The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3332: take the initiative to ask

In the following time, in order to express his sincerity and enthusiasm, Lu Lan held a banquet to entertain Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong.

"Boss, it's really expensive this time. In fact, there's no need to do this. You and I both know that this is a special period. Let's keep everything simple!" Xiao Zhi said in a gentle tone.

Lu Lan is not a petite person. Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, she was stunned for a while, and her eyes stared at a nebula that shone brightly in the distance.

When Xiao Zhi saw that Lu Lan didn't speak, she thought she didn't hear her voice, so it was over.

"Xiaozhi, it's rare for the leader to have a good heart, so let's be respectful and follow our orders!" Wang Yuanzhong said calmly.

Xiao Zhi thought about it carefully and felt that what Wang Yuanzhong said had some truth.

"Well, then I know what to do next. Since we have come to someone else's territory, we can only obey the arrangement!"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's wise words, Wang Yuanzhong breathed a sigh of relief, as if he came to this place and discovered Xiao Zhi's mature side.

"Xiao Zhi, did you say something to me just now? I've been stunned for a while, I'm really sorry!" Lu Lan said politely.

"It's alright, in fact, I just found that there is not enough food in Hope City, and I am facing difficulties, so let's keep things simple!"

"I know this very well in my heart. I have my own arrangements. Anyway, for the two of you, I will definitely meet all your requirements to the greatest extent possible!" Lu Lan said sincerely.

While talking, Lu Lan greeted Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong to a magnificent banquet hall.

"Actually, this banquet hall has already existed here. After we came here, we still regard it as our banquet hall, and we will send people to clean it often!"

Hearing Lu Lan's patient explanation, Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong were like two people who had never seen the world. Facing the magnificent banquet hall, they couldn't help but stunned.

"Okay, everything is ready, please take your seats!"

At this moment, Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong saw a long table in front of them.

There were candles and some plates on the table, but nothing in kind.

Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong were a little disappointed, after all, Lu Lan came to entertain them this time.

But without food, what should they eat?

They looked at each other, and Xiao Zhi showed an unbelievable look. Since Lu Lan had the face of an angel, he couldn't help staring at her with this look.

"Don't worry, you will have food later!"

Lu Lan sat down with the two of them, then took out a spoon at hand, which was a silver spoon, and knocked on the cup next to it.

The crisp and pleasant voice finally appeared.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong immediately became refreshed.

When the sound stopped, a group of people came, each of them bringing a plate with a glass cover.

Since it's a frosted glass, you can't see what's inside.

After going back and forth, Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong were looking forward to the food they were about to eat.

When these people brought all the plates, they only heard Lu Lan's order to open the glass cover.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong saw a food similar to bread.

They looked around, and each plate was filled with this kind of bread-like food, and they were still a little puzzled.

"I'm so sorry, this kind of food should be the best thing we have here, that's why I'll bring it out to treat you!" Lu Lan only felt that she had lost face, and she had no confidence when she spoke.

Xiao Zhi shook his head and looked at Lu Lan.

"I feel that these things are already very good, you don't have to blame yourself!" he said seriously.

"Actually, I think what Xiao Zhi said is quite right. Lu Lan, you don't need to blame yourself. We are very clear about the situation here!" Wang Yuanzhong said calmly.

"Since you are not to blame at all, let's start eating, I know you are already hungry!"

In the face of this kind of rough food, Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong ate bread-like food, and then paired it with some fresh water, and chewed it deliciously!

Suddenly, Ash's brain seemed to be electrocuted, as if a memory rushed into his brain.

"By the way, I remember that we encountered a granary on the way. Maybe there is food in it! No, I'm sure there must be food in it!"

He kept reminiscing, and he didn't miss any clues, that's why he was so firm when he spoke!

"Xiaozhi, I know where the granary you are talking about is. Unfortunately, there are many zombies near the granary. They are constantly patrolling like patrolmen, no matter it is night or day!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Zhi suddenly stood up.

He only felt that he had summoned a burst of courage all over him, and he didn't know who gave him this courage.

Maybe God gave him to show his talents in this place.

Like a hero, he said righteously: "Don't worry, I will solve this matter!"

Wang Yuanzhong looked at him with a strange look, he didn't know what medicine was sold in Xiaozhi's gourd, why would he kill himself?

"Xiao Zhi, what are you doing?" he asked cautiously.

Xiao Zhi ignored him, but stared at Lu Lan blankly, and there seemed to be a magical power fermenting in his eyes.

Lu Lan also stood up, there was a light in those eyes, looking at Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong with anticipation.

"Xiao Zhi, are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious, what I said will be resolved!" Xiao Zhi said loudly.

"Well, then I know what you mean!"

Lu Lan left here quickly, while Xiao Zhi and Wang Yuanzhong were beating drums in their hearts, they didn't know what Lu Lan was going to do, and they didn't know whether their plan could be carried out.

"Xiaozhi, are you sure about this? There are a bunch of zombies outside!" Wang Yuanzhong said incomprehensibly.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure!"

"Are you sure? Don't think I don't know what's on your mind. You just think Lu Lan is so pretty, and you just want to show it off in front of a beautiful woman, isn't it?"

Xiao Zhi just wanted to speak, but suddenly saw that Lu Lan had come to him, and he had also selected some of the best warriors from Hope City.

"I have arranged these people for you, I hope you can triumph this time!"*

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