The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1441: Battle Royale

Both of them looked miserable. Sophia had more traumas, but Li Yifei’s internal injuries were the key point. He had already overdrawn too much physical strength and true energy, and was hit by Jiro Yanagyu so many times. Damaged organs.

That is, Li Yifei, it is impossible for another person to escape from the man in black through clever calculations in that situation, and even run that far mountain road.

With internal injuries and external injuries, Li Yifei was sitting in the car and Meng Xiaofei was driving. Li Yifei was finally able to rest assured. Before the break, he was still fighting hard and checked Sofia’s injuries and found that Sofia could still respond to him. In hemorrhagic shock, Li Yifei was a little relieved.

Soon, Li Yifei fell into confusion. He seemed to lose consciousness, but he could feel the bumps of the car, but he could not open his eyes. He only felt that his eyelids were heavy and heavy.

The car was bumpy and the speed was up and down. Meng Xiaofei was frightened. Seeing Li Yifei in the rearview mirror, and seeing his face flushed and sweaty and extremely weak, Meng Xiaofei wanted to cry.

But she couldn't cry. The two people behind had tried their best to save her. She saw how tragic the scene was, not to mention Li Yifei's side. The two people came back alive, which is the greatest luck. Meng Xiaofei kept telling herself that she must not panic and must hold on.

Just a few minutes after the car drove out, I saw a few cars from the opposite side rushing over. Meng Xiaofei turned the car to the side of the road to avoid these cars.

Ok? Suddenly, Meng Xiaofei saw the window of the last car roll down. A man with sunglasses sitting inside suddenly stretched out a gun, and at the same time seemed to be shouting something.

No, Meng Xiaofei stepped on the accelerator suddenly and raised the speed. No matter who the people in these cars are, but there are guns... Meng Xiaofei had to be cautious.

The two cars staggered past, Meng Xiaofei quickly shifted gears and drove away quickly.

In the rearview mirror, those cars actually stopped and one car was separated and continued to move forward. The others began to turn around. At the same time, someone came down and shouted and shot at Meng Xiaofei's car.

Fortunately, in these dozens of seconds, Meng Xiaofei had already stretched the distance a bit, and those bullets were lost.

Meng Xiaofei looked back at Li Yifei and Sophia, she was already extremely nervous.

In the past, I watched gun battles, at most in film and television dramas. This time Meng Xiaofei experienced it firsthand.

"I can't be messy, I want to be steady!" Meng Xiaofei gritted her teeth and forced herself to calm down. She already felt her hands and feet numb, her heart rate increased rapidly, and even her brain was nervously deprived of oxygen.

Biting her lip to calm herself down, Meng Xiaofei drove hard.

Behind, those black vehicles have been turned around and started chasing Meng Xiaofei’s car.

In the past, Meng Xiaofei drove very slowly. Even at high speeds, he would not drive too fast, but this time was different. The gunshots rang behind him and Meng Xiaofei had to drive faster and faster.

Both sides were chasing, Li Yifei had just searched for some residual zhenqi in his body, gathered them together, introduced them into the dantian, then transferred them out, and moved them through the meridians.

Li Yifei didn't know what was happening outside, he just felt that the car bumped more and more frequently, but his eyes really couldn't open.

In the car behind, Miyamoto Ryota was giving orders. He was sitting in an SUV with a headset, and he was shouting, "Chase me and kill Li Yifei!"

Miyamoto Ryota never dreamed that Inujiro Yanagyu would be defeated or even killed by Li Yifei. When Miyamoto Ryota just received the call, he thought he had heard it wrong.

But whether Inujiro Yagyu really died or suspended animation, he had to make a decision.

The reason why he dared to rebel against Koji Omoto and tried to take the position of president of the Yamaguchi Group was because he felt that he was dependent on the great **** Inujiro Yanagyu. Now that the great **** is dead, if Li Yifei is allowed to escape, then Miyamoto Ryota will It's dangerous.

Want to end well after provoking Li Yifei? Miyamoto Ryota shuddered when he thought of what Li Yifei had done to Yamaguchi before.

Fortunately, he also learned about Li Yifei's serious injury from that strange phone call, so he immediately decided to bring someone to strangle Li Yifei.

This road is the only road leading to the place where Yagyu Inujiro lived in seclusion. Seeing a car driving out of it, Miyamoto Ryota closed his eyes and rested. He was informed by his subordinates, so these talents reacted slowly.

Thanks to this slow response, Meng Xiaofei drove the car over, and found out these people's attempts, and tried to escape.

The gunshots continued behind, and Meng Xiaofei gradually calmed down at this time. She tried her best to drive the car steadily. At the same time, she also circled S slightly, trying to avoid the bullets.

There are several movie scenes in my mind. The road chase in Meng Xiaofei's movie has such a scene.

On the highway, a car was rushing in front, several cars were chasing behind, and gunfire was loud.

This place is wide and sparsely populated, and because it is an exclusive road, I didn't encounter people or cars for a few minutes after driving out.

Miyamoto Ryota behind kept urging the driver to drive faster.

The car bumped up and down. Meng Xiaofei just patronized and looked back, but didn't pay attention to the oncoming car on the opposite side. When she reacted, she hurriedly turned the steering wheel and avoided the opposite car. The car was in danger of collision, but the speed was too fast, and Meng Xiaofei had no time to turn the steering wheel back. The car ran out of the highway and directly hit the grass on the side of the road.

Meng Xiaofei couldn't help yelling, and the car was bumping violently.

With this bump, Li Yifei, who had closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, also opened his eyes, and was dazed to ask what happened to Meng Xiaofei, when he heard a bump from the back of the car, a bullet hit the back of the car. , Fortunately, did not hit the two people in the back seat.

Years of experience made Li Yifei immediately realize that the situation was not right. After twisting his exhausted body, Li Yifei saw several cars chasing behind him, and some people rolled down the windows and shot.

Li Yifei reflected it almost instantaneously. He immediately drew out the pistol on his waist and looked around. Li Yifei said: "Xiaofei, drive to the right, there are mountains there."

Meng Xiaofei didn't dare to look back this time, and while controlling the steering wheel hard, she said: "Brother Li, be careful, I will get rid of them."

Fearing that Li Yifei would not understand, Meng Xiaofei followed and explained: "Not long after they drove out, these people drove over, and then turned around and chased them. A lot of shots have already been fired!"

The car was bumping violently, Li Yifei firmly protected Sophia with one hand to prevent her from falling over, while holding the pistol with the other hand, he observed the situation behind him.

Li Yifei drove over today with a Mercedes-Benz SUV with a high chassis and full horsepower, so it can be driven on this kind of road.

The people in black had seven or eight cars, four of which were cars and four were off-road vehicles. As soon as Meng Xiaofei drove down, the cars could not run on this kind of road, so Li Yifei asked her to go to the right and away from the road. .

As a result, there are only four chasing vehicles left, and the chasing pressure is less.

If possible, Li Yifei would definitely go to drive himself, but his current physical condition is simply unable to drive. On the contrary, it is better to let Meng Xiaofei drive.

He has rolled down the car window. Looking at the back, Li Yifei was extremely calm at this time.

Today, he escaped twice, so facing the people behind, Li Yifei became more calm.

It was Meng Xiaofei who surprised him a little bit, this girl was not even flustered.

From the side, Meng Xiaofei has a little blood on the corners of her mouth, but her face is full of determination. Looking forward, she seems to forget that the people behind have guns in their hands and are shooting from time to time.

Li Yifei was not only pleased, but also felt really embarrassed for her.

There are still two or three kilometers away from the mountain in the distance. It looks very close, but I can’t get up quickly on this kind of road, so I want to drive there.

Miyamoto Ryota saw Meng Xiaofei driving the car off the road, so he scolded him. His car was a small sedan and it was no use to get off. So he called another car to stop, coaxed people off, got in, and continued chasing. He came over and ordered the people in the three SUVs to shoot.

After a series of bullets came, Li Yifei lowered his head. Seeing that the bullet did not come, Li Yifei said: "Xiaofei, I want to fight back. Be careful of yourself."

With that said, Li Yifei stuck his hand out of the car window and fixed his body with his feet.

People in the car, the car keeps bumping up and down, want to control the body, holding a gun is already difficult, let alone shooting out, but Li Yifei has this ability, his hand stretched out the window, his eyebrows were condensed , Aim at the four cars behind.

Li Yifei only has seven bullets. If he is all shot, there is really no way to fight back, so he is very cautious.

Aiming and pulling the trigger, Li Yifei took a full sight for half a minute before firing the first shot. He was measuring the bumps of the car and the speed and bumps of his opponent.

The first bullet flew out of the barrel, and a second later, it hit a car dozens of meters away.

It is a pity that the power of the bullet with the silencer is weakened. After hitting the front of the car, the potential energy has become much smaller. Although the first shot hit, it did not achieve the desired effect.

"Oops, boss, they also have guns!" The Yamaguchi crew in the car that was hit immediately reported to Miyamoto Ryota.

Miyamoto Ryota immediately cursed in the headset: "Oh, are you a pig? Shoot me. No pistol, change the machine gun!"

Because he changed cars, he is still far away, and he won't be able to catch up after a while.

Li Yifei's second shot has been fired. He has unscrewed the muffler, and with a bang, the bullet chased the car in front of the opponent.

When the other party heard the gunfire, the bullet had already hit, and the other party had no time to evade, and the bullet that was shot hit the windshield of the other party's driving seat.

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