The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3333: chaos

Xiao Zhi took a closer look and saw that the eight-bit state had already caught his eye.

All of them are tall and with extraordinary physical strength. At first glance, they are extraordinary warriors carefully selected by Lu Lan!

He quickly got to know each fighter.

"Let's go now!" Xiao Zhi shouted with dignity and righteousness like a great hero.

As soon as the words fell, a team came out of Hope City in a mighty manner.

Wang Yuanzhong was at the front, and Xiao Zhi was at the back. They were one after the other, paying close attention to the situation around them.

Suddenly, Wang Yuanzhong ran from the front to the back and came to Xiao Zhi's side.

"Xiao Zhi, did you hear a strange sound?"

If it wasn't for Wang Yuanzhong's reminder, Xiao Zhi hadn't paid attention to the sound coming from a distance.

It sounded like a biting sound, mingled with barks and barks.

Hearing this kind of voice, Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong had nothing to do. The key point was that those warriors had not come out for a long time, so they felt a little shudder after hearing it.

Xiao Zhi found this out, didn't speak at first, just glanced at them, he thought it was excusable.

"It's okay, it's just some strange noises, it's nothing at all, don't be afraid!" Xiaozhi said calmly.

Seeing Xiao Zhi's relaxed look, these warriors faced it bravely.

Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong saw that these warriors had returned to normal and became very calm, and they continued on their way.

With the familiar memory in his brain, Ash finally found the granary.

It's just that around the granary, there are already zombies.

"You must act carefully here, without my order, you must not act without authorization, understand?" Xiao Zhi said cautiously.

The soldiers nodded in response, and the last person to nod was Wang Yuanzhong.

Wang Yuanzhong hopes that he can become Xiaozhi's best partner, so now he needs to gradually cultivate a tacit understanding with Xiaozhi.

After a while, Xiao Zhi finally found a breakthrough. As long as the breakthrough was successfully opened, he could avoid the attack of the group of zombies.

"We can act now, but we must take that group of zombies as our primary enemy! Beware of that group of zombies all the time!"

He was like an experienced commander, and his hands were always in front of the group of soldiers, pointing in the direction of the granary while talking.

Regarding this action, he is already full of confidence.

"I believe that this time we will be able to succeed!" he said firmly.

However, just after he finished saying this sentence, the current atmosphere of silence had been accidentally broken by a warrior.

Perhaps because of being frightened just now, a soldier suddenly hiccupped, and the hiccup couldn't stop.

It was this strange sound of burping that seemed to have disturbed something in the granary.

suddenly. There was a frantic barking from inside.

When Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong heard this sound, they started to tremble and walked towards the source of the sound with trepidation.

After a while, they actually saw that two dogs had emerged from the granary, and these two dogs looked like zombies, obviously zombie dogs.

In an instant, the two zombie dogs rushed towards Xiao Zhi.

"The big thing is bad, let's hurry to avoid these two zombie dogs. If we are bitten by these two dogs, then we will also be turned into zombies!" Xiaozhi shouted loudly.

Before he could finish his words, the soldiers were already in a panic. The scene was extremely chaotic, it was a mess!

"Don't panic first, these are just two zombie dogs. With so many of us, can't we even deal with two dogs?" Xiao Zhi growled again.

However, it was precisely because the situation here was tense and panic that groups of zombies came here one after another.

"Xiao Zhi, look over there quickly!" Wang Yuanzhong reminded nervously.

Xiao Zhi noticed at a glance that the group of zombies rushed over. They looked so crazy that they almost bit people when they saw them.

Xiao Zhi thought about it carefully, as the commander of this team, he must make a plan as soon as possible.

"Yes, Wang Yuanzhong, you and I will deal with these two zombie dogs, while the other warriors will deal with those ordinary zombies!"

Wang Yuanzhong readily agreed, because he and Xiaozhi were stronger than those warriors, and although the two zombie dogs were relatively few in number, they were super powerful.

Xiao Zhi never expected to meet two zombie dogs in this place, and the strength of these two dogs was extremely powerful, which was beyond his imagination.

With Ash's order, the warriors gathered to deal with the other zombies.

They still have valuable experience in this regard, after all, they are guarding the safety of Hope City all the time.

The reason why I hope that the city can be preserved until now, without being trampled by zombies, has their credit for this, and it is a very important credit!

It is for this reason that Ash gave these ordinary zombies to them.

"Wang Yuanzhong, come with me quickly!" Xiao Zhi shouted loudly.

Wang Yuanzhong hurriedly came to Xiaozhi's side.

Xiaozhi cut his finger with a knife without his consent.

Drops of blood flowed out of his fingers, and a **** smell filled the air.

It was this special smell that attracted the two zombie dogs.

"Xiao Zhi, what are you doing? It hurts!" Wang Yuanzhong complained.

"Don't talk for now, you'll find out later!" Xiao Zhi said nervously.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhi came to the back of the zombie dog, and Wang Yuanzhong kept running forward.

"Xiao Zhi, hurry up, or I won't last long!"

"Wang Yuanzhong, what are you in a hurry? I'm going to start now, you can hold on for a while!"

After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, he directly took out a sharp dagger, which was taken from Wang Yuanzhong's luggage.

Wang Yuanzhong didn't know when Xiao Zhi moved his luggage.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi followed closely behind the zombie dog, and the two zombie dogs did not notice his whereabouts at all.

The key is that these two zombie dogs are completely attracted by the **** smell on Wang Yuanzhong's body, and they don't care about other things.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi leaped into the air and stabbed the sharp knife into the bodies of the two zombie dogs one after another.

Because they stabbed the vital part, the two zombie dogs fell to the ground instantly and died! *

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