The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2089 Damn, I'm Here At The Boss's Nest

As Long Fei became stronger, some forces in the great world of Hongmeng had also vaguely noticed the o

Especially the awakening of the ancient inheritance power in Long Fei's body.

Although only a slight ripple o

But it keeps rippling outward, and as soon as the hurricane arrives, it can instantly become a super giant wave.

In the seemingly peaceful world, undercurrents are actually surging.

The Long Mansion and the Mu Family are also quickly preparing o


Jiyuan Mountains o

Long Fei walked out of the room, and everyone knelt down and bowed thousands of meters away.

They were shocked by the strong light in Long Fei's room and the god of thunder above Nine Heavens, and their admiration and respect for Long Fei reached an unprecedented height.

Long Fei hurriedly called them up.

Li Yuanba walked to Long Fei's side and said, "Boss, how's it going?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "It became o"

Although Li Yuanba didn't know what Long Fei meant by "finished", it was obvious that he had succeeded, and he laughed along with Hanhan's excitement.

The ancient elephant Elder, the fierce tiger Elder and the demon wolf leader came up and reported the progress of the bunker excavation during this period.

After a little chat o

Everyone retreats

Long Fei took out the blade of the Lord God again and muttered to himself: "The blade of the Lord God has super god-killing power. I wonder if it can destroy the polar storm?"

Although the construction process of the bunker is very fast, Long Fei is not sure that he can resist the devastation of the polar storm. What if he can't resist it?

Bunkers are just a defensive measure o

Passive defense is not Long Fei's style!

"I'm going to try it!"

immediately o

Long Fei called Li Yuanba, Ziyue and the others gave a simple order and went to the north alone.

Li Yuanba and the others all wanted to follow, but they were all rejected by Long Fei.

How's the situation on the north side?

Even if he went to Tianling once, he couldn't tell, and with the super creatures hidden in the dark, Long Fei would be safe to go alone.




The wings of the sky were released, and Long Fei quickly shuttled in the air. After entering the north of the Jiyuan Mountains, Long Fei began to feel the biting cold.

Even if he is a median god now, he can't resist this kind of cold invasion.


"It's too fucking cold o"

Long Fei stood on a big tree, the bark was frozen, and the needles were covered with ice crystals, "This f*ck pee may freeze Jj."

Looking at the silver-white surrounding, the heavy snow has reached a depth of several meters, and this is only the edge of the extremely low storm. If it is the center, what kind of temperature will it be?

unimaginable o


Long Fei's divine power surged, and the divine power turned into heat to maintain his body temperature. Watching the giant vortex in the distance stepped out again, taking a step of white rice, he leaped towards the center of the vortex.




The cold wind howls like a hungry tiger roaring

There were thin bloodstains on Long Fei's face, all of which were cut out by the cold wind blowing on his face.

The closer you get, the colder it gets

not only cold o

This is like the Death zone, freezing the speed of Long Fei, and even the power of his law of the sky seems to be frozen.

as a last resort

Long Fei could only fall from mid-air, with white snow on his toes, as soon as the geese flew, they began to move forward through the forest.

don't come, don't know

Coming to the north of the Jiyuan Mountains, Long Fei began to know that this polar storm was too terrifying.

The bunkers he made the Ten Thousand Demon Tribes build might not be of much use.

Bittersweet, deep into the ground o


suddenly o

There was a sound of collapse in the distance, and the snow rolled over. Long Fei's mind was tense at first glance, "Damn, Xue Beng?"

The snow was like waves, rolling down from the top of the mountain crazily, and the towering trees were instantly crushed and buried in the snow waves.

Long Fei didn't dare to stop at all, so he ran quickly.

Speed ​​to the limit o


But Xuelang was getting closer and closer, seeing that it was about to reach his buttocks, Long Fei jumped at the same time, the power of the law of the sky was released, and he flew directly into the air.

Since you can't win, fly into the sky, so you can always escape

Just when he thought so, a club made from a huge towering tree in the snow wave smashed down on the top of the head.


Draw Shattering Void

space is warping

Above the club is a shadow, blocking all the directions of Long Fei.

Long Fei's eyes were fierce, and he immediately thought of the super creature that Tianling said, and secretly said in his heart: "Could it be that you are a super creature?"

"Then let me meet you for a while!"

talking room o

Long Fei moved to the left, Tathagata phantom appeared, and he punched o

The Tathagata figure is also bombarded up o


Buddhist bells ring o

The incomparably heavy force slammed on the huge club, the two forces collided together, making a loud noise, and the force burst out.


The huge mallet moved slightly, and the power released was no weaker than Long Fei's Tathagata power.

and o

It still wants to get angry

The mallet leaned back slightly, increased its power again, and struck down!

Long Fei froze in his heart, "Damn it, what kind of monster is this f*ck?"

Heart secretly trembled o

Although the power of Tathagata is not the strongest power of Long Fei, even the god who controls the law would not dare to despise it, but now he can't even break a hammer.

It can be seen how fierce the monster with the mallet is.

Looking at the hammer falling down again, Long Fei secretly said, "No, I have to see what kind of guy you are!"

immediately o

Long Fei's body sank, fell directly, and rushed into the snow waves.


The giant stick was bombarded, but Long Fei didn't hit it. Half of the hillside in the distance was smashed into pieces, and the gravel flew all over the sky like an explosion.

and o

Each piece of blasted gravel did not fall, but directly penetrated into the void and disappeared.

This power...

It can directly blast you into the void and disappear forever o

Just like the power of darkness, it sucks everything in you into a black hole.


Long Fei's back felt cold, "It's dangerous!"

If Long Fei didn't do his best just now, he would be blasted into a black hole.

as a result of……

The more I think about Long Fei's heart, the fainter it trembles.

In the snow waves, the dragon flies back and forth


The snow waves stopped, and Long Fei saw a monster with white hair all over his body that looked like a small mountain.

Upgraded White Ape!

His body exudes boss golden light o

The two white pupils stared at the little Long Fei on the ground.

not only that o

Just as Long Fei stopped, dozens of pairs of white pupils in the jungle glowed coldly, and all of them flashed golden light from the boss.

There is a terrifying atmosphere around

Their eyes are full of anger

with a thick kill o

Long Fei was stunned and said, "Damn it, I'm here at the boss's nest!"

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