The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1146: To die and die together

Even if hope is slim, Li Yifei has a strong will to survive. At this moment, he can't do anything, but still forces himself to remain calm. Only by being calm can he have a little hope of life when the wind stops. .

For so many years, Li Yifei was able to survive in countless dangerous environments. This kind of willpower is definitely the most important part.

Li Yifei didn't know how long it took. He felt that the power in his body was slowly fading, and it was getting harder and harder to hold Xu Shanshan's arm, but no matter what, he refused to let Xu Shanshan go.

It's not that Li Yifei has no struggle in his heart. If Xu Shanshan is let go, his physical strength will at least not be lost so quickly. There is still a chance of life. This should be a wise choice. After all, there are so many wives in his family. They shouldn't make all of them sad for Xu Shanshan alone.

But Li Yifei’s idea was quickly dispelled, because Xu Shanshan seemed to feel that Li Yifei was about to let go. She actually started to take the initiative to pull Li Yifei’s arm away. Although Xu Shanshan couldn’t say anything now, Li Yifei understood. She wanted to leave him the hope of life.

Xu Shanshan could do this. Li Yifei had any reason to give up Xu Shanshan and hugged Xu Shanshan even harder to convey his feelings. Even if they were to die at this time, the two of them would simply die. Together, if he can live, then he must take Xu Shanshan back.

Xu Shanshan felt the firmness of Li Yifei, and no longer tore Li Yifei's arm, but hugged Li Yifei's waist tightly, and she knew that death might be right in front of her.

It suddenly occurred to her that the two had fallen to pieces. Even though it was miserable at that time, the two of them have been connected to each other and can no longer distinguish you and me. Even if they die, this is a different kind of happiness.

At this time, Xu Shanshan's heart suddenly settled down. At home, even if she can't be affectionate with Li Yifei, she can't be with Li Yifei like other women. She usually stays with Li Yifei. She looks happy, but Xu Shanshan is in fact very bitter in love. Can she not want to be with Li Yifei every day? Does she want to be casual with Li Yifei every day instead of being sneaky?

If you love someone, you must be with him. Even if it is difficult for her to be with Li Yifei in the real world, let them be together in another world.

Perseverance, Li Yifei has been persisting, and persistence finally brought good luck. He felt that his body was falling, but the rate of decline was not fast. Although the wind could not make people fly upward, there was still upward Strength, so people will not fall directly in the process of falling.

This is undoubtedly the best thing, and as the rate of descent began to increase, Li Yifei knew that he was about to fall to the ground, and he was still in the sand at this time, his eyes still could not be opened, only the power running through his body , Ready to crash when falling to the ground.

Finally, Li Yifei's feet touched the sand. If it were an ordinary person, he still couldn't make enough reaction at this time. However, Li Yifei was well prepared and the reaction speed was extremely fast. As soon as the sole of his feet touched the sand, his legs suddenly bend and his knees It’s the best buffer, and then roll to dissolve the rest of the earth’s power. If you’re lucky, they can still save their lives, because he feels that the time to accelerate from the air to the ground will never exceed two seconds. Zhong, that also means that the height is more than ten meters, which is almost the height of three or four floors. At this height, Li Yifei can still handle it.

But all the preparations made by Li Yifei turned out to be meaningless. As soon as he touched the ground, he did not have such a strong reaction force. Instead, he sank as if he fell into the water, but Li Yifei was sure that he The place where it fell was not in the water at all, but in the sand. To be precise, it was an unusually soft sand.


A terrifying idea suddenly popped into Li Yifei’s mind. Quicksand is not fun. If a person strays into the quicksand, it is extremely difficult to get out. Scientists once did experiments. If a person falls into the quicksand, Even if it doesn't sink completely, if you want to get it out, unless you use a crane, others can't pull out the suction of the sand at all.

Encountering quicksand in the desert is absolutely fatal. Even if it is not completely swallowed by the quicksand, it will not get out of the trap, and there will be no rescue at all. If there is no water and no supplies, it will take less than two days. Burned to death by the sun.

This idea of ​​Li Yifei just turned around in his mind, and he made an instinctive reaction. All his strength was transferred from his legs to his arms. With a hard throw with both arms, he threw Xu Shanshan out.

There was quicksand under his feet. Li Yifei threw Xu Shanshan in this way. The reality confirmed his judgment. His legs sunk directly into his chest and quickly reached his chest, and there was no sign of stopping.

This made Li Yifei horrified. If only his legs were sunk, there was hope, but when he reached his chest, if he wanted to go out, there was no hope at all. Now he is still going down, he will soon sink into the quicksand, and his life will be It ended in the next moment.

"Brother-in-law!" Xu Shanshan didn't know why he reacted so quickly at this time, and when he swooped forward, he already grabbed Li Yifei's hand.

"Let go!" Li Yifei yelled hurriedly. In the quicksand, there is nothing manpower can do. Xu Shanshan is just as dangerous as him.

"Brother-in-law!" Xu Shanshan was initially dizzy, but now she understood the environment she was in instantly, smiled sadly at Li Yifei, and said: "If you die, I can't live anymore, then I would rather follow You die together, besides...Brother-in-law, the same is true for me here." With another pounce, he was already holding Li Yifei's neck.

Li Yifei was still sinking at this time, his arms were already entangled in quicksand, and he couldn't get rid of Xu Shanshan, and Xu Shanshan was sinking in the same way. Although he threw Xu Shanshan out, Xu Shanshan was still in the quicksand. Seeing Xu Shanshan's resolute gaze, Li Yifei finally gave up. He looked at Xu Shanshan softly and said, "Shanshan, we are going to die. Are you afraid ?"

"Don't be afraid, as long as I can be with my brother-in-law, I won't be afraid of death!" Xu Shanshan showed an unusually bright smile on her face, and then she kissed Li Yifei's lips when she peeked.

Li Yifei didn't think about anything at this time, and kissed Xu Shanshan to death. It was a death kiss, but such a kiss was very moving.

"Yifei, will you kiss me?" The saint suddenly whispered from behind.

Li Yifei took Xu Shanshan and turned to look at the saint. The saint's face still has an angel-like smile, and there is no panic in her eyes, but there is a kind of expectation.

Xu Shanshan took the initiative to let go of Li Yifei at this time, and the three were about to die together. She had no reason to disagree with the last wish of the saint before her death.

With the same thought, Li Yifei kissed the saint's lips directly.

The saint snorted, a sweeter smile appeared on her face, and then her head sank under the sand.

The body of the saint is shorter than that of Li Yifei, so the head is the first to go. Li Yifei released the saint, turned his head and kissed Xu Shanshan again, and then was swallowed by the sand in an instant. The quicksand after the sandstorm followed again Li Yifei's sinking position flowed in for a while, and calm again.

Yecheng, knowing that Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan are still alive, since the plane crashed, they couldn't let Li Yifei die, then they had nothing to worry about, and everyone quickly put their energy into reality.

But now, Li Yifei’s family has encountered an unprecedented crisis. Xu Yingying’s company has been suppressed as never before. The city government has strongly supported it in the past. All kinds of things have been given the green light. Now not only is there no green light, but also various They also come to check from time to time.

Although Su Mengxin came forward, it couldn't improve much. Under the pressure of Meng Qianjun, Wei Zijun, and Gu Yanan, even with Su Mengxin's influence, it was not as good as the combination of the three.

Moreover, in terms of sales, there were several problems with the products. They all said that there were fake and inferior products in the products. Xu Yingying and the others knew that this was the ghost of Wei Zijun and others, but they had no way of doing it. The influence of these three people is really too great. Even if many people knew that this was being planted, no one gave Xu Yingying a head start.

Originally Li Yifei was here, and the Su family, Xiao family, and Zheng family were all united together, but now Li Yifei is not there, and in the eyes of the outside world, Li Yifei will undoubtedly die. Even these big families have very limited support for the Li family. And one after another asked Xiao Ling'er and the others to go back, so that they would not wade in the muddy water again.

For these big families, interest is always the first place. Although Li Yifei cannot bring them the most direct benefit, it can bring them together. But if Li Yifei is not there, the bond will be lost. , This kind of union between them naturally disappeared.

Coupled with the instigation of the Wei family, the Gu family, and the Meng family, although the union of these three families has not fallen apart, it is clear that the three families have left behind each other, and they are not as close as they were united some time ago.

Although Li Yifei’s company is small, Wei Zijun and the others will not let it go. Now it is still difficult. Ning Xin'er and the others can only support it. Fortunately, Li Yifei and the others have no problem with the funds now, even if they support them. The company will not have much problem for the time being.

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