The Strongest Upgrade System

Reference 2134 The Undead Duo, Long Fei Is Invincible


indescribable fierce

Two strokes killed Long Fei and Qiao Qiao in seconds.

and o

This is not his strongest two moves o

The power...the's indescribable

and o

With that palm down, Long Fei felt that the power of the boss had endless penetrating power, as if ignoring his defenses.

Too fierce!


The Golden Light Alien let out a roar, as if to vent, as if to say, "This is the end of provoking me!"

Extraordinary arrogance


In the deep pit, Long Fei's cracked body is truly reorganized.

The Heavenly King's Immortal Pearl released a powerful force to reshape his body. Long Fei was extremely worried about Qiao Qiao. He couldn't bear the palm of his hand, and Qiao Qiao couldn't bear it either.


I don't know how she is now


The power of the Undead Orb of Heaven Unleashes o

Long Fei stood up from the ground and saw the deep pit on the other side, Qiao Qiao fell into the pit with a pale face, and there was no breath on her body.


Long Fei was instantly furious!

The whole person seems to be insane

"Move my woman!"

"If it doesn't kill you, daddy won't be called Long Fei!"


The first woman in the world who is nice to him

a silly woman

In Long Fei's mind, her status is irreplaceable.

The last time she suffered great pain for herself, she died o

In the chaos world, he was once again deprived of his soul by the god of fate, and now... he fell in front of Long Fei again. This kind of hatred made Long Fei almost crazy.


Just when Long Fei was about to rush out

A white fluorescent light fell from Qiao Qiao's body and landed on her body, like ripples on the calm lake.

The white light is constantly shrouded in o

Her whole body also quickly recovered o

Opening her eyes slightly, Qiao Qiao shyly took a fancy to Long Fei, because she was shy when she heard Long Fei say that she was his woman just now.

"Jojo..." Long Fei was taken aback for a moment.

Jojo stand up

The breath on her body is stronger o

stronger than before

Jojo said shyly: "Master Young, I am the body of Phoenix, this is my third Nirvana birth!"

Phoenix Queen o

nine rebirths

This is her third o

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and immediately became excited, "Hahaha... So, you have six more times?"

Qiaoqiao nodded and said: "Yes, but, it is not possible to die at any time, the first time, the second time I was not ready, my body couldn't bear it, so I couldn't recover as soon as possible. o”


"I'm ready this time, thanks to Young Master for giving me those Cultivation Techniques, and that powerful soul force o"

Long Fei is very happy

This is simply an immortal duo!

Long Fei uses Tianwang Immortal Pearl

Jojo has the power of Nirvana unique to Empress Phoenix

Neither of them will die!


Long Fei can't let Qiaoqiao take risks anymore, he doesn't want to see his beloved woman fall down again o

immediately o

Long Fei shouted, "Now you watch, I'll clean him up!"

"His grandma's!"

"Move my woman, daddy won't blow you up, let's count your chrysanthemum tight." Long Fei snorted, turned his eyes to stare, and floated into the air.

Appeared in the vision of the Golden Light Alien o

Seeing that Long Fei was not dead, the Golden Light Alien was quite angry and kept roaring.

Long Fei was also furious and shouted, "Grandson, it's my turn grandpa!"


fly out one step

Wear Shattering Void

He landed directly beside the golden light alien, staring at the huge and ugly alien, Long Fei didn't hesitate, and he couldn't control that much at this time.

A drop of Blood Essence condensed!

It landed directly on the left arm, on the mark of the Ming clan released by the white-haired old man.


A scarlet light shot out o

Like a huge halo, it formed a huge wave, directly covering tens of millions of kilometers, the entire altar shook, and the alien **oss was also shocked.

A look of astonishment flashed in his eyes

Alien **oss let out a roar, "Roar..."

The golden light on the body burst out like a scorching sun with sparkling light waves o

These light waves formed an incomparably powerful attack to crush Long Fei. If it was just now, this move would turn Long Fei into a jerk, and even if there was a Heavenly King Immortal Bead, he might not be able to repair him.

The power of this move is too powerful o

Jojo's face changed greatly, and she shouted: "Young Master!"

At the same time o

She also rushed towards Long Fei desperately.

However o

Long Fei shouted, "Don't come here!"

Light waves cover o

Long Fei was like a normal person in the Light Wave. He didn't take any damage at all, and the blood tank above his head didn't drop at all.

because o

This layer of black halo shrouded his body

The imprint of the Ming clan on his left arm appeared, extremely bright.

Long Fei felt the power in the mark o

He now finally understands what the elder of the Ming clan said, the power of immortality is only the weakest power in the mark.

I began to think that the elders of the Ming clan were pretending to be coercive.

Now he finally understands the meaning of this sentence o

The power of immortality in the imprint of the underworld is the weakest being. There are only two words to describe Long Fei's current feeling, invincible! ! !

nothing else!

Just two words, invincible!

The damage of the light wave is estimated to easily kill everything in seconds.

but he

Completely motionless, no damage at all

Not even enough strength to tickle him

Looking at Jin Guang Da Xing's dumbfounded look, Long Fei grinned slightly and said, "You bitch, come again, what other powerful powers are there?"

"Come again!"

"Boom daddy ah o"


extremely arrogant

extremely mad o

Long Fei is like this

The Golden Light Alien is angry, furious, the golden armor of the whole body is constantly mutating, the rune on the armor seems to be burning, and it is also mutating.

light wave closes o

Long Fei was suspended in the air, excitedly contemptuous, and said, "Grandson, come, come and kill me, come!"


The golden light roared in the sky, and his whole body became red from his feet to the top of his head, like a burning machine, crazy.

Also at the same time when the light closes o

The imprint of the underworld on the left arm disappears o

Long Fei kept calling, but he couldn't feel the power of the imprint of the underworld.

A little sigh in my heart


"Could it be that a drop of Blood Essence can only be used once?"

Long Fei was shocked

Looking at the rage of the Golden Light Alien, he condensed a drop of Blood Essence again in an instant, and once again stimulated the power of the imprint of the underworld.

as he expected o

Blood Essence falls, o

The imprint of the underworld appears!

A drop of Blood Essence can only be activated once o

Long Fei calmly said, "Alright, there are countless Blood Essences in my body, a thousand drops, ten thousand drops are not a problem, hahaha..."

He didn't hear what the dragon said o

His Blood Essence contains the power of ancient heritage and cannot be used lightly!

There are sequelae...

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