The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3245: The new Emperor ascended the throne

The little emperor said bluntly: "What kind of people are they? I really look forward to it."

"Your Majesty, this is a top priority, not a trivial matter."

Mu De said righteously, the little emperor curled his lips and said nothing.

"Then invite three generals in."

Ernesto enrolled and said, and then the doors of the three parties were opened.

It's a coincidence.

The emperor’s fish constellation is the sun that has been born in the east, and the opposite of him is the west.

Na Jessita stepped forward under the guidance of fluorescence, and in the south was Xiaozhi in military uniform.

Opposite Xiaozhi.

The same woman in military uniform is stepping forward. She has a long body with a smile that looks like Ruowuruowu.

It was Estes.

His beautiful face was full of heartbeats, and his long icy blue hair.

He was looking at Xiaozhi on the opposite side with curious eyes.

Although he hadn't seen each other, his big name, Xiaozhi, had read it many times on intelligence.

When the three meet in the center of the main hall.

Originally, he was going to turn to the front of the little emperor under the noise of the building.

They will be together at that moment,

Estes whirled and squatted toward Xiao Zhi, who flew into the right room, raised her arm to block it.

The two of them started to freeze where their fists and arms touched each other.

Spread towards both sides.

Xiao Zhizhou frowned and looked at the opposite side indifferently.

And facing Estes, he pronounced a wild smile.

Starting from the first place, he must continue to attack Xiaozhi.

"That's it." Mu Deli, the general next to Wang Zu, said wins, flashing electricity all over his body.

"Don't be rude in front of the emperor."

Xiaozhi's arm exerted force, pushing Asides away and flicking his hand.

The ice cubes on his arm broke automatically and fell to the ground.

Look at Estes on the opposite side.

the other side.

The same is true of Estes. He looked towards Xiaozhi with a light smile: "It's the same ability."

"Not necessarily," Xiaozhi said, and Xiaozhi felt malice when he saw Estes.

It's not so much malice, it's more about what kind of story the beast has seen.

They looked at each other.

Everyone in the hall felt that the temperature around them was getting colder and colder.

"If you two start fighting now.

I don't think it is a good thing. "

Nagesita stood among them and directly endured the aura of confrontation between the two.

"His Majesty the Emperor is shaking us."

The little boy on the throne swayed his legs that could not touch the ground.

Looking at Xiaozhi and Estes with interest.

"Do you want to fight? Two people."

Ernesto gave a special cough, turned his head and ran the emperor and said:

"Your Majesty, let the battle go aside, first of all, we must give bonuses to the ministers of engineering."

The minister's will from the civil servant on the side began to read aloud, approximately:

Xiaozhi Estesna Jessita, due to her outstanding achievements in the war against foreign races, decided to grant the general position, each in charge of a legion.

After the reading, the minister began to question Xiao Zhixie,

"General Xiaozhi has a lot about the Southern Army. Your Majesty wants to learn from you."

The minister said, turning his head to look at the little emperor.


The little emperor, who was originally bored, just woke up like a dream.

He began to fumble all over his body, finally took out a piece of paper in his chest pocket, looked at the piece of paper, and started to ask Xiaozhi.

Mu De on the side saw this scene, his face became more gloomy.

"General Xiaozhi had an agreement to suspend operations in the south when he forced the conscription of the three southern counties.

These 30,000 recruits will be dismissed, based on what I have received... Minister, what are these two words?

What you wrote is too ugly..."

"Oh, your majesty, these two are reports."

"Oh, go ahead... according to the report I received.

Those 30,000 recruits were not disbanded. "

"Your Majesty, the thirty thousand recruits have been dismissed."

"I'm curious where your source of information comes from."

Xiaozhi said that there were still people who were still watching Ernest, who started gnawing on chicken legs again.

"The person who gave you the news must have not observed it carefully. I have returned 30,000 recruits and let them return to their families to live a good life."

"But because of their long military career, they couldn't give up their instincts as fighters, so they spontaneously organized the militia to conduct regular training."

It may be that the person based on your message did not observe carefully, so let's make a quick conclusion. "

It seemed that Xiao Zhi could not answer his questions so quickly. The little emperor asked, and looked at Ernesto who was asking for help.

"That's what he said, Minister."

"Your Majesty, there is another problem..."

"Oh, yes."

The little emperor nodded.

Above the court, all officials bowed their heads and hammered their ears, silently, ignoring the absurd interaction between the minister and the emperor.

"Then now that the southern part of the foreign country has returned to stability.

Why should military control be imposed on the three counties? "

"Your Majesty, although the South is stable, there are still great hidden dangers.

Apart from anything else, Wang Chuangxian was nominated by the Revolutionary Army, and more and more people have joined the Revolutionary Army in recent years.

I will not implement it. They could not respond in time to the actions of the revolutionary army, not to mention that the aliens in the south were unwilling to die.

I even got news that the two alien races are going to unite with the revolutionary ranks in this kind of crisis.

The military control bureaus of the three counties cannot be lifted. "

After this, the little emperor began to follow the list written on the little note.

Asking Xiaozhi one by one, but all of them were refuted by Xiaozhi with justification.

At the end of the reading, the little emperor naively raised his head and said to Ernesto.

"After asking the question, General Xiaozhi seems to have no problem."

Hear the words of the little emperor.

Ernesto said countless coughs again, but did not respond to the little emperor's words.

"Now the awards for the three generals have all been announced.

Your Majesty’s registration ceremony is over. Does any official have anything to say? "

There was silence above the court.

Ernesto nodded in satisfaction, "Let's do it, the ceremony is over."

After Ernesto announced his dissolution.

Estes looked at Xiaozhi excitedly again, and it was not that Jessita who stood between the two of them this time.

It was General Mudd, who was surrounded by lightnings: "The two new generals will start fighting as soon as they meet.

Or in the imperial city, is there any respect for your Majesty? "

"Naturally there is." Xiaozhi said, turning around and walking out.

Estes on the side seemed to want to follow, but when he just moved, he felt cold all over.

Mudd looked at him expressionlessly. He didn't feel scared, but opened his mouth with more excitement.

the other side.

Xiaozhi and Najie walked out side by side. *

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