The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1770: Who is looking for death

Important note, this book will be renamed "Super Soldier King in the City" in the near future

Three months ago, shortly after the construction site started, Li Xianxian and a few so-called friends went to Macau together. The original intention was to travel. But after these people went there, they were shocked by the flower world over there. After a few people got into the casino, they went crazy. Li Xianxian himself likes to gamble, and he and the black dog and others often gamble. Anyway, there is nothing to do on weekdays. There is a special responsibility on the construction site. People, he went and just wandered around.

But this kind of gambling is not the same as the kind of gambling that a few people get together, and it's even different from the underground casinos that Li Xianxian often goes to. Macau's casinos can have as many gambling games as there are. People still bring women, so they are more pretending to be in front of women.

In this pretend comparison, Li Xianxian put himself in, especially Li Xianxian. In just two days, he lost 10 million yuan, and his own money was only a few hundred thousand for this million yuan. , No more than 500,000 yuan at most, and the remaining nine million yuan is all engineering funds.

Fortunately, the project had just started at that time, and there was not much money to spend. Generally, everything needed in the early stage can be owed, and it is enough to settle the bill at the end.

Li Xianxian had won five million at the beginning. He felt that his luck was very good, so he thought about winning more. How could he have to win ten million. He even agreed that if he won ten million, he would give him on the spot. One million female companion, let her consume.

But it didn't take long before Li Xianxian began to lose money. He lost five million won and even lost four million that day.

Li Xianxian was willing to stop there. He felt that he was lucky. He lost because he was too impulsive and greedy. If he sees a good deal, he will definitely win.

So he went again the next day, and this time directly lost all the remaining money.

When he is out of money, the casino will not let him continue to gamble. You can also gamble. You can either report all kinds of information about yourself and then borrow money from the casino, or get out.

Li Xianxian didn't dare to borrow the money. He also realized that he had been calculated by the casino, but he couldn't say anything. In the end, he ran back to the mainland with his friends and returned to Yecheng.

At first, Li Xianxian was scared. He was worried that he would be discovered if he embezzled public funds. Then things would become a big deal. But in the following month, no one asked about the money, and the company’s accounting did not ask Li Xianxian. With this money, Li Xianxian gradually settled down.

Handing Group has a very good reputation. Backed by the Li family, all partners, large and small, are not worried that Handing Group will default on their accounts. Therefore, even if there are occasional defaults, everyone is not in a hurry. Some people even take the initiative to help Handing Group explain .

The second month passed quickly. Li Xianxian had completely stabilized. According to his thoughts, he owed thousands of millions. This is nothing. Any project under construction is hundreds of millions. One billion, such a comparison, oneself secretly misappropriated ten million and lost, it really is not money.

But a deficit is a deficit, and Li Xianxian has never thought of where to get a sum of money to fill this hole first.

If you delay for a month, those people can still accept it. If you delay for two months, some people can’t sit still. The key is that the Handing Group has not given a reply. Even if the deadline is met, Li Xianjin made a Stupid, he got another sum of money, which was also used to settle the project, but he was worried that the big partners would make trouble, so he gave the money to the big partners first, instead of settling the workers' wages.

As a result, today's incident happened. Some workers couldn't help but assemble here and ask Li Xianjin for money. They didn't know anyone else and knew that the payer was Li Xianjin.

Li Xianxian wanted to hide at first. How could he have experienced this kind of thing, because the black dog said that this matter was handed over to him to ensure that it was okay. This was in Li Xianxian's arms, and he did not realize that these workers were actually real. He dared to push down the door and rush in. In Li Xianxian's view, two months' wages in arrears were a very common thing, and he would not come in.

The black dog is also a tiger, so he immediately fired. Li Xianxian stood on the second floor and saw the black dog draw a gun, so he wanted to scold him, but he shouldn't show up at this time, so he could only go with the black dog.

Then he saw Li Yifei suddenly jump out and knock down a piece of younger brother. At this time, he had to come forward, otherwise the matter would not end today.

The key is that this matter cannot be expanded, otherwise Li Xianxian feels that even if the cheap brother-in-law hurts his sister, he will not let him go.

If it were not for Li Yifei, this matter would not have been so serious today. Those migrant workers who dared to do it were beaten by the black dog and others, and it would be over. But when Li Yifei jumped out, the situation became uncontrollable.

So Li Xianxian was very angry, he really wanted to collapse Li Yifei.

"Who the **** are you?" Li Xianxian hated Li Yifei very much at this time, and the hand holding the gun was shaking.

Li Yifei said indifferently: "I want to know more, why the Handing Group does not pay wages, and a company worth billions of dollars can't even send millions?"

"What does this have to do with you?"

"The relationship is big. If these people make trouble, it will be a serious mass incident. You will definitely not be the only one who will be unlucky at that time!"

"Cut...that's not something you care about, do you think you are Li Yifei?" Li Xianxian was thinking about how to deal with the person in front of him. First of all, he started beating people. This is absolutely unforgivable. Should you blackmail some money? ? Even hundreds of thousands will do, and it can be temporarily relieved.

If Li Xianxian has hundreds of thousands at this time, at least the wages of these migrant workers can be paid, to relieve his urgent need.

But does this person have so much money?

Li Yifei laughed, and was amused by Li Xianjin, and replied, "What if I were Li Yifei?"

"Hahaha!" Li Xianxian seemed to have heard the funniest joke, and laughed enough before he said: "If you are Li Yifei, is it his father?"

Li Yifei’s eyes immediately shot a cold light. His parents died early. This is a forbidden zone in his heart. Even the women in the family rarely mention his parents, and the unconscious person in front of him dares to insult his father. .

Damn it! Li Yifei clenched his fist and walked towards Li Xianxian. Li Xianxian raised his eyebrows and said with disdain: "You still want to hit me? I tell you, he will definitely die today. If you move again, I will break you!"

Li Yifei's body suddenly moved. Even if he didn't cultivate himself, his speed was very fast. In the first step, Li Yifei rubbed his feet, and a swing stick on the ground stopped him from kicking. In less than a second , The swinging stick hit Li Xianxian's body. Although it didn't hit the gun's wrist, it hit Li Xianxian's chest.

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