The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1145: Encounter sandstorm again

It was dark at this time. For Li Yifei and the saint, this is a very unfavorable thing. They don’t have night vision glasses. They can’t see each other at this time. They can only avoid each other’s attacks by relying on their keen senses, so even if they It is a lot higher than the opponent's strength, and now it is not in any advantage. If it were not easy to come up, they would have killed five. They were besieged by ten people, but they were still at a disadvantage.

But even if the other party had such convenient conditions, it would be too difficult to hurt Li Yifei and the saintess. The two sides suddenly fell into a stalemate.

The fighting between the seven people was fierce, and a gust of wind suddenly blew. This wind came very suddenly, and the wind was quite strong, and the air was still full of moisture, and then there was a flash of lightning across the sky.

This lightning was a great opportunity for both Li Yifei and the saint. The two immediately stepped up their offensive and injured them immediately. The balance was suddenly broken. Even if there was no lightning, Li Yifei and the others began to take advantage of it. Advantage.

The saint entangled the other two at once, and Li Yifei attacked the blond man. Li Yifei wanted to get some useful information from the other person’s mouth. These people followed him. Obviously, they were premeditated, and Li Yifei felt it too. They were probably the organization. Several times in a row, Li Yifei didn't get clues from people like them. Of course, he couldn't give up this opportunity at this time.

Another flash of lightning flashed, Li Yifei cut the blond man's neck with a palm, and finally knocked the guy out, and the saint knocked down the two guys at the same moment.

Li Yifei was still a little excited when he finally caught an important person. If he can get some important information from them, know what organization the other party is, and know what the other party wants to do, then he can treat this organization in the future. You can be targeted, you don't have to be too passive like now.

"Who are these people?" The saint asked at this time: "They are all very skilled, and they are definitely masters in our jihadist organization. I really don't know who can gather so many masters."

Li Yifei shook his head and said, "I only know that they should be members of an organization, and have had several conflicts with me."

"There is even such an organization." The saint murmured. As the saint of the jihadist organization, she has a general understanding of organizations around the world. Now she does not even know this organization, which is enough to show that this organization has How mysterious.

At this time, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and it was raining in the desert. Except for the most powerful blond man who was left behind, Li Yifei checked all the others, and they all died. The saint's actions were also quite cruel. , Did not leave a living mouth.

It was already cold in the desert. If it rained again, it was unobstructed. The rain dripped on the body, and it was even more bitingly cold. Li Yifei quickly found a night vision goggles to wear and shouted: "Wait for me, I I'll be back soon."

The saint and Xu Shanshan didn’t know what Li Yifei was going to do, but within fifteen minutes, Li Yifei returned. They brought back a lot of things in large and small bags. This is the equipment of those assassins. They attacked them just now. You can't bring these things. Li Yifei got them, including the tent for sleeping at night.

Two tents were quickly set up, Xu Shanshan and the saint slept in one room, while Li Yifei took the blond man to the other room.

Li Yifei was not in a hurry to interrogate this blond man. For such a person, it is definitely not so easy to spit. Now to extract a confession against him, it can only be in vain, so Li Yifei threw him in the rain and started. Sleep, raise your spirits, and deal with this guy tomorrow.

Rain is the most precious in the desert, but Li Yifei doesn't need it now. He slept well in the evening. The next morning, Li Yifei packed his bags, and the three set out again with the blond man.

Like this guy, the willpower must be very strong, so Li Yifei has to starve and thirsty him for two days, consume his physical strength, and polish his willpower, so that he can get useful things from his mouth.

The blond man’s physical strength was indeed good. He was frozen all night and injured Li Yifei. At this time, he was still full of energy, and he sneered from time to time. Obviously he understood what Li Yifei meant, but he would never give in. , Li Yifei all this was wasted effort.

Xu Shanshan felt very upset about Li Yifei carrying such a guy. In her opinion, such a guy was obviously a big tail and a big light bulb. Looking at him, she felt uncomfortable. It might as well be straightforward. Let it die.

With Li Yifei crying out to death, Xu Shanshan became very hot at this time, as if to kill the blond man, there was no discomfort in her heart.

Li Yifei found the equipment from these people, but these guys didn't even have satellite phones or radio equipment, which was quite uncomfortable, otherwise he could talk to his family now.

However, they found a map and a positioning system. This is very important for the three of them. After determining their position, and then looking at the map, Li Yifei knew that if he walked for another day, he would encounter an oasis. After walking for more than three days, they can come to the highway, and then they can leave the desert.

They only stayed in the oasis for one night, and then the three of them began to walk forward. On the fourth day, they were getting closer and closer to the road, and the blond man was very tired at this time, Li Yifei I know, this guy can be tried at this time, with his means, I don't believe that I can't get useful things from this guy's mouth.

"Brother-in-law, what's over there?"

Just as Li Yifei was about to interrogate the blond man, Xu Shanshan pointed to a dark object in the distance and cried.

Li Yifei's heart was tense, and he secretly screamed awful. He was already about to leave the desert, and unexpectedly encountered such an unfortunate thing again.

What is the most extreme weather in the desert... There is only one answer, and that is sandstorm.

As soon as the sandstorm came, the strong wind swept through the violent sand, covering the sky, and it was absolutely like the end of the world. Li Yifei and the others set off again. After several days of good weather, they encountered a sandstorm.

The saint and Xu Shanshan have never been in the desert before. It feels like walking in the desert is already one of the most overwhelming things. Now that they see this kind of sandstorm, the two of them have a sense of the desert. Gained a new understanding, it turns out that their knowledge of the desert is still too superficial.

Li Yifei has performed several missions in the desert, but he was fully prepared before. Even if he worked harder, he could easily come out. But now he is not prepared and has encountered a sandstorm that he has never encountered before. Li Yifei felt that this was terrible.

However, Li Yifei understood the matter of the sandstorm. Seeing the yellow sand swept over the sky, he immediately picked up Xu Shanshan and ran under a sand dune. At this time, the saint lacked her own judgment ability and hurriedly pursued it. Got Li Yifei.

At this moment, Li Yifei didn't care about the blond man, so he could only leave him behind.

It is a pity that the sand dune is still a little far away from Li Yifei and the others, and the speed of the sandstorm is really indescribable. In the blink of an eye, it is less than a hundred meters away from Li Yifei and the others.

"Get down." Li Yifei knew that he couldn't rush to the sand dune at this time, and standing or running in the sandstorm would undoubtedly be killing himself, so he roared decisively.

The saint did not hesitate to lie next to Li Yifei, while Li Yifei was lying between the two of them, wrapped under her body, and by the way, she took out a piece of clothing and put her arms around them. The shoulders were covered with clothes on the heads of three people.

And when they just got down, the wind swept across the sky and the yellow sand was already rushing towards their faces. Even if they were wearing clothes, the sand hitting their bodies would be very painful. If their faces are not covered with clothes, I am afraid they will have to be more severe. Crap.

When a person is in a dust storm, as long as you get down, there will be no major problems. If it is not too strong, you will not worry about being buried in the sand and just wait for the dust storm to pass.

But Li Yifei and the others may be really unlucky. This sandstorm was brought about by a tornado, and even worse, the tornado was passing over the three of them.

Li Yifei is very powerful, and the saint is also very powerful, but under the power of this nature, they seem too small. Their ability is naturally very strong compared to others, but now they feel weak. Like an ant, the bodies of three people are like three pieces of shredded paper, which are directly rolled up.

Li Yifei feels very bad, really bad. This time I came to Australia. How could I be so unlucky. Under this situation, besides being able to hold Xu Shanshan's complexion in his arms, he can do everything else. I can't do it, I can only get higher and higher.

The same goes for the saint, and the only thing she can do is to hold Li Yifei's waist tightly.

The three people were in the air, turning around with the strong wind, and soon they were dizzy. The sand in the wind hit their faces, and it was painful like a knife. Xu Shanshan and the saint were both instinctive His face was buried in Li Yifei's body, but Li Yifei's face was unobstructed. The pain can be imagined.

But the most important thing is that Li Yifei doesn't know when they will be thrown down. That is the worst. If it is too high, even if they fall into the sand, they will definitely be thrown into meatloaf, airplane The crash was because the plane gave a huge buffer effect and did not kill three people. It would be very tragic if the tornado took their lives.

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