The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1627: How old are you?

According to Satsuma’s idea, the commission he gave to these Vietnamese monkeys was only one thousand dollars before the departure. After the end, depending on the harvest, if the harvest is large, tens of thousands are also theirs. If the harvest is small, it can be thousands to 10,000 US dollars. He put out ten million to save his life, and the other party was still unhappy like something.

Unfortunately, his calculation was wrong again. Not only Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan who were not attracted by money, but also this short and dangerous man who just jumped out, he sneered at him after hearing what Satsuma said, but did not respond. he.

Sumo thought that the other party did not understand, and hurriedly explained: "Listen, my friend, if you think the price is low, we can discuss it again. I have money, and I have a lot of money. I can give it to you, and we will live a good life together. "

"Noisy!" Ruan Xiaotian said in a deep voice. After finishing the two words, he raised his hand, and a white light flashed. He saw that Samo's body paused, his eyes widened instantly, and he raised his hand to cover his throat. The blood hole, white light passed, cut his throat directly, penetrated the esophagus, and shot out from behind.

The wound was not big, but it penetrated the wound, and Satsuma was holding his throat, his eyes were round, and his mouth was whirring. The white light also penetrated his cervical spine and damaged the carotid artery, so when Satsuma fell down At that time, the wound began to splash with blood.

Satsuma is not dead now, but not far from death. This tragedy made the bodyguards wonder what to do. They understood that these people, men and women, are not something they can provoke, so the most The best thing is to say nothing, and wait for it to be dealt with.

What Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan are concerned about is that Ruan Xiaotian speaks Huaxia. Although the accent is a little weird, it is authentic Huaxia.

Ruan Xiaotian, who killed someone, did not change in the slightest, he still had a black bitter melon face cold.

Li Yifei also noticed that white light, it was this thing that knocked out his and Xu Shanshan's guns, but Li Yifei didn't see what it was.

"You're Li Yifei?" Ruan Xiaotian looked at Li Yifei with a deadly look, and said coldly. His voice was not good. When he spoke, it seemed that a stick was scraping the ground, making a sound like another.

The other party knew his own name, and Li Yifei couldn't help but sneered, and replied, "It seems that you know a lot."

Ruan Xiaotian always had one hand in his sleeve, and the knife in the other hand shook a flower. He said, "Not many, but there are indeed many."

"Talk about it."

"The dead don't need to know so much." Ruan Xiaotian said proudly.

Li Yifei's mouth twitched twice. Although the opponent is strong, he is two innate masters on his side. Where did Ruan Xiaotian come from such a strong self-confidence? Li Yifei didn't ask him, but hung his eyebrows and looked at him disdainfully, so Ruan Xiaotian answered without asking, "Someone made you die, so I came."

"Oh." Li Yifei raised his eyebrows again, and Xu Shanshan glanced at each other, and Li Yifei smiled.

Xu Shanshan curled her mouth and looked down at the nails on her hands. After watching for a few seconds, she raised her head again and blew into the air, her **** lips pursed slightly, as if she wanted to kill Li Yifei and me. There are a lot of people, how old are you?

That's right, there are many people in this world who want to kill Li Yifei. They just want to kill them and kill them again. But, isn't Li Yifei still alive. As for the Vietnamese who suddenly appeared in front of him, he also wanted to kill Li Yifei, but the premise was that he had to do what he said, otherwise it would be different from those people.

Li Yifei is not surprised to see more such people. Since the other party knows his name, it means that Ruan Xiaotian has come prepared.

This is good, so no need to say more, let's talk about it.

Ruan Xiaotian on the opposite side seemed to understand this truth. He stopped inking other words, but released his power. A huge force instantly rushed towards Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan, and a violent force appeared in the flat space.

Very strong, this little Vietnamese gave Li Yifei the feeling that he was even stronger than the Japanese Yagyu Inu Jiro, similar to Murong Yuanqing and others. The most important thing is that this man is evil and **** in his power. The taste is almost the same as Inujiro Yagyu.

Li Yifei took a step forward, blocked Xu Shanshan's face, and released his power. The two of them immediately relaxed. Li Yifei's power crushed Ruan Xiaotian's power and confronted him.

The bodyguards around are not so lucky. The pain of being devastated by this violent force feels like the body is in a vacuum space, constantly being squeezed by the ubiquitous force, and even a kind of body is about to explode. a feeling of.

No one cares about them, those who can't bear it fainted, and the dying Satsuma was simply squeezed out of the last breath, and his body was completely dead. This drug lord with the dream of seizing treasures and making money was completely dead. Lost, and even killed more than a hundred people.

Li Yifei didn't pay attention to him, or in other words, he didn't take Satsuma seriously.

When the power was antagonizing, the two had already fought a wave first, and both tested each other's depth.

Ruan Xiaotian was a little surprised. He knew that Li Yifei was an innate master, but he didn't know his strength was so strong. According to the data, this Li Yifei was a retired soldier king. If he is strong, he will be strong, but he will not be so strong. Good luck. He has innate true energy, but he has only cultivated for a few years, so he shouldn't be so strong.

Ruan Xiaotian knew that his information was wrong, and Li Yifei was better than what was recorded in the materials, and even he could already be a strong one.

Of course, fighting between life and death is more than just a small part of the cultivation base. What is more important is the individual's comprehensive strength, on-the-spot battles, and other factors, so Ruan Xiaotian is not very worried. As for that woman, although she is also a master, But that is, it is better than ordinary people, and it is much worse than real masters. It is not enough in all aspects. It is only a frightening to have a good practice.

And Ruan Xiaotian has been famous for many years. Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan didn't know him. If Murong Yuanqing and Yao Lingfu heard this name, they would be moved.

Nguyen Xiaotian became famous decades ago. During the Vietnam War, Nguyen Xiaotian suddenly rose. At that time, his Vietnamese People’s Army, also known as the North Vietnamese Army, fought desperately with the Yankees. At that time, China also participated in it, and finally China and Vietnam Aspect victory.

Ruan Xiaotian killed a lot of Yankees at that time. It is said that there is a title of "Hundred Killers". The real number must be more than this, ten times, or even more, but it is hidden, and Ruan Xiaotian really does not know how many people have been killed.

At that time, it was rumored that there were demons on the battlefield who specialized in killing people. Later, many Yankee troops had to be superstitious and asked the demon-expelling soldiers to help out, but there were still people killed.

After the war broke out between China and Vietnam, Ruan Xiaotian wanted to kill, but he ran into Murong Yuanqing and others. Ruan Xiaotian took the Vietnamese masters, and Murong Yuanqing and others were not weak. The two sides fought and suffered damage to each other, and finally represented by Ruan Xiaotian. The Vietnamese side was defeated and ended. According to the agreement, Ruan Xiaotian and others were not allowed to participate in the war, and China did not send experts to participate in the war.

Relying on military strength, it is enough to defeat these monkeys, and use those masters who are not born.

In addition, in thermal weapons wars, personal courage depends more and more on luck, otherwise a stray bullet can take away a master who has practiced for decades.

Ruan Xiaotian is known for his cruelty. After the war, he disappeared and hardly appeared. Even if someone knew his news, very few people knew.

Back then, Ruan Xiaotian was a peerless master, and these decades have passed, Ruan Xiaotian is still alive, then his strength... almost no one knows how terrifying.

Li Yifei didn't know this encrypted file, so when he heard the name Ruan Xiaotian, he didn't think there was anything wrong, and he was surprised that there was a master in Vietnam.

The other party worked so hard to get into the treasure hunting team of Satsuma, hiding till now, just to kill himself?

"I'll come first!" Li Yifei turned his head and said to Xu Shanshan, asking her to wait for herself. At this level of competition, Li Yifei still can't relax, let Xu Shanshan go, but in case of an accident, Li Yifei It's too late to regret.

Ruan Jingtian couldn't help it anymore, he let out a cry and rushed up with a knife.

Xu Shanshan remembered something. She ran out, rushed back a few seconds later, looked at Li Yifei who was constantly dodged by Ruan Xiaotian, and shouted: "Take the sword!" Throwing the long sword in her hand, Li Yifei grasped it. Live, infuriating soaring, fight with Ruan Jingtian.

With weapons and without weapons, they are completely different concepts. The opponent’s weapon is very sharp. After only a few moves, Li Yifei has a few more holes in his clothes, and his chest is almost cut open. It is different with a long sword. The so-called one inch long and one inch strong, Li Yifei suppressed the opponent in the attack range.

The suppression was temporary. The two fought dozens of times in a blink of an eye. Not only was the speed fast, but the moves were also extremely tricky. This heavy pressure was not even felt on Inujiro Yanagyu. It can be seen that Ruan Xiaotian really has two things.

During the fight, Ruan Xiaotian turned Li Yifei's sword to his side, and then the hand that had been shrinking in his sleeve shook. A white light flashed. Li Yifei was always guarding his hand. Seeing the white light, Li Yifei leaned back and held it. The sword's hand was also backward, the tip of the sword was touching the ground, supporting his body, and Li Yifei had an iron bridge, which was able to escape the white light.

And the white light flew quickly, hitting a big tree a few meters away, and a burst of debris burst up on that tree.

If it hits him, even if he has body protection, I am afraid that Li Yifei will be exposed to flesh and blood, and the injury is not light.

Xu Shanshan watched anxiously. She couldn't play right now. She wanted to remind Li Yifei to be more careful and afraid of his god. So she held her sword and was ready to rush to help.

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