The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1442: Desperate fight

To Li Yifei's surprise, the opponent's car windshield turned out to be bulletproof. The bullet of the large-caliber pistol was very powerful, but facing the bulletproof glass, the bullet had nothing to do with it. It just left shallow marks on it.

The man in the car at the beginning made a sneer and shouted at Li Yifei: "Haha, shoot, then shoot."

Shouting, the bullets of these people also tilted over, directly smashing the glass behind, and Li Yifei had to lower his head.

Worried that Meng Xiaofei would be shot by a stray bullet, Li Yifei hurriedly shouted: "Be careful to avoid."

After shouting, Li Yifei fired another shot and another bullet.

With this shot, Li Yifei didn't hit the opponent's driver, but shot it toward the opponent's tire.

With a bang, the bullet shot into the opponent's tire, making a huge noise, directly exploding the tire, and the car lost control instantly.

On the uneven grass, it was already bumpy, and the front wheel of the other party suddenly punctured, and the car immediately became uneven. The driver did not respond in time. The car immediately stopped, and the front of the flat tyre hit a big rock. The car turned over and turned five or six laps before it stopped.

The three cars behind hurriedly evaded and did not cause a second collision.

Miyamoto Ryota scolded angrily: "Pigs, they are all pigs!"

Li Yifei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the tires are not bulletproof. In this way, at least there is less pressure. The flipped car can't catch up. The people inside also hit their heads and crawled out of the car. It's very strenuous.

Li Yifei raised the gun with two more shots. Among the remaining three cars of the opponent, another one was shot by Li Yifei in the tire.

The other party had been wary for a long time. Seeing Li Yifei sticking out his gun, he immediately started to slow down, trying to pull some distance away.

But it was useless for Li Yifei to do so. The bullet still accurately hit the front tire. When the tire burst, the car was scrapped.

If you give Li Yifei a machine gun submachine gun, with more bullets, Li Yifei would not shoot so cautiously today, but he now only has three bullets, and if it is shot out, he and Meng Xiaofei Sofia can only target each other.

Abolishing the other two chasing cars in succession still scared the people behind.

Li Yifei’s marksmanship is also too accurate. You must know that it’s not just Li Yifei’s car that is bumping. The cars behind are also ups and downs. Under such circumstances, how did Li Yifei calculate the trajectory and predict it so accurately. Even if it deviates a little, it will hit the dirt or other parts of the car. The other positions are full of steel plates. I am not afraid of Li Yifei's bullets. The only thing is that the tires are not explosion-proof, so they are caught by Li Yifei.

The second car was a little better. After realizing that the tire had been blown out, the driver desperately controlled the steering wheel. The car only rolled over and the people in it were not injured much. It was not as embarrassed as the first car.

However, there were originally eight cars chasing people, but two cars were left in a blink of an eye, which still hit the Yamaguchi team's momentum.

Li Yifei still had the last three bullets left. He stretched out the gun again to aim. The two cars behind had already learned how to do it. They began to evade. The car kept going up and down and swaying from side to side. Li Yifei couldn't take aim for a while.

Such bumps made Sofia very uncomfortable. She was injured in many places and the pain was unbearable. Such a bump caused the wound to bleed. Li Yifei had to protect Sofia with his whole body to prevent her from violent bumps.

"Brother Li, there is a road ahead!" Meng Xiaofei suddenly shouted.

Li Yifei hurriedly looked back. There was a small country road in front of him. Although it was not wide, it was very flat and was an entrance to a valley.

Li Yifei hurriedly said to Meng Xiaofei: "When you turn the corner, you drive slowly and I get off!"

"How about that, Brother Li, don't take risks, I can take you away!" Meng Xiaofei said anxiously.

"Listen to me! I'll be fine. Your brother Li is the **** of war!" Li Yifei said again: "There are two more cars, I have to find a way to get rid of them. If there is a road ahead, you just drive forward. Don't worry about me. Take Sophia to the hospital."

Li Yifei thought for a while, and then said, "The co-pilot has my mobile phone. You will be safe for a while. Look for the phone number of Koji Komoto inside and ask him to bring someone over immediately. Also, call Suzuki Aoki and ask her Come and support you."

As he said, the car was about to turn into a small road, here is also a curve, Li Yifei took a hard heart, took a sharp breath, opened the door, after the car turned, immediately rushed towards the outside, people in the air, Li Yifei is not yet Forgot to close the door.

Because of obstacles, Li Yifei could not be seen from the two cars behind.

Miyamoto Ryota saw Li Yifei's car turning and urged: "Quick, keep up, speed up!"

He didn't have time to care about the men in the two cars that were overturned. He had only one idea. In any case, Li Yifei would not be able to escape today, otherwise Li Yifei would come back and it would be his end. Today, he must fight hard.

The two cars also chased up. Just turning into the curve, Miyamoto Ryota’s car overtook the front, rolled down the window, and several guns stretched out. Just about to shoot toward the front, a black shadow suddenly rose from several meters high. Jumped over and landed on the car behind.

Several people in the car were startled. At first they thought it was a stone falling. Miyamoto Ryota turned his head suddenly, and his heart instantly raised his throat. This manna was a stone. This was Li Yifei's monster.

Miyamoto Ryoda shouted into the headset: "Hurry up, shoot, there is a golden eagle on it!"

The people in the car behind were scared to pee immediately. They chased Li Yifei for a long time and landed on their car from the sky?

Since the shot was fired quickly, but the roof of the car was also bulletproof, a pile of hot bullets and eggshells actually made them hot enough.

"Pig, get rid of him!" Miyamoto Ryoda turned over and stretched out his hand, trying to shoot Li Yifei, but the car he was riding in made a sharp turn and almost threw him out of the car.

Miyamoto Ryoda, who had fallen back, yelled angrily, and when he got up again, he saw a scene he will never forget.

Li Yifei jumped to the roof of the car like a monkey and grabbed the guardrail on the roof. After a little stabilization, Li Yifei bent his body, as if he was not on the roof, but on flat ground. Suddenly he was flying on the car. Get up, holding the guardrail with one hand, it looks like he is about to fall from the car.

But in the next second, Li Yifei's body twisted strangely, as if a Thomas came in a full spin in the air, and then flew to the left rear window of the car, where the car windows had all been lowered before shooting, and it just happened. Li Yifei can take advantage of this opportunity.

Li Yifei's body was seriously injured, and his internal injuries were also very serious, but it seemed that there were no problems at this moment. As soon as his feet kicked in, Li Yifei's three bullets poured out, three bangs.

The two people in the back seat were shot immediately, both of them were shot to the head and died, and they did not even make any resistance.

Li Yifei had already leaped to the back seat, and the co-pilot hurriedly raised his gun and shot. He saw Li Yifei stretch out a hand from behind, grabbed the miniature submachine gun in his hand, and pushed it hard.

The man in the co-pilot was immediately hit by the **** of the micro submachine gun in his face, his face was sore and numb. In the next second, Li Yifei's hand had crossed the micro submachine gun, grabbed it towards his neck, and squeezed it hard. The opponent's head tilted down and his body became soft.

The one who frightened the most was the driver. He was worried and scared about what happened later, and he didn't dare to turn his head. The car had just turned a corner, but there were still corners in front of him. If he didn't drive well, he hit a rock wall.

So he was in intense fear until he died.

Li Yifei gave him a bullet directly, ending his life, rushed to the front row, reached out to open the door of the cab, and kicked him out of the car. Li Yifei was already sitting in the driving position.

From jumping to the roof of the car, to killing four people in a flash, to controlling the car, it happened in less than half a minute, which shows how terrifying Li Yifei has become.

Miyamoto Ryota's mouth was wide open, and when the car bumped, he bit his tongue and his face was deformed because of the pain.

His hand slapped the chair in front desperately, and Miyamoto Yoshida shouted: "Quickly, turn around. He grabbed the car behind. Quickly, he rushed up."

Li Yifei stepped on the accelerator, this well-equipped SUV roared towards Miyamoto Ryota, and after a few seconds, it rammed into it.

When Li Yifei crashed a car, he used a little trick. Instead of directly hitting the opponent's car, he slightly hit the steering wheel at the moment of the collision. In this way, the car in front might lose control and change under the force of the collision. direction.

But in this way, Li Yifei was also very uncomfortable, and his knees and chest were in pain.

It was a narrow road with only one two-way lane, allowing two cars to pass, and there were excavated stone walls on both sides. Miyamoto Ryota's car was hit by Li Yifei and almost ran out of control on the stone wall next to it.

The driver desperately controlled the car and returned to the main road. The speed of the car has dropped a lot. It is impossible to catch up with the car in front of you for a short time. What's more, several people in the car have all kinds of demands today. Explain the feeling here, because Li Yifei behind is too desperate and crazy.

After the car crashed wildly, Li Yifei touched the blood on his forehead. When he just hit, he didn't think about himself at all, and his forehead was also broken.

Miyamoto Ryota looked at Li Yifei with blood on his face, and he was scared to the extreme. He was holding a gun and shooting madly behind him, but the bulletproof glass with excellent texture was not a short time to shoot through. Halfway through the flight, the remaining few hits without breaking the glass.

Li Yifei had already rushed up again. This time, Li Yifei directly kicked the accelerator, chased the car to the side of the opponent's body, turned the steering wheel hard, and the car pinned Miyamoto Ryota's car, forcing the opponent's speed to slow down again and toward the side of the road. Hit the stone wall.

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