The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2080 Monster Race, Fearless

I don't understand what Long Fei is going to do

It should be running at this time.

the only choice

The Jiyuan Mountains are indeed a very special existence. Many high-level war beasts of the tribe can withstand the bombardment of the power of law, but... this is only a small part.

and o

This is because of the power of the demon emperor

Without the deterrence of the demon emperor, the main temple would not be able to tolerate the existence of the ten thousand demon tribes in the Jiyuan Mountains.

Now the main temple takes the initiative to take action o

Their Ten Thousand Demon Tribe in the Jiyuan Mountains has only one choice, hide!

If you don't hide, it's like thousands of years ago, and you've been bombarded cleanly, this time there won't be a 'savior' like last time.

"Lord Demon Emperor, hurry up and hide o"

"Leave the rest to us o"


"If you don't leave, it's really too late o"

The three leaders are extremely anxious

I can't wait for someone to carry Long Fei away. If Long Fei doesn't leave, the people of the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe will not dare to move.

Thousands of years ago, their ancestors did not die,

This time...

Is it their catastrophe?

Long Fei said with a light voice, "How many times have you escaped like this?"



The ancient elephant Elder and the demon wolf leader were asked stupid o

Liehu Elder said: "Basically, once the powerhouse of the main temple appears, we will avoid it once. Even if they pass through the Jiyuan Mountains, we have to hide."

"How many times do you have to ask... Then who can know how many times in these thousands of years?"

Thousands of years down

This fear has penetrated deep into their bones, turning into a nightmare shadow, lingering, and taking root in their hearts.

So scared when it appears

Long Fei felt a pain in his heart, and immediately said: "Okay! From now on, you don't have to be afraid anymore."


"Lord Demon Emperor, what do you want to do?" Elder Gu Xiang was taken aback for a moment.

Long Fei said: "I said, from now on, as long as a person from the main temple appears once, I will beat him once, no... beat him once!"

"You are monsters!"

"This is your place o"

"Monster, never be afraid!"

"What about the main temple? It's just a group of victors in the war!"

The voice fell o


Long Fei's aura was released suddenly, his voice was heavy, and he said heavily: "The demon clan obeys the order, you are the demon clan, from now on, don't be afraid of anyone from the main temple."

"If they dare to come... I will let them go back to life."

in an instant o

Long Fei rose to the ground!


Li Yuanba followed closely, "Shhh!"

Tianling, subduing the dragon, flew out in unison

They are not afraid at all, because they are never afraid of anything, even if the Lord God is in front of them, they will not be afraid at all.

because o

Fighting with Long Fei is a hearty enjoyment for them!

Four figures flew into the air

On the top of the holy mountain, the people of the demon race were stunned for a moment.

"What is he going to do?"

"Is the Demon Emperor crazy?"

"Is he going to fight with the powerhouses of the main temple?"

"he's crazy"


Elder Ancient Elephant looked up at Long Fei's figure in the distance, reflected in his heart, and murmured, "Have we been afraid for too long?"

Elder Liehu said: "Who can not be afraid of the strongest forces in the one hundred thousand planes?"

The leader of the demon wolf said: "Perhaps... we are just the fear in our hearts. If we step over it... just as the demon emperor said, the demon clan should be fearless."

The Golden Lion King raised his head and repeated: "The monsters should be fearless, we really should be fearless, he is the person our monsters are waiting for."


"He is the one we are waiting for, and he is the one who can lead us to the top of the world!"

talking room o


A dazzling light erupted from the golden lion king, and then it moved suddenly, a golden light shot into the sky, and roared heavily, "Monster, fearless!"


A loud bang exploded on the top of the entire holy mountain

followed by o

The ancient elephant Elder also rose from the ground, "Daddy has sacrificed o"

Elder Liehu smiled and said, "I like this feeling of fearlessness, come on!"

The demon wolf leader smiled grimly: "I like it too!"

The leaders of the three tribes rushed to the sky o

The Golden Lion King also rushed to the sky, and the words Long Fei said, especially the words 'monsters should be fearless', awakened the primitive ferocity in their hearts little by little, more and more. The demon warrior rushed to the sky and stood in a juxtaposition with Longfei.

"I also need to go!"

big sister's head moved slightly

He was grabbed by the old woman and the patriarch, scolded, and said, "Is your Cultivation Base very powerful? If you go, you are going to die. Fighting is not what our demon fox clan is good at."

"Patriarch, he is my husband, I want to fight for my husband, have you ever loved a man? Do you know that feeling? He is my man, and I want to fight for him." The big sister broke free and took a step rush to the sky

"I want to fight for my husband too"

"I also want!"

"Patriarch, you don't have a husband, you can't understand that feeling o"

"Patriarch, do you know what love is?"

"Patriarch, do you know what it feels like to be loved by a man?"


The old woman's steps are a little unstable, and a sentence is equivalent to a crit, and her small body can't bear it.

so sad o

I can't even breathe

In the end, the twins were left to support her, and she was a little comforted, saying, "It's okay, the two of you are here, you two don't go."

Bai Lingdao: "Mother-in-law, that, you support the wall by yourself, and we have to fight for your husband."

talking room o

The twins flew out o

The old woman trembled, staggered back, and almost spurted out blood!

extremely painful o

Looking at the fox disciples who flew up, she murmured, "I don't know what love is? You didn't know where I was when I was loved."



suddenly o

Ten thousand demons beat drums

A sound spread out, and eighteen war drums roared loudly, and the sound was more intense than the sound.

in the sky

Tens of thousands of demon warriors stand behind Long Fei

Li Yuanba said naively: "Boss, they're all here!"

Long Fei was also excited about it, watching the eighteen strong men getting closer and closer, and murmured: "Master Temple, you fucking haunt me like a ghost, right?"


"No matter who you come here today, you have to die!"



"A group of rabble, dare to make trouble in front of us?" A divine envoy took the lead and scolded him when he saw the darkness in the air.

"You're the one who made your sister!"

Li Yuanba leads the way

He jumped up in one step, jumped directly into the clouds, held the giant axe in both hands, and slashed at the top of the envoy's head.


The battle is imminent!

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