The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2088 Blade Of The Lord God

hot breath o

Manic dark power o

Flame o on the hammer of Soul Refining

Long Fei was sweating profusely, and his whole body was smoking like smoke. With the sound of the system prompt in his mind, it was as if a hot iron block was suddenly put into the water, making a harsh sound, and then it completely stopped.

"Huh...huh..." Long Fei panted heavily.

My heart tightened secretly, looking at the two fragments of the Lord God embedded in the blade of King Yama, and said slightly: "It should be a success, right?"

with doubt o

Long Fei does not dare to guarantee o

because o

All this must be determined by the system. The system says success can only be considered success. If he decides that it is not successful, then no matter how the mosaic is, it will still fail.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for successfully refining!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for creating the 'One-star Lord God's Blade!'"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for creating a 'Master Artifact' and obtaining a special reward, level aa1!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for leveling up, the current level is the fourth-level median god!"

The system beeps continuously

Long Fei was very excited, "It's done, hahaha... It's really become o"

very excited o

Quickly open the system to view the properties o

Item: Blade of the Lord God

Grade: One-star main artifact

Description: With a super attack, trigger the power of the Lord God to instantly kill any god who controls the power of the law!

not too much description o

but o

One sentence is enough, as long as the power of the main god is triggered, he can kill any god in the main temple in seconds, which is enough to show his strength.



Long Fei held the blade of the Lord God in his hand, and could clearly feel the power change from the King Yama blade to the blade of the Lord God. That kind of strong power is hidden in the blade, and once triggered... it is the power to destroy the world.

at this moment o

Long Fei really understands what the power of the Lord God is.

In the past, he felt that the main god was like that, and the phantom of the main god was crippled by Heavenly Emperor. Now it seems that he thought it was too simple.

If the main deity is the deity, it is definitely an extremely terrifying existence.

Can't shake it!

"One-star Lord God's Blade?"

"Could it be that the main artifact is also graded?" Long Fei muttered, a little confused. The dragon coffin was also the main artifact in the past, but there was no star sign.

Is one star high or low?

Long Fei doesn't know

But o

What he wants to know most is whether the blade of the Lord God can destroy Zhan Wushuang's Heavenly Aegis, which is the question he is most concerned about.

Zhan Wushuang's Heavenly Aegis is the main artifact, and it should be the main artifact with the strongest defense among the 100,000 planes. Coupled with the defense laws he controls, his defense must be heaven-defyingo

Can the blade of the Lord God be broken?

Long Fei didn't know what to do

Looking at the new groove that appeared on the blade of the Lord God, Long Fei secretly said: "It's a big deal to inlay a few more pieces of the Lord God in the future. If one star is the lowest level Lord Artifact, then synthesize it to the highest level, the power to destroy everything."

Just when Long Fei succeeded in refining the blade of the Lord God

There is an explosion in the sky of the Jiyuan Mountains

"The main artifact really appeared!"

"New main artifact!"

"How is this possible? Shouldn't the main artifact be made only by the main god?"

"It's impossible to refine it, right?"

What is the main artifact?

An artifact that can only be refined by the main god can be called the main artifact.

because o

Infused with the power of the main god, so I am qualified to call the main artifact o

It is impossible for people who are not the main god to succeed in refining, and even if the refining is successful, it will not meet the standard of the main artifact, but the Nine Heavens exploded, the Spiritual Qi collapsed, the golden light pierced the sky, the powerful force surged wildly, any sign They are all signs of the main artifact

The faces of the gods in the main temple are extremely ugly.

"It should be Long Fei again!"

"It seems that he will really become the biggest hidden danger of our main temple."

"Even the main artifact has been created. If the main god is not there, who is still his opponent?"

"If he is actually competing for the hegemony of the battlefield, then..."

The gods frowned

Long Fei made them fearful. Long Fei's growth was so fast that it made them sleepless.

On Tenjin Mountain o

The black robe God of Destiny tightened his brows, "Really successful o"

"Really created the main artifact o"

"Long Fei, you are really getting more and more exciting."

"How strong is your soul?"

"Your body?"

"How strong is your power?"


The god of fate in the black robe laughed gloomily, and instead of being afraid because of Long Fei's strength, he became more and more happy.

The stronger Long Fei is, the better it is for him o

After the Hei-robed Destiny God got the Heavenly God Sword, he released his own soul, but he did not choose to reshape his body, because he had to wait!

Wait for a perfect body o

for him o

Long Fei's body is perfect!



Outland, unknown place o

The Lord God's eyes were shocked, and a ray of light flashed.

The loud noise just now sounded in his mind, which meant that there was a force beyond his control.

Or maybe someone refined the main artifact o

The Lord God's heart sank secretly, "Could it be that someone wants to turn the sky upside down?"

At this time o

An old man beside him asked, "What happened?"

The Lord God's face recovered and said: "No o"

The old man said, "Isn't that kid doing something else?"

The Lord God's eyes narrowed and he said, "It shouldn't be, just by his strength, he can't make something beyond my control."

The old man said: "It's hard to say, don't forget, he is the crystallization of Longfu and Mu's family, and also the hope of Longfei and Mu's family, he means infinite possibilities o"

The Lord God nodded immediately and said, "Yes!"

In front of the old man, the Lord God dare not show the slightest disrespect o

even a no-nonsense

He is very clear about the identity of the old man. He is not even a fart in front of the forces behind the old man.

he also knows

As long as you control Long Fei, or catch Long Fei, you will get an extremely lofty status.

Long Fei o

It's his chance!

The Lord God said: "Then I will go back to the 100,000 planes first, and I will wait for your great driver there.

The old man nodded and said, "Go, remember... I don't want to see that kid die, we have to live!"

The Lord God bowed his body and immediately said, "Understood!"

The Lord God does not know what secrets are hidden in Long Fei, and this is not his concern. He only cares about his own future now.

Just take down Long Fei o

He can get everything he wants

In the great world of Hongmeng, there is a big backer o

As for Long Fei's secret?

he doesn't need to know o


If he knew that Long Fei had an ancient heritage hidden in him, he might not think much about it.

Turn into a streamer o

The main god disappeared in the sky o

The old man froze and stood respectfully to one side.

A man in white appeared out of thin air and said lightly, "How are things going?"

"Don't worry, my lord, I have planted a thought on him and will monitor everything closely, that kid will not be able to escape our palms."

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