The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1628: Cardinals are not you

Ruan Xiaotian jumped out of the battle circle with a bit of surprise in his eyes. He had already overestimated Li Yifei, but after playing for a while, he still underestimated him. Li Yifei was even stronger than he estimated. He played hundreds of rounds with him, but he didn't fall behind. wind.

Ruan Xiaotian thought of this with a bit of anger on his face. He was a master who had been famous for decades, and he had not won hundreds of rounds when he fought with someone who had only cultivated for a few years. This was an insult to him.

"Boy, go to hell!" Ruan Xiaotian yelled and rushed up again. The strange knife in his hand danced even more tricky, and the angle was very tricky. The first cut contained several changes, which seemed to pierce Li Yifei's chest directly, but If he wanted to guard his chest, Ruan Xiaotian would have three or four methods, which should be to attack other parts of Li Yifei.

Therefore, this will test Li Yifei's resilience.

Under Ruan Xiaotian’s tricky tyrant’s attack, Li Yifei also felt the pressure. He lacked the experience of fighting against such top masters, and even lacked the life-and-death fight under adversity. It seemed calm at the moment, but Li Yifei knew that if he lost, Xu Shanshan couldn't beat each other either, and the two were in danger.

Therefore, Li Yifei must stand up and resist the opponent.

Calculating several changes in him and seeing the murderous intent in his eyes, Li Yifei instantly opened a sword, exerted force under his feet, and stopped the body that was going forward, his body moved half a step horizontally.

Sure enough, when Li Yifei got the sword, two white lights flashed, and two screams broke through the air. If Li Yifei was hiding slowly, there were now two more blood holes in his body.

"Shameless!" Li Yifei tapped his toes and dashed forward. The long sword in his hand pulled out a handful of sword flowers and entangled Ruan Xiaotian, not giving him a chance to attack.

The two fought for dozens of rounds in a blink of an eye. You came and went, and there was damage to each other. No matter how careful Li Yifei was, he was stabbed in a few places. Fortunately, the wound was not big, and Li Yifei also cut Ruan Xiaotian's body in two places.

"It really surprised me, but you are doomed to die." Ruan Xiaotian smiled evilly, his eyes filled with a cold breath, his eyes swept across Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan, but Ruan Xiaotian's heart was even more shocked, thinking about him for many years and doomed for many years. For the first time in the last ten years, I met Li Yifei. The two have played for so long. He hasn't had an absolute advantage, or even a big advantage. Until now, the situation is still unclear.

Li Yifei now has a bottom line in his heart. He smiled lightly, and Li Yifei countered: "Now you still think you can kill me?"

"You will die, I swear." Ruan Xiaotian grunted heavily.

Li Yifei held the weapon and gave Xu Shanshan a secret gesture with one hand behind his back. Xu Shanshan immediately understood that Li Yifei was waiting for an opportunity to start. At this time, there is no one-on-one single-handed fight that can kill each other. , Is the best result.

When fighting again, Li Yifei used all his strength, not only with a sword, but also with various killing skills.

Ruan Xiaotian became more and more frightened. Li Yifei's sudden eruption gave him a feeling that he could not resist. After a few fights, he felt that people were not able to rely on their muscles and bones. The two confronted each other, and both weapons were shocked. When going out, Li Yifei didn't stop, and he just lied to him without a weapon.

Ruan Xiaotian only has one hand, and the other is still tucked in his sleeves, but Li Yifei's wide opening and closing made him unstoppable with one hand. He was quickly forced to step back a few steps by Li Yifei, before breathing, Li Yifei attacked. Then, Ruan Xiaotian had to step back.

It was a kind of humiliation to fight like this. Ruan Xiaotian endured it for a while, and finally couldn't help it. He yelled, the eerie infurience on his body soared, and he rushed towards Li Yifei, the hand that had been hidden finally reached out. It was a hand exuding cold air, and the whole hand turned out to be white.

Looking at this cold hand, Li Yifei understood where the cold breath came from. It turned out to be this hand.

There was even a sizzling sound in the air, which sounded like the sound when the air was freezing.

Ruan Xiaotian, who finally showed his ultimate move, smiled with a strange expression on his face. He stared at Li Yifei sullenly and said: "You forced me to release the ice palm. Wait for death, Li Yifei!"

Li Yifei felt a bit itchy in his nose, so he raised his hand, touched his nose, and breathed out from his nostrils. The opponent had a killer move, but he might not have nothing. For example, there are very few left in his dantian. The innate qi from Kunlun Shimen, this qi has saved him several times. Although it is almost nothing at the moment, it is enough for Li Yifei to use one and two tricks. Once used, this is a big killer. .

Furthermore, there is Xu Shanshan who is accumulating strength in the secret. Don't underestimate Xu Shanshan, really don't underestimate her.

Ruan Xiaotian’s confidence has a prerequisite. After he became famous, he lived in seclusion. One of the key reasons is that he obtained a secret book from a cave. It contained not only the pill weapon, but also the book named Hanbing. It’s a pity that this thing is too difficult to practice. It requires a lot of conditions. It took Ruan Xiaotian more than 20 years to gather the materials needed for practice, and then he was closed for many years before refining it. Not yet successful.

Ruan Xiaotian also found that this cheat was incomplete. After practicing this way, the palm of his hand is ice, but it is also too ice. You have to wear a special glove all day long, otherwise you will continue to release cold breath, and It will get colder and colder, not only easy to hurt others, but also easy to hurt himself. After practicing once, he frostbited himself, touched his right hand with his left hand, and couldn't stand the other hand, so naturally he was frostbited.

The most important thing is that Cold Ice Palm should be a palm technique, not... a palm that exudes coldness all the time throughout the year. These are two different things, but he has already practiced it, and he can't change it even if he wants to change it.

But this ice palm is really strong. It can gather energy and emit ice energy. It can be emitted at a very fast speed. If it hits the ground, it will cause huge damage. This is also the reason for the formation of the white light. It's not that cold anymore, so Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan were hit without much injury.

Looking at the cold hand, Li Yifei just hooked his finger, did not speak, and the meaning was clear.

Ruan Xiaotian was so excited that he couldn't help it anymore, and he smashed Li Yifei with his palm.

Li Yifei deliberately tested the virtual reality of this palm, and shook hands to form a fist. He resisted. His true qi was all over his fist. When he touched, he felt the cold air hit his body, and his body couldn't help but shake. Li Yifei retreated quickly, and saw that his fist was cold, as if it was frozen, and he shook his hand. Li Yifei realized that the cold was really cold enough. It was only a few tenths of a second to protect him. That's it. If I touch it for a few seconds, I'm afraid my fist will be frozen, and the blood inside will coagulate.

Ruan Xiaotian took advantage with one move, grinned, punched again, Li Yifei fought and retreated, now he has no weapons in his hand, Li Yifei is indeed inferior to the opponent, and he can't use the fighting skills he is good at. As long as he is close to the body, Ruan Xiaotian will use that cold. Ice palm to him.

A few times later, half of Li Yifei's shoulders were a little stiff, and he had to consume a lot of true qi to relieve the chill in a certain part of his body.

Ruan Xiaotian fought more and more fiercely, rampaged, and didn't talk about any routines. Anyway, his ice palm was transformed from true qi. As long as the true qi is not exhausted, then the cold will continue, and this thing consumes very little true qi, so He can spend as much as he can.

Think about it, if it consumes a lot of money, it is impossible for him to wear gloves 24 hours a day.

Li Yifei fought Ruan Xiaotian away with his shoulder, gestured with one hand behind him, and jumped to the side to temporarily escape from Ruan Xiaotian's entanglement.

Of course, Ruan Xiaotian would not let him escape, but chased him with a punch, Li Yifei blocked it again, grabbed Ruan Xiaotian's other hand, pulled and pushed, and pushed Ruan Xiaotian a few steps away.

"Go to hell!" Ruan Xiaotian was stunned, and suddenly became angry. He strode towards him with a soaring fist, trying to jump up and hit Li Yifei.

Not only did Li Yifei not retreat this time, but also rushed forward. The two bodies collided in the air. Ruan Xiaotian's punch hit Li Yifei's chest forcefully. Li Yifei only felt that his right chest was dented at that moment. Go in, and he embraces Ruan Xiaotian's arms and shoulders with both hands.

In front of Ruan Xiaotian, he was already tall and tall, with long arms. It was not difficult to hug Ruan Xiaotian. Moreover, Li Yifei directly locked Ruan Xiaotian's body when he had mental arithmetic and unintentional.

"Ah!" Ruan Xiaotian was stunned for a second. He didn't expect Li Yifei to hug him desperately. When he reacted, Li Yifei had already hugged him.

Li Yifei's muscles bulged and trapped the opponent with the greatest strength. At this time, Xu Shanshan moved. Li Yifei had a good time to pick it. It was just after Ruan Xiaotian turned his back to Xu Shanshan, so he started, and Xu Shanshan also understood. Spiritually, while Li Yifei held Ruan Xiaotian, Xu Shanshan rushed up with a short sword.

Two-on-one is not a shame, and there is no fourth person to see, oh, those bodyguards are not counted, and they have long been fainted by the impact of Zhenqi and power.

With a sword of Xu Shanshan's pure innate true energy, he pierced Ruan Xiaotian, from the back of his heart to his chest, almost piercing his heart.

Ruan Xiaotian's body was stunned and his eyes burst. He didn't expect that the woman who hadn't taken a shot would do it at this time. At the same time, he also understood that these two people had already calculated it.

With a sword stabbed, Ruan Xiaotian’s combat effectiveness fell by half. Li Yifei took advantage of the victory and pursued him. While letting go, he used his hands to press several acupuncture points on Ruan Xiaotian. Acupuncture is not a big deal for a master of Ruan Xiaotian’s level, but it can control his count. Ten seconds is enough for Li Yifei to do a lot of things.

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