tolerant of Li Xianjin. The company’s financial affairs did not go back to check Li Xianjin’s account. , Acquiescing him to make some gray income.

Of course, this is a digression. Li Xiaohua now wears gold and silver, costs tens of thousands of dollars for a suit, and drives a BMW. From a village flower to a princess, she has turned into a fashion beauty.

Seeing her younger brother being beaten like this by a man, Li Xiaohua couldn't stand it immediately. When she was working in a bar, her pungent energy also broke out. She stepped on her high heels and pushed away a migrant worker who stood in front of her, angry. He pointed at Li Yifei, and sternly cursed as soon as he opened his mouth: "Fuck boy, do you dare to beat my brother? My old lady killed you today!"

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