The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1477: Kidnapping at Dubai Airport

The plane flew over many deserts, oasis, and cities, and within half an hour, it would land at Dubai International Airport in the UAE. The people in the plane also recovered and flew from Japan to Dubai for a total distance of more than 6,000 kilometers, nearly eight hours. journey.

Local tyrant prince Sasha smiled and invited Li Yifei, and got off the plane to visit his manor. Li Yifei moved in his heart and said, "Will you bother?"

"Haha, how come? Just go for a visit, have a meal, and have fun by the way. I think you are pleasing to your eyes, so I won't bother you." The local tyrant Sachar said with a laugh.

Li Yifei said: "Then disturb your Royal Highness."

It is absolutely impossible for Li Yifei to make decisions so casually on weekdays, but when he came to Dubai this time, he didn't know where to start. It was good to know a local guy.

Wu Shuwei frowned slightly, and when Li Yifei finished talking, she reminded in Chinese: "Mr. Li, Dubai is not as good as expected, and the people in Dubai are not so friendly."

This kind of reminder is already very straightforward. Li Yifei was stunned when he heard the words, then shook his head, and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I came here this time without any purpose. Since someone invited me, why not Why, besides, I am a man, is the other party coveting my beauty?"

Wu Shuwei's mouth twitched, and her brows stretched out. Li Yifei's attitude made her a little disliked, so she was not prepared to say anything.

"But I still have to thank you for your reminder." Seeing Wu Shuwei turned his head, Li Yifei added: "So are you. The Islamic countries do not respect women even more. If you are your own, you must be more careful."

Wu Shuwei said without looking back, "Thank you for your reminder, but I have lived in Dubai for more than two years and have never encountered danger."

"Ha, that's good, I'm not cursing you, just a reminder." Li Yifei said.

The words of the two came to an end. Wu Shuwei lost his curiosity and felt that what he had thought before was all his own fantasy. The Chinese compatriot next to him was really awkward.

When the local tyrant prince Sasha listened to the two communicating in Chinese, he asked what they were talking about.

Li Yifei shook his head and said with a smile: "It's nothing, this lady is introducing me to the food in Dubai."

"Oh? Haha, the food of Dubai is the food of the world. Here, you can eat the delicious food of any place in the world."

"Am looking forward to."

The plane slowly landed on the runway of Dubai International Airport. After stopping, the passengers on the plane slowly lined up and got out of the plane.

Wu Shuwei walked in front, Li Yifei and local tyrant Sashar and his two glamorous girls walked behind. The Japanese stayed at the end. After the hands-on incident, he worried that he would be beaten again. Now he got off the plane. Worry more about your safety.

This is Dubai, and the opposite is a prince. If the other party is ready to clean him up, wouldn't he be out of luck.

So he lags far behind, even to the last one.

Looking at Li Yifei and the Chinese woman from a distance, a trace of resentment flashed in the eyes of the Japanese, and they thought in their hearts, don't let me run into you, otherwise they will find someone to clean you up.

There is a story in the Middle East, saying that in this land, the status of East Asians is not very high, but the status of Chinese people is definitely the highest, so when Japanese and Koreans encounter trouble here, they are used to If you call yourself a Chinese, you can often escape trouble.

This kind of narrative is also based on it. If it is far away, for the several missions that Li Yifei participated in, most of them were involved in the rescue and elimination of terrorists. The strength and efficiency demonstrated by the Huaxia Army are recognized in the Middle East. .

A few years ago, a terrorist kidnapped employees from many countries, most of them were East Asians, including Chinese employees. The whole international was in an uproar. Japan and South Korea successively issued statements condemning and condemning these terrorists, but the other party was not afraid at all and did not pay. Don't let anyone go, and kill people without paying.

China has not responded much, even if the ordinary people in the country are already arguing, the high-level officials have not expressed their clear attitude.

But in fact, the special squad has quietly arrived at the hometown of the terrorist group and started the rescue operation.

Among them was Li Yifei, and the Flying Eagle team participated. Every team member was the king of soldiers, and they were a pair of high-quality combat units.

In just one night, Li Yifei and others rescued all the captured Huaxia employees, eliminated most of the terrorists, and also rescued the kidnapped employees from other East Asian countries.

The efficiency can be said to be very high, which is also a manifestation of the strength of the country.

However, the status of the Japanese in the Middle East is not so high, and now the three major powers and Europe dominate here.

Japan is also short of energy, so I want to come over and make a difference. These years, there have been many small actions behind it.

On another occasion, Li Yifei had only six special team members, equipped with ordinary firearms, went deep into the desert, pursued for six days, and killed all the terrorists who were trying to destroy the premises of Huaxia Enterprise. That time was very difficult. It was daytime in the desert. It was extremely hot and cold at night. Li Yifei's team of seven people suffered a lot.

Out of the airport, local tyrant Prince Sachar warmly invited Li Yifei to get into his car, which was an extremely luxurious Bentley, with two Mercedes-Benz SMGs escorted in front and back.

Before getting on the bus, Li Yifei invited Wu Shuwei, but the other party coldly refused and went to take a taxi alone.

Just over a hundred meters out of the car, Li Yifei turned his head inadvertently and saw where the taxi was. A car was parked in front of Wu Shuwei. Two people in Arab costumes jumped out of the car and pulled Wu Shuwei into the car.

"Wait." Li Yifei hurriedly asked the driver to stop, paying attention to what happened later.

Wu Shuwei didn't know these two people at all, and couldn't understand what the other person was saying. After struggling, she found the other person with a gun on her waist. She could only shout a few words before she was dragged into the car by the two.

The car turned around and rushed in the other direction.

The tyrant prince just took out the wine, ready to continue drinking, the girl next to him has already begun to serve him.

Li Yifei waited. The driver looked at the local tyrant Sachar and asked him what he meant.

"What's wrong?" the local tyrant Prince Sachar asked.

Li Yifei didn't have time to say more, he saw Wu Shuwei was kidnapped in broad daylight, he only hesitated for a second or two before he decided to save Wu Shuwei.

In any case, this woman is also his own compatriot, and Li Yifei did not feel disgusted during the journey, and he couldn't just watch her accidentally.

"Someone robbed my compatriot, Prince Sachar, please lend me a car, and I will return it to you when I turn back." The car stopped and Li Yifei said.

Sasha nodded in amazement, looked back, and saw that a car was already driving far away. He thought about it and said, "Okay, stop the car behind and lend it to Eagle."

Li Yifei thanked him, opened the door and ran off the car, and got into the Mercedes-Benz G63SMG behind.

Li Yifei turned around and chased after him. A bodyguard of the local tyrant Prince Sachar ran over and asked: "His Royal Highness, do we need to follow?"

"No, it's just a small thing." Sachar doesn't care about the money for a car. Even if Li Yifei runs away, he doesn't care. He invited Li Yifei because he just thought it was an interesting Chinese person, so he agreed. , But I will not pay more because it is not necessary.

Li Yifei banged the accelerator and ran after him.

Dubai’s highways are not unlimited speed. On the contrary, the speed control is very strict. Don’t be fooled by Dubai, which is full of luxury cars on the Internet. Not long after Li Yifei drove, the car kept calling the police, reminding him that he was speeding. , Let him slow down.

But the car that kidnapped Wu Shuwei in front got faster and faster, and Li Yifei couldn't take care of that much.

One after another, the distance is slowly shortening.

In the kidnapper’s car, there were a total of four people, several of whom were communicating in Arabic. However, although they all spoke Arabic, the specifics were different because of different places. Wu Shuwei just didn’t understand what these people said in Arabic. .

She was held in the car with her hands tied behind her back and tape on her mouth. She looked at the four people in the car. All four of them were dressed in white robes, but they all carried guns. All four of them had thick cheeks. Beard, can't see the specific appearance.

It is impossible to say not to be afraid, but Wu Shuwei is not an ordinary tourist after all. As someone who has lived in Dubai for more than two years in the Middle East, she quickly forced herself to calm down and asked the purpose of these people in English.

After asking several times, one of them turned his head and glared at her, and yelled in bad English: "Shut up, girl, behave if you don't want to die."

"You want money? I can give it to you as long as it doesn't hurt me." Wu Shuwei said.

Two of the kidnappers took a look, laughed, and said, "Of course we want money. Money is a good thing. But kidnapping you is not just for money. You are called Wu, right? Someone told us your whereabouts long ago. Hiring us to kidnap you with money, but rest assured, we are professional kidnappers and will not hurt you as a person. We will let you go as long as things are done."

Kidnapping is not for money? Wu Shuwei's heart sank. If the other party wants money, she can get the money even if she can't afford it.

What is the purpose of these people? Wu Shuwei said again: "Who pays to hire you? I can pay double the price, as long as you let me go."

Unfortunately, no matter what she said, the other party ignored her. One kept overtaking on the road, the two were communicating in Arabic, and the other took out a gun from his arms and wiped it.

After a while, a kidnapper suddenly turned his head, pointed to the back and shouted: "Someone is following."

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