The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2079 What Is He Going To Do?

When the demon emperor falls, the law of the demon should also disappear.

but o

The law of the Yao Dao came out of the sky and came again. Whose body does the inheritance of this law fall on?

No matter who it falls on, this person can't live o

It is necessary to kill the demon before the law of the demon is fully grasped, so as to avoid future troubles.

Eighteen divine envoys roared o

They each hold a Divine Armamento

The divine light bursts from the body. Although it is a divine envoy, it can be a divine envoy in the main temple. This kind of Cultivation Base is also higher than the average high-level god peak powerhouse.


"Everyone has to die"

"The power of law is the power controlled by our main temple, and no one should delusionally absorb it"

"The night king, the king of killers, and the golden lion, the controller of the law of the demon, are beyond the control of our main temple. The two of them are alive and humiliated by our main temple. The night king cannot be killed, but this new demon emperor must be eliminated. Drop it, take the Law of the Demon Dao back to the main temple o"

The gods of the main temple said o

Eighteen divine envoys are enough to deal with a new demon emperor who has just mastered the law.

As long as the new demon emperor dies, the law of the demon will lose its inheritance. In this way, it may be possible to return to the main temple. After the main god returns, the law will definitely be rewarded to them.

so o

That's why they worked so hard to send 18 divine envoys.


top of holy mountain

The call of the Golden Lion King makes Long Fei secretly happy

at least o

The resurrection of the Golden Lion King made Long Fei feel a trace of comfort in his heart, he was alive o

freshman o

And stronger o

More crucial point o

The magic law of his cultivation is still there, instead of disappearing with the explosion of Long Fei.

Long Fei's mind was certain, and he secretly said in his heart: "Now let's see the power of the law of Yaodao"

The law of the demon, the ultimate peak o



There was an explosion in the system, and a powerful force poured directly into Long Fei's body, and then Long Fei felt that the strength of his physical strength increased by a point.

immediately o

Long Fei clenched his fists slightly, releasing the power of the Law of Demonic Dao slightly.


a pop o

The breath released by Long Fei instantly turned into a golden air shield, just like the air shield released by the Golden Lion King.


There are some differences in color. The Golden Lion King is the color of gold. The air shield released by Long Fei is more like the dazzling and dazzling light of the sun, which is more intense.

The Golden Lion King was slightly shocked, looked at the air shield on Long Fei, and said excitedly: "Sir, you are really a god, you have just acquired the inheritance of the law of the demon, and you have cultivated to the highest Realm in less than ten minutes. I admire it. Admiration, admiration extremely o"

He was even more shocked in his heart, "Sure enough, as the benefactor said, he is a peerless genius... No, using the word "genius" to describe him is simply an insult, he is completely a monster."

Feeling the defense of the air shield, Long Fei said slightly: "Is the power of the Law of the Demon Dao the defense?"

His demonic law is indeed at its peak.

but o

He doesn't know the laws of Yaodao

The Golden Lion King immediately said: "Not only defense, but the strongest power of the Law of Demon Dao is attack, which can summon ten thousand demons and at the same time absorb the power of ten thousand demons into the body."

"The Law of the Demon Dao"

"It's the ruler of the demon clan, the demon emperor."

Long Fei froze slightly, and asked, "If I use the Law of the Demonic Dao in a place without Demonic Beasts, can I still summon the demon clan?"

The Golden Lion King, said, "Anywhere!"


"This is awesome!"

Long Fei once obtained a Cultivation Technique that summons Demonic Beasts, but that Cultivation Technique is only a kind of spiritual control, once the time has passed, he will not listen to his orders.

but o

The laws of the Yaodao are different

Those who can be summoned by Long Fei are all demons who are loyal to the laws of the Yaodao, and even more loyal to the demon emperor. Even if they are separated by a time and space, they will be summoned by Long Fei.

This is the Law of the Demon Dao

The power of the demon king!

As soon as the power of the law on Long Fei was withdrawn, he secretly said in his heart: "The peak of the law of the demon, the peak of the law of the sky, the entry level of the law of killing, and the law of time has not yet started, I now master the four laws, if I can If you cultivate the Four Laws to the peak of Realm...the Lord God?!"



Long Fei clenched his fists secretly, looked at the void with both eyes, and said, "Zhan Wushuang, now you and the others will try again!"

at this time o

Tianling suddenly stepped forward and said, "Boss, someone is here"

"Eighteen strong o"

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and muttered: "People from the main temple"

The voice fell o

The Ten Thousand Demon Tribe was shocked quickly, and many people couldn't help but tremble to themselves.

turn o

Elder Ancient Elephant immediately said: "Lord Demon Emperor, you go first, we will be the last!"

Elder Liehu immediately shouted: "The warriors of the Liehu tribe obey the order, beast-like state, follow me to fight!"

The leader of the demon wolf also drank heavily, "The demon wolf warrior obeys the order, in a beastly state, follow me to fight o"

"Demon Emperor, hurry up and leave o"

"hurry up!"

The Ten Thousand Demons Arena has injured many people in the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe, and they have no fighting power. At this time, the appearance of the powerhouse in the main temple makes them even more panic.

not to mention o

The powerhouse of the main temple

ruler of one hundred thousand planes

they can't shake o

Seeing the panic in the audience, if it wasn't for Long Fei's inaction, they didn't dare to flee, this was out of awe for Long Fei.

If Long Fei is not there, they will run away in an instant, and even cause a stampede.

Elder Ancient Elephant said again: "Lord Demon Emperor, hurry up and leave!"

"Come on!"

"Sir, hurry up!"

"grown ups……"

keep talking anxiously

Eighteen angels are getting closer o

Long Fei stood on the spot and didn't need to move.

Big Vajra Li Yuanba had a naive smile on his face and didn't move.

The same is true for Tianling and Dragon Subduing. They stood motionless and looked at the direction where the eighteen strong men were coming. Instead of fear, there was an inexplicable excitement on their faces.

Ziyue stood quietly behind Long Fei.

Han Yan looked at Long Fei's back, and said slightly in his heart: "Why is he not afraid at all, that's right, how can a person who can pull the God of Destiny and the God of the Sky down from his horse be afraid of the main temple?"

Demon Fox clan o

"If my husband doesn't leave, I won't leave either"

"I'm not going either"

"Patriarch, if you want to go, you can go alone, you don't have a husband anyway," the big sister said, looking at Long Fei standing there with long white hair swaying and robes swaying on her body, in their hearts only One word, handsome! - The strongest upgrade system

Long Fei does not leave o

they will never leave

because o

Long Fei is their man, the man they love dearly

The clan Elder mother-in-law seemed to have been hit by 10,000 points, and looked at her clan and shook her head: "I'm not a good girl, what's wrong with me, there are a few others who are obedient, my entire demon fox clan is ruined o"

immediately o

She looked at Long Fei and murmured, "What the hell is he trying to do?"

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