The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2135 Outbreak Of Sequelae





The golden light **oss is another powerful burst of power, this time even more ferocious, the golden light becomes a crimson, this is the state of rage


Still useless!

Long Fei is... invincible in all attacks!

Take no damage at all

Long Fei said loudly: "Come on, come on, you bitch, come and kill the daddy, aren't you very strong?"

A mean face

Alien **oss was provocatively jumping in place, going mad, and wished to tear Long Fei to pieces.

"come on!"

"Come and kill me o"

"come here now!"

Long Fei laughed arrogantly and muttered to himself: "The power of the imprint of the Ming clan is fierce. With this power, daddy will be able to walk sideways."


"If this guy's power is compared to the main god, what will it be like?"

"Even if the Lord God is stronger, he probably won't be as strong as that, so... daddy is still invincible, hahaha..." Long Fei became more and more excited the more he thought about it.

As long as the power of the mark of the underworld is used well o

Then you can sweep over a hundred thousand planes.

He will become the master of one hundred thousand planes o

Entering the Hongmeng world is the same

Violent all the way, arrogant all the way!

Step on everything under his feet, this is the world he wants

But o

Long Fei didn't notice that every time he used his own Blood Essence, his body felt overdrawn, as if it was gradually hollowed out.

Also because he was too excited, he didn't notice o


The Golden Light Alien is another powerful outbreak o

Long Fei activates the imprint of the underworld with another drop of Blood Essence, still invincible.

"Do you have this power?"

"I don't even have enough strength to tickle me."

"Is there more power?"

Long Fei severely despised o

Jin Guang's whole body twitched with anger, his body trembled, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the tens of billions of blood on the top of his head bottomed out instantly.


Soaring such a damage!

Ten billion damage value!

Long Fei was slightly taken aback, "Damn!"

He was stunned!

He didn't attack at all.

This boss was directly vomited by anger, and was directly killed by Long Fei.


Long Fei laughed wildly, and said excitedly: "Break it!"

With tens of billions of damage, the Golden Light Alien was instantly killed by himself.

At this should be when the system prompt sounds o


To Long Fei's surprise, the system prompt didn't sound, and Long Fei was shocked, "Oh, I didn't do him any harm, it pissed itself off, it didn't belong to me to kill, such a way. Come to daddy, you can't even get a fart..."


Long Fei is speechless

Because the power of the imprint of the underworld was too powerful, he forgot about it for a while.

This is a super **** with tens of billions of blood!

just this?

Long Fei wants to cry!

However... just when he was extremely annoyed o

The big alien that was killed by Long Fei suddenly turned into a pile of skeletons, and at this moment, it soared directly on the spot, swallowing the other big alien beside him.

Also at the same time o

The suspended golden light falls again


Another series of ferocious transformations, the big alien attached to the skeleton frame became even more ferocious, and the breath on his body was also particularly terrifying, and it was many times stronger than before.

"It's still evolving!"

"I rely on!"

"This is giving me a boss. I thought you just died just now, but I didn't expect you to die yet, it's so good o"

boss is not dead

Long Fei is excited

If you die, there's really nothing left


With a roar that pierced the eardrum, the void was shaking, the entire altar was shaking, and two empty eyes stared at Long Fei, that powerful coercion seemed to be rolled down layer by layer.

Long Fei's mind can't bear it


Long Fei is not afraid

"You've been attacking just now,'s my turn!" Long Fei's eyes narrowed, he just released the defensive power of the imprint of the underworld.

no attack power

Looking at the change of the golden light boss, this time Long Fei will never miss the opportunity again.

Blood Essence moves!


Landing on his left arm, Long Fei became excited, "Mark of the Ming family, activate!"


A loud bang in the body

also at this time

The loud noise suddenly disappeared, Long Fei's body also sank suddenly, his brain seemed to be split open, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

extremely uncomfortable o

It feels like Blood Essence is being drained o

"What kind of attack is this?"

Long Fei didn't know that this was the reason why he used too much Blood Essence. He thought it was the attack of the golden light boss. The Blood Essence just resisted the golden light boss's attack.

suddenly o

Long Fei roared and condensed Blood Essence again, "Mark of the Underworld, activate!"


the sound is very slight

The imprint of the underworld seems to have not felt it.

Not only that!

Long Fei's own power is also being lost in a frenzy. Here in the law, the power of Cultivation Base is frantically being lost, like quicksand.

disappear quickly!

Long Fei's face was horrified, "Why is this?"

"The power of **oss?"


Long Fei was a little flustered in his heart, but at this time he still had no hesitation, condensed three drops of Blood Essence again, and injected it into the imprint of the Ming clan at the same time, and roared, "The power of imprint, open it to me!!!"


a loud noise o

Long Fei's body was in incomparable pain, but... the power of the imprint of the Ming family was activated again. Long Fei didn't know whether it was the power of the golden light oss that caused damage to Zai, or if there was a problem with his own body.

But o

He has only one thought now

It is to kill Jin Guang**oss, as long as you kill him, you will be able to level up, and all his states will be restored after leveling up.

the pain will go away

The power will be restored o

"As long as you are killed, everything will return to normal." Long Fei roared, and the blade of the Lord God fell.

The power in the mark of the underworld directly entangles o

All power poured into it

Long Fei stared at the second upgraded boss, "Come on!"

The Golden Light Alien also noticed the changes in Long Fei's body. Seeing Long Fei activate the power of the imprint of the Ming clan again, his eyes sank slightly.

golden light

One after another thunder, attacking the crazy roar with the power of strange fire, Long Fei o bAnFu-.*sheng. The strongest upgrade system

Long Fei clenched the blade of the Lord God with both hands, his body was shaking constantly, all the power in the body was losing frantically, and even the power of the activated underworld imprint was losing.

Don't miss a second!

"Ming Slash!"

The blade of the Lord God slashed down, and Long Fei unleashed all his strength. After the slash, his mind seemed to be split open. Looking at the power of the slash, Long Fei secretly said: "I must kill it in seconds, I must kill it. To kill in seconds..."

If the boss doesn't die, he will die!

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