The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1483: Wipe out

When the opponent was less than two meters away from Li Yifei, Li Yifei suddenly exerted his strength, and his body rushed out, grabbing the opponent's shoulder with one hand, and covering the opponent's mouth with the other hand, and pulled him over.

The next second, after the click, the terrorist who drank too much and was about to release the water was killed by Li Yifei, dragging his body to the corner, and Li Yifei started the assassination operation.

Although the assassination is a little troublesome, it is almost innocuous. With Li Yifei's skill, he can walk easily. He jumped on the roof and turned to the other side. Under the roof, two terrorists were smoking. Li Yifei sniffed lightly. Finally, the two people smoked marijuana.

The two smirked and discussed the woman, and they were talking YD's words, but they didn't realize that there was a **** of death squatting on their heads.

Li Yifei jumped, and death came, and only a dark shadow flashed in their eyes. It took only three or four seconds before the two fell one after another.

After killing the two, Li Yifei did not stay, but went to find the next target.

A few minutes later, there were already seven terrorists who died in Li Yifei's hands. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief, but wanted to swear. There are more than thirty terrorists. Li Yifei saw and heard no fewer than four. Fifty.

Moreover, he heard the sound of cursing in the biggest room, which seemed to be related to Wu Shuwei's affairs.

Upon hearing this, Li Yifei continued his plan, killing people one by one.

Passing by a room, Li Yifei smelled a strong smell of decay, a strong smell of corpses. He looked through the crack of the door, and his face became difficult to look at. There were a lot of corpses piled up inside, human corpses. The difference between men and women can be vaguely seen. Most of the corpses of men wear clothes and at least pants, while most of the women are naked, and their deaths are miserable.

Although these people are not Chinese, but this kind of *** also made Li Yifei feel very angry.

The battles between nations, the battles between nations, and the deaths and injuries are all understandable, but nations that are more brutal on their compatriots are rare in the world. In some parts of the Middle East, this kind of thing very common. Under the banner of religion, doing reckless things.

Seeing the bodies of these dead, Li Yifei decided to kill all the terrorists here tonight.

The people wandering outside have basically been killed, and further down, it is the people who stayed in the house. Now the time is about nine to ten in the evening, and few of these people rest.

Li Yifei really wanted to ask these people, under the banner of religious belief, yes, but does your religion teach you this way?

Obviously not, but most of the religions in this world are things that rulers use to rule the people, ranging from countries as small as a certain sect, and these religious terrorists.

"Click..." Li Yifei accidentally stepped on an eggshell and made some noises. He stopped, and then he heard someone coming over not far away, and asked, "Who is there?"

This is a five-person patrol team, which is the largest patrol team here.

One of them heard the sound and walked over to check, the others also looked over.

The light approached, and there was nothing around Li Yifei. He lowered his body, holding a few eggshells in his hands. Just before the light came on, Li Yifei threw out those eggshells.

After the hum, four of the five people covered their eyes or fell down.

The only one who didn't fall was because he was blocked by others, and Li Yifei's eggshell did not hit him.

In the darkness, a figure jumped out, and Li Yifei held an Arab machete in his hand, like death's sickle, harvesting the lives of these people.

The first knife was slashed on the throat of the person who did not fall. Taking a handful of blood, Li Yifei gently pushed him down, and then the blade pointed at him and quickly harvested the few remaining people.

When he was the last person, Li Yifei slowed down half a step, and the opponent fired a shot.

This is already the base camp of terrorists. Unlike when Li Yifei killed the eleven terrorists before, there is no need to worry about shooting or anything. At this time, shoot a shot in the camp, whether it's people inside or outside. People will blow up their nests.

Li Yifei directly hacked the opponent to death in anger. It was useless to get angry at this time. There were people in several houses running out with guns, and shouting in the camp.

Li Yifei spotted one direction and rushed forward.

One minute later, someone found the dead person. This discovery scared many people. They immediately shouted loudly. Li Yifei understood. These people were shouting for alert, someone attacked, and others shouted, where is the person , Shoot back quickly, and a few people ran to the largest room to report to the people inside.

Now that he was alarmed, Li Yifei no longer covered it. He took off an AK47, opened the bolt, and the bullet tilted out.

Immediately a row of people fell to the ground. As the most manufactured and traded submachine gun in the world, the power of the AK47 is naturally needless to say. Few people who are shot can stand, and some people are directly exploded by bullets. The family died in a short time.

Even if it hits the arm or leg, it loses combat effectiveness.

People who have never been shot will not be aware of the destructive power of bullets. Bullets like machine guns are shot into the body at close range. The fragile human body and bones cannot block the kinetic energy of the bullet. Many of them are injuries that penetrate the body. Two holes, unlike in the movie, will not die after a few shots, and still have combat effectiveness.

Of course, people like Li Yifei are not counted.

The immense power of the AK47 helped Li Yifei. After a bullet was hit, more than a dozen people fell.

These people had suffered an unprepared loss. They rushed out and were looking around. They didn't know what happened. They were completely unprepared. In addition, Li Yifei's marksmanship was a bit perverted, so they were unlucky.

When Li Yifei changed the bullet, his body was also moving and soon appeared on the other side. The terrorist on the opposite side had already fired at the location where he was just now. Li Yifei smiled, and when the other party was shooting happily, he shot out with another bullet.

Several people were shot immediately, and the others hurriedly got down and fired back.

Li Yifei walked and fought, and would not let the person on the other side capture his own figure and movement trajectory.

In a blink of an eye, the bullets of the two guns were all shot, and he also eliminated more than 20 people. This combat power has reached the point of sturdyness, and the opponents don't even know how many people attacked them.

They screamed indiscriminately. Soon, Aim Khan, one of the leaders of the anchor organization, came out. He was a thin Arab who had studied with an organization for several years. Not only did he have theoretical knowledge but also had good military literacy. Usually in charge of military training in the organization.

He actually didn't care when he learned that someone was attacking, because he believed in the strength of his subordinates, and he was busy with a captured woman at the time.

Who would have thought that in just a few minutes, someone would come and tell him that a total of nearly thirty men had been killed.

This kind of casualties, not to mention being a sneak attack, might not be able to kill so many people even in a formal battle, so he was frightened at the time, subconsciously thinking that troops like the U.S. military were coming to annihilate them.

When he heard that he didn't know how many people there were, he subconsciously wanted to escape.

Still a subordinate reported that it was possible that the other party had only a few people, or even one or two people, because for so long, only one person was shooting, although the position was different each time.

"Search it for me. I have a big reward for the person who killed him!" Aimu Khan shouted with a gloomy face.

After searching for a while, Li Yifei was not found, but no more gunshots were heard, so Aimu Khan walked out.

He was surrounded by his subordinates, and Aimu Khan saw a dead body and his eyes were cracked. These are the fighting power that the organization has spent money to gather. If you want to develop and grow, you can not only rely on religious propaganda, but also invest a lot of financial resources. Someone will follow them.

Most of the subordinates who were brought to death this time died, Aimu Khan felt distressed.

So, what about Li Yifei? He would be on the roof of a house, lying on it comfortably, pouring a sip of wine into his mouth, and a bite of roasted lamb.

It was delicious and authentic. There were two guns beside him. Li Yifei ate a large piece of barbecue. After drinking all the wine, he rushed into the battlefield again, and the sound of bullets rang out again.

The scene became chaotic again, and Aimu Khan was completely frightened. He didn't know how many enemies there were in secret, but this person was so terrible that he wiped out most of his subordinates in a blink of an eye. He didn't want to stay in this place for a moment.

Therefore, Aimu Khan hurriedly climbed into the car, and several guards followed him, and several people wanted to escape.

The other men saw that the boss ran away, with no intention to fight, and ran away by grabbing the car,

Li Yifei was holding a few grenades in his hand. The explosive power of this grenade was amazing. It aimed at several cars and threw it away. At the same time, the machine gun in his hand slammed into Aimu Khan's car.

Unlucky to deserve Khan, Li Yifei's bullet hit his fuel tank. What's even more unfortunate is that the bullet hit the car body, and the sparks that came out directly ignited the gasoline and burned all the way.

Aimu Khan had to push the car door and jumped out of the car.

When he rolled a few times and struggled to get up, there was already an extra gun on his head.

The gun came from Li Yifei. His other hand was still shooting. As long as there was a moving object, he would fill it up.

Aimu Khan raised his hands and didn't dare to move. The remaining little guys ran away in a hurry. Li Yifei didn't chase after him. He already controlled a leader of the anchor organization. Those little characters, just run away. .

It's just that his plan to wipe out the opponent is going to fail, which makes him slightly regretful.

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