The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1476: Li Yifei's plan

After summarizing Su Mengxin's data and Li Yifei's data, Li Yifei selected two projects from them. One is a project of an overseas expansion company under the state-owned Huahai Group. This company has many energy projects under its umbrella. This time it is a cooperation with the United Arab Emirates. To develop an offshore oil and gas field project, China will provide funding and skilled workers, and the UAE will provide resources.

During the negotiations, they were all normal, but the UAE suddenly changed its attitude midway and made a very unreasonable request. Not only did it require China to invest more funds, but also to change the ownership allocation. After China researched, it sent out negotiations. The group negotiated. After all, the preliminary work of this business has already begun. Even the construction and technical workers arrived in the UAE six months ago, and the development of the lot has been underway for six months. At this time, the other party regretted it, which was a bit too much.

The negotiating team went to no avail. The other party was determined to shame, disagree, okay, the construction site is suspended, and you can't start work if you find any reason. After all, it is on the site of another country, and China has nothing to do.

The UAE is not an ordinary small country. When you put pressure on it, the other party will be scared. This kind of geographic area is small, but the country is extremely rich, and the country is full of oil reserves. China cannot force it, but can only coax it. .

The negotiating team fell into a deadlock, and then came back a news that made China angrily, because the underground proved reserves of the mining area suddenly nearly doubled, so the other party regretted it. If this is the case, China has also gritted his teeth. , Just spend more money.

The key came out at this time, the oil tycoon Alpha Group joined in, and there was also a company competing in Japan, and even everyone in India came to intervene.

Originally, these companies Huaxia didn't care much. After all, Huaxia people are rich, and they dare to spend and don't care about losing some. The big deal is to raise some oil prices later.

As a result, because of the participation of these companies, the UAE's attitude has become more arrogant and more unreasonable conditions have been put forward.

According to Su Mengxin's data, China is likely to abandon this transaction with an investment of more than 5 billion U.S. dollars. The 1 billion U.S. dollar investment in infrastructure construction costs, which are allocated in advance, may be ruined.

When the news came back to China, some bigwigs in the Ministry of Energy were very angry. It is said that they removed a few unlucky ones as a result, but this loss could not be restored.

Li Yifei is single-handed, and he has no confidence in this, but he always has to give it a try, because according to the news of Mr. Su, after the next election, among the top leaders in the team, there is a member of the Ministry of Energy. number.

If this trouble is solved, Li Yifei's name will be in the eyes of some people, and the Li family may be more stable in the future.

Huaxia and its best neighbor Pakistan have built an oil pipeline of thousands of kilometers. An important part of it is oil. According to the previous mining agreement, the extracted oil is first supplied to China.

Because of the unique geographical environment in the Middle East, oil reserves account for more than half of the world. The huge global demand for oil in modern times has made the countries here become rich quickly. At the same time, it has also caused the rapid division of this place. The shadows of countless big countries, the United States, Russia, European countries, and the world's major oil companies derived from it are both black gold and blood-filled black gold.

Huaxia has missed a good time to occupy it, so it has been working hard all these years to expand its influence here, but so far it controls not many oil fields.

This time is a good opportunity. After all, most of the oil fields are already owned. It is not easy to get them. But this time is different. It is a newly explored oil field, which is inevitable in China.

Li Yifei thought this was an opportunity, so he came.

There are also many opponents he has to face. Li Yifei knows that among those oil giants, which one is easy to provoke, and one of them counts as one.

At home, Su Mengxin and several people are still collecting and compiling information. When necessary, they will come to help Li Yifei. Li Yifei must first figure out what is going on.

In recent years, because of the existence of some terrorist organizations, wars of religious beliefs, and conspiracies behind the most vicious powers, this region of the Middle East has never stopped. The Middle East war, the Iran-Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, the Gulf War, the Kosovo war ,War in Iraq.

This is just a great war. In some months, some years and decades, the artillery fire is endless. In this area, the fighting is not open, the troops of various countries, the United Nations troops, the local state power troops, and all kinds of mercenaries. , Opposition organizations, terrorist organizations, etc.

It can be said that, except for some countries in Africa, the Middle East at this time is the place that the world's major powers love most, and it is also the most troublesome place.

When Li Yifei participated in the mission here, he killed his teammates and killed countless opponents.

This is the world of soldiers, the paradise of war, and the region closest to death in the world. Religion, race, etc., can kill you for any crime.

If you are a war madman or a murder madman, you will probably fall in love with this place. After so many years of military service, Li Yifei has one of the most experienced places for him to perform missions in the Middle East.

After the advent of thermal weapons, high-tech weapons, guided weapons, unmanned reconnaissance and other weapons, here is even more chaotic.

Being able to return here, Li Yifei's heart also had some excitement, as well as the memory of his former comrades-in-arms. Li Yifei can still remember the faces of some of them, even his combat habits, mantras, and foods he likes to eat.

Unfortunately, they only have ashes now, and some of them don't even have their names.

On the plane, Li Yifei was a little surprised looking at the scenery below.

Another plan is to go to a place called Kerr. This place has no affiliation at this time. There is a local organization that organizes an army. According to the news reported by Li Yifei’s own channel, the organization in this place is preparing to establish a regime. It is possible to establish a country.

This is not the key. After all, there are too many organizations in the Middle East, and hundreds of thousands of words may not be able to explain clearly, various factions and so on.

According to the data, this Kerr area is a disputed area by several nearby countries. It was originally a three-regarded area, so terrorist organizations are spreading and local people are in dire straits, but recently there has been news that the area also has an amazing amount of oil. Reserve, this is dying.

Li Yifei knew the news from a mercenary. Li Yifei had saved his life back then, and this war madman from Northern Europe happened to be hired to fight in the Kerr area. He knew that Li Yifei was coming to the Middle East. Mentioned a sentence.

Li Yifei asked him to continue to confirm the news, and when someone was paid, the other party agreed.

This news has not been confirmed, but once it is confirmed, it can be imagined that this place will definitely become the scope of various countries and the power behind it.

When Li Yifei got the news, he felt that this was an opportunity, a very good opportunity.

A trivial enclave, it is bound to be robbed of blood, but if you grab it, you will definitely get a very big gain.

For China, this kind of thing should also be involved. The easiest way is to support one side and fight for it.

Li Yifei felt that if he had done this, his impression on the senior level of China would be overwhelming.

Of course, this is the second plan, and his first plan still wants to participate in the oil extraction site.

On the plane, Li Yifei had no expression on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Wu Shuwei on the side took off the earphones and looked at Li Yifei. She just remembered that Li Yifei and the local tyrant Sachar said that he had been a soldier for several years, so she was wondering if she hadn’t stood up before. What did the Japanese say, will Li Yifei take action?

It stands to reason that a soldier must have a sense of justice or something.

Wu Shuwei was idle and bored, and began to analyze the pictures just now, wondering if Li Yifei would make a move.

Li Yifei is not the kind of shocking handsome guy. He must be younger than himself, but when viewed from the side, there is a taste that a little man doesn't have, especially the look of squinting eyes, with a touch of vicissitudes, with Wu Shuwei's countless eyes Look, this must be a man with a story.

As for the story, Wu Shuwei couldn't guess, she was just a little curious.

An ordinary soldier would not chat so smoothly with a prince from a local tyrant, and he was neither humble nor overbearing throughout the process, and even led the chat.

Is it an officer? Wu Shuwei continued to speculate that Li Yifei just turned around and looked at her. Wu Shuwei did not escape, and continued to look at Li Yifei openly.

Li Yifei felt so keenly that everyone in the first-class cabin could feel every move. Wu Shuwei stared at him for a while, and Li Yifei certainly knew it.

Wu Shuwei could see that Li Yifei was not pretending to be deep, nor was he in a meaningless daze. The sunlight outside the window shone through and shone on his side face, giving Li Yifei a layer of mystery.

Unfortunately, there is always a time when the voyage is reached, and there is always a time for the plane to land. Wu Shuwei did not find a chance, and replied with Li Yifei.

The local tyrant prince Sashar on the opposite side drank up and took a girl next to him to the bathroom. After more than ten minutes, he walked back with a strange expression on his face. Naturally, there is no need to guess what happened during the period.

But is it just over ten minutes? This speed was also faster. Li Yifei nodded towards the local tyrant prince Sachar, and the other's eyes turned towards Wu Shuwei, which seemed to imply something about Li Yifei.

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