The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3244: future plan

When Xiaozhi went to the West for support, he found someone to copy these two books.

Then, after explaining to Lewan and Pollard, both of them were very excited.

"But I still don't know what beets are."

After the excitement, Pollard said

He and Lewann said in a tacit understanding

Without these two books, the problem of money must be solved.

However, because there is no plant called sugar beet in their country, wheat still exists.

"Go to the old people in various districts and counties to ask if there is any Cultivate, if it really doesn’t, then forget it.”

"For beer, you can start right away."

Hearing this, Pollard asked:

"What does the beer you said taste like? Don't make it out all the time, it tastes like horse urine."

Xiaozhi said: "Although I don't drink it, I will give you a package. These two businesses are absolutely popular. At that time, 100% of the business will be taken over by the army, and the proceeds will be used for army expenditure."

"The remaining money is doing infrastructure construction. You two will follow suit and manipulate it during your military training time."

"how about you?"

"I'm going to get a hospital."

Xiao Zhiyou snapped his fingers, and immediately Sayu took out two books and pushed them over.

Upgrade hygiene knowledge and handbook for barefoot doctors.

The development of science and technology in this world is very weird. There are obviously muskets, but the battle is still developing towards cold weapons.

The gun technology has not been improved.

If the firearm is not developed, it would be more convenient and quicker to cause it when fighting against dangerous species.

So Xiaozhi couldn't understand the issue of electricity.

There are street lights on one side, but candles are still used at home.

Telecommunication equipment was not developed because of the possession of electricity, but it is a pity that there are no books on manufacturing electrical equipment in Xiaozhi's knowledge reserve.

According to Xiaozhi's understanding, the empire did not lag behind in terms of medical treatment. It seemed that it was because of the frequent arrests.

In inhumane human experiments, medical technology is not weak, and there are even many black technologies.

There are also many medical devices, but most of the medical resources are monopolized by the nation's dignitaries.

Not only that, because of the characteristics of the feudal class, relevant documents will never flow out.

This has resulted in a well-developed medical technology reserve, but the actual civilian applications are few and far between, and ordinary people can't even find any good doctors.

Compared with the two books on treatment and anticipation, they may be a bit long, and they are already two good guides for people with backward medical conditions and technology.

After this meeting, the trio determined the direction of development for the next three years.

Levin and Pollard set up corresponding projects respectively.

——If sugar beets can be found in the market, and the brewery.

Xiaozhi built the hospital's three violent alleys whether to promote development.

at the same time.

Absorb the young and corrupt officials who were constantly squeezed out by Ernesto, administer the locality, and turn the three prefectures into one monolith.

With regard to the order issued by the court, the use of drag-word tactics can make an invasion by the original recruits on the grounds that the Southern Alien Union Revolutionary Army is threatening.

After determining the direction of the next development, the three returned to the county line under their respective management and began preparations for Romibu.

Time passed quickly.

Then Jessita finally distributed the Jaguar, and the northern aliens also gradually stopped.

A deputy general named Estes was in full swing, and Emperor Du was overjoyed and felt that the dawn was coming.

At this moment of rejoicing, the queen died in the palace for no reason.

General Mudd thoroughly investigated the land all the way, but found nothing.

In this way, Minister Ernesto temporarily took charge of the government, which also meant that the darkest and most corrupt era had begun.

Knowing that Daunest leaned the emperor so that the princes would definitely purge the incorruptible.

Therefore, the Corruptionists would naturally not wait to die, and began a counterattack against Ernesto.

Chaotang was chaotic for a while.

The situation was turbulent, while facing the counterattack from the Qinglian faction, Ernesto softly insisted on using assassination threats and other tactics.

Perhaps the number of members of the youth brand has been declining. Although they must not have the energy to kill some officials, there are still a large number of officials who have been forced or discouraged to resign.

The regret that most of the civil officials who were expelled from the imperial capital were broken, they at least greatly made up for the lack of text.

In a blink of an eye, another year passed, and the minister took full control of the court, making the already corrupt empire even more unbearable.

In this year Pollard found beets.

It was planted in counties and began mass production of sugar, and the first batch of beer brewed by Levin was well received.

Xiaozhi's hospital took shape.

at the same time.

The alien races in the north were finally driven back, after the Minister Onesk had fully grasped the affairs of the court.

Begin to apply for Estes to let Jessita, the capital of Xiaozhi, participate in the registration ceremony of the little emperor.

And give it a so-called reward.

After receiving the news that Xiaozhi came to the imperial capital.

Ernesto looked up and walked to the map, looking at the southern part of the empire circled in red.

As the saying goes, there are gains and losses. He has been in contact with the Qinglian faction for a year because of his status as a rock court.

Although he finally won, his joy was interrupted by the three southern counties.

He didn't expect that the little General Fu at the beginning would build the three southern counties into prosperity in just a few years.

They couldn't even infiltrate any of them, as if it were an independent kingdom within the empire.

Regardless of experience and economic size, it is not to be underestimated.

Taking the opportunity to announce that he came to meet the little emperor, sometimes it depends on what he meant.

Based on his performance to determine how to treat the three southern counties next.

A few days later.

Xiaozhi was the first to come to the imperial capital.

Then there was Estes from the West, and after a few more days, Jessita arrived.

The empire began a registration ceremony for the little emperor.

The little emperor was sent to the throne by Ernesto himself.

And because the throne is too high.

After the little emperor sat here, he couldn't even touch the ground with his feet, so he moved his legs back and forth.

His face was innocent. To his left is the minister who started to pick up food and chew.

On the right is the unsmiling general Mudd.

"The minister, am I the emperor now?"

The little emperor innocently asked the minister below.

Ernesto slammed the chicken legs, and said without speaking clearly, "Now you are the emperor of the empire."

"Then what are we going to do next, and how long will it take?"

"The next words are the leaders of the tripartite clique stationed in the empire and give them support."

"Then a little faster."*

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