The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1484: Vassal clothes

Aimu Khan is actually not the real name of this leader. In fact, he has changed his name countless times and organized many small organizations. This time it was the most successful one, becoming a leader of the anchor organization.

Aimu Khan is ferocious. There are not a hundred people who have died under his hands over the years, but dozens of them. This is also a place where he has become the leader of the anchor organization.

Because he is brutal, will kill, and dare to kill, the organization requires him to educate more murderers.

This time Aimu Khan took on a few high-paid tasks, so he took a lot of manpower and sneaked into the suburbs of Dubai from the border to perform the tasks.

Among them is the task of kidnapping Wu Shuwei, and several other kidnapping and assassination tasks are also in progress.

It's not that Aimu Khan has never thought that he will be killed one day. He has also experienced life and death several times over the years of becoming a terrorist, but he has never met someone as fierce as Li Yifei.

Kneeling on the ground, with his hands lying on the ground, with Li Yifei’s gun on top of his head, Aimu Khan’s body was shaking. He thought he had seen the God of War. Until now, he did not understand that he dared to attack dozens of people on his side in the dark. There is only one enemy.

There is only the man with the eastern face beside him, and the gun in his hand.

And relying on him alone, he even killed his own team with live ammunition and more than 30 well-equipped subordinates.

Is he still a human? Aimu Khan's body was trembling. He didn't dare to see Li Yifei. In his cognition, he wanted to wipe out so many people, let alone one person. Even if the well-known special forces sent a small group of troops, they might not be able to. Done.

Even if it does, the other party will pay a very painful price.

And this man with an oriental face did it just by himself.

Aimu Khan's head was sweaty, and he didn't even dare to turn his head to look at Li Yifei, because he felt that as long as he moved, the other party's bullet would not be coldly shot on his head.

Li Yifei felt it. In the surrounding houses, only one house showed two signs of life, while the others had been shot down and barely survived. Even if they were still panting, they lost their combat effectiveness or fell into a severe condition. Unconscious and dying.

When the excitement of war in his body slowly decreased, Li Yifei removed the gun from Aimu Khan's head.

"Your name." Li Yifei's cold voice came. It was asked in Arabic. Aimu Khan's body trembled suddenly. He lifted his head from the ground and saw Li Yifei's face like a night demon, cold and cold. Bloodthirsty, Aimu Khan quickly lowered his head and replied hoarsely: "My name is Aimu Khan, Mohammed."

Li Yifei pulled off the corner of his mouth and kicked Aimu Khan's body directly with a kick. He used skillfully to hook Aimu Khan's body and it flew out for more than ten meters before falling down. Smashed to the ground.

Aimu Khan snorted, his internal organs were displaced by this fall, but he did not dare to speak.

Not afraid of death is not afraid of death. He often said that he could die for organization at any time, but when he encountered a fierce like Li Yifei, he was not afraid of death, and he was almost scared to death.

He didn't know why Li Yifei didn't kill him directly, so, for the desire to live, he quickly got up again, knelt on the ground, on all fours, like an animal, showing surrender.

Li Yifei stepped over, kicked again, kicked Aimu Khan away again, and fell heavily on the ground a few seconds later. After such a few times, Aimu Khan lost his temper completely and became dizzy from the fall. When Li Yifei walked over again, He immediately knelt on the ground, kept kowtow, and begged for mercy: "Please, don't kick anymore, I...if you have anything, just speak up, I will do it."

He had been kicked to the wall by Li Yifei, and kicked him directly into the wall.

Li Yifei didn't kick him again, and asked indifferently: "Why kidnap Wu?"

"Wu?" A trace of confusion flashed in Aimu Khan's eyes. He tried hard to think about the name, hesitated, and said, "You are talking about that Chinese woman?"


"She... she was someone else who spent 100,000 dollars and let us kidnap them. I don't know what exactly happened. If there are 100,000 dollars to earn and blackmail, I will do it." Aimu Khan said Here, seeing a fierce stern flash across Li Yifei's face, he shook his body and quickly explained: "I'm sorry, if I knew that she was yours, I would definitely not kidnap her, and my people are still Did not give me feedback, maybe...maybe the kidnapping was not successful."

After that, Aimu Khan was suddenly startled. The few subordinates he sent to kidnap the Chinese woman have not returned any news to him, and the murderer in front of him came to kill them because of that woman. Isn’t that right? Representative, didn't those men succeed either.

Thinking about this, Aimu Khan saw the black hole's muzzle stretched out, his face was horrified, and he shook his head repeatedly, saying, "I'm really sorry, I promise, I won't take this job again."

"Who paid to kidnap her?"

"Yes... It's a Japanese. He contacted me. I don’t know what he did. I thought I was also from Huaxia. Then I heard him speak Japanese and I realized that he was not from China. I look the same..."

"Have you seen him?"

"No, we just contacted via the Internet."

"Tell me his contact information."

Aimu Khan quickly got up from the ground, ran into the house on all fours, and found an Apple computer. After turning it on, he found the contact information between him and the employer, turned the computer over, and showed it to Li Yifei.

Li Yifei read it twice, wrote down the address, and gave a hum.

Aimu Khan looked at Li Yifei eagerly, but Li Yifei turned to the other side of the room.

In the corner, two people with European and American faces are looking at this side in horror. Both of them have torn clothes, tied with a rope, and taped on their mouths. Seeing Li Yifei looking over, both of them tried their best to shrink into the corner. With.

"Who are these two people?" Li Yifei asked.

Aimu Khan said: "Yes...we kidnapped it."

Li Yifei walked over and stood in front of two Europeans and Americans. This was a man and a woman. The woman was even more miserable. She didn't even have pants, only a pair of panties. She tried her best to cover her underneath. The man is struggling, trying to stand in front of the woman.

Li Yifei just took a look, then turned around. Did Aimu Khan never think about running away, or picking up a gun from the side and attacking Li Yifei, but he just thought about it and rejected the idea, Li Yifei too It was terrifying, and he could not even think of resistance.

Li Yifei said, "Come here and untie them."

Aimu Khan Khan crawled over and hurriedly untied the two Europeans and Americans.

As soon as the tape from her mouth was torn off, the European and American woman asked in English: "Thank you, sir, we are from Oak Oil Company, and we will thank you!"

Oil company? Li Yifei raised his eyebrows and nodded faintly as a response.

After the man was let go, he immediately stood up and said to Li Yifei, "Thank you, thank you very much."

The woman ran out, trying to find a pair of trousers to put on. As soon as she went out, she screamed and ran back quickly.

"What's wrong? What happened?" the man asked.

The woman's face turned pale, she shook her head for a while, with a look of uncertainty, she might have forgotten that she didn't wear pants.

The man went inside without knowing it, and when he saw his companion weird, he also ran out. After half a minute, he almost crawled back, and when he saw Li Yifei's eyes, he was full of awe and fear.

This man with the face of East Asia killed all the people here? Both of them thought it was incredible.

After Aimu Khan untied the two of them, she knelt on the ground and didn't dare to move a bit, praying to God in her heart that she would survive.

The European and American women used it for a while before they slowed down, went to find an Arabian robe, wrapped themselves up, and simply tidied them up, walked back and said to Li Yifei: "Thank you, sir, my name is Angelina, Ouke A manager of an oil company in the Middle East, I will thank you."

This was the second time she said she wanted to be grateful to Li Yifei, and Li Yifei didn't take it seriously. It was easy to save these two people.

The European and American man also came over and said, "My name is Brooks, thank you, you are as kind as God."

"There is a car outside, find one by yourself, let's go, I hope you forget what happened here today, we haven't seen it." Li Yifei did not cover his face either, he was seen by these two outsiders, although Li Yifei was not afraid , But if it spreads out, it might be a trouble for him.

Brooks and Angelina nodded in a hurry. They had been kidnapped for several days, and they were about to give up their hope of life.

In such a place, human life is very worthless. Angelina was almost raped and raped by those people. If it hadn't been for Li Yifei's sudden appearance, those people might have to take Angelina to vent after drinking.

Therefore, she thanked Li Yifei even more for saving her when she was desperate.

Brooks is a middle-aged man with a typical European and American appearance. He is also considered a sturdy body. He stands taller and stronger than Li Yifei.

Brooks was in a complicated mood. He didn't know how Li Yifei did it, but he did it and killed all the people here. No wonder the two heard the chaos outside and the gunshots kept shooting.

After hearing Li Yifei's words, the two hesitated, and Brooks said, "Sir, don't you go with us?"

"Yes, this... sir, let's go together. They still have accomplices. If they come back, it won't be easy to leave." Angelina also said.

Li Yifei shook his head and said, "Go, I just saved you and remember my words."

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