The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3758 what the hell

Thinking of this, the clerk quickly bowed to Ye Chen and apologized:

"I'm sorry sir, please don't misunderstand me. I made a mistake in my work. I thought you were going to pack it up and take it away. I'll get you another copy right now."

Saying that, the clerk turned and left in a hurry.

Ye Chen was also a little embarrassed, but he had no choice but to let the other party stay here, which might affect their plans, so Ye Chen could only say sorry in his heart.

It seemed that they were frightened by Ye Chen's domineering appearance. The other shop assistants around him didn't want to talk to them any more, they just cast their eyes on Ye Chen's position from time to time, but Ye Chen didn't care about these, as long as the other party didn't Come closer, whatever they like.

"found it."

At this moment, Hisashi Kurata's voice came over with excitement. Ye Chen looked over and found that the other party was standing next to a dairy freezer.

Could it be here?

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows. The display case for dairy products is against the wall. It is connected from south to north, and it is more than 20 meters long. If you want to destroy this place and find the entrance, you will definitely alarm the people in the store.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help looking at Hao Mingbai who was at the side.

"When you look at me like this, you always feel a little panicked. What do you want me to do?"

Hao Mingbai looked at Ye Chen and said.

"Hao Daoyou, I will depend on you next."

Ye Chen patted Hao Mingbai's shoulder:

"You just set a few fires with spells and scare everyone here, and we're done."

"Hey, hey, what do you mean by setting a few fires at will? The flames in my spells are all offensive. If you really want to let them out, they will definitely hurt people. You are making me an arsonist."

Hao Mingbai was speechless.

"No way, don't you have less powerful spells? If we don't drive them out, we can't act."

Ye Chen was also a little dumbfounded, his original plan was to let Hao Mingbai create some danger to get the people in the supermarket to leave, but now his plan seems to have gone wrong.


At this time, Hao Mingbo suddenly spoke again:

"If I just don't want them to find out, I have other ways."

As he spoke, Hao Mingbai took out several talisman papers from his pocket, muttered a few words in his mouth, and then threw them into the air, and those talisman papers turned into wisps of green smoke and dissipated in the air. Immediately afterwards, people in the supermarket found In front of the eyes, it becomes blurred.

"Is this... smoke? Is there a fire in the supermarket?"

The surrounding customers also noticed that something was wrong at the same time, and they all nervously walked towards the entrance of the supermarket, but some careful people found that the smoke did not feel choking, and it did not seem to be a fire.

But soon they gave up their curiosity, because they found that the fog was getting thicker and thicker. Although it was not to the point where they couldn't see their fingers, the visibility became extremely low. This strange situation made them feel a little uneasy , also walked in the direction of the exit.

"This is a blinding talisman that was used inside the Leifeng Pagoda before. Although it has no lethal effect, it should be enough to deal with the current situation."

Hao Mingbai smiled at Ye Chen.

"Forgot you still have this trick."

Ye Chen was also overjoyed, this is not bad, as long as the other party's line of sight is blocked, their plan can go smoothly.

"Then let me cut it open with a knife!"

Yamada Hidesuke stepped forward and was about to draw his sword, but was stopped by Ye Chen.

"Don't just draw the knife, you'll have to restore it later."

"Then what to do, is it possible to move it away?"

Hidesuke Yamada glanced at the freezer. Although it was not impossible to move it, he felt that it would be easier to open it across the board.

"It's okay, leave it to me."

Ye Chen stretched, took a step forward and grabbed the edge of the freezer, like pulling a drawer, and easily pulled it out.

"That's a lot of strength, isn't this guy's body a monster?"

Matsumoto said with some surprise.

"this kid"

Yamada Hidesuke was also a little stunned, but he soon came back to his senses. He knew that the focus of attention now was authenticity. As for Ye Chen, it was enough for him to know that the opponent was a teammate.

"It really is here."

Kurata Hisago stepped forward:

"For more than thirty years, the floor tiles here have not been replaced. It seems that the owner of this store is really stingy."

"It's a good thing for us, isn't it? If the floor tiles are changed, the tunnel might be discovered."

Ye Chen chuckled, walked to the floor tile next to the wall, and stepped down fiercely. The floor tile and the load-bearing structure below it instantly shattered and fell into the tunnel.

Ye Chen took out a box of matches, lit one and threw it into the tunnel, but it didn't go out.

"Well, it looks like the inside is ventilated."

Ye Chen frowned as he looked at the matches that had burned out quietly in the tunnel. The inside was ventilated, which meant that the exit at the other end of the tunnel should be open, and it had been open for a long time. At least not recently.

That also means that this tunnel has been used all the time, so they sneaked into the Imperial Palace from here, maybe they will have a close contact with the people in the Imperial Palace as soon as they go out.

But until now, they have no other way, at least they can go directly to the Imperial Palace from here, which saves a lot of trouble on the way, at worst, they just go in and do it directly.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen looked at the people behind him:

"The two of us and Mr. Yamada will go down, and the rest will stay here. If anything goes wrong, we will notify you."


Kurata Hisago and the others nodded one after another. This was what they had discussed before, just in case of accidents.

So, after the three of Ye Chen jumped into the tunnel, the others pushed the freezer back together, and after all this was done, the monitor hanging on the wall of the supermarket began to play a report about the Chiba Forest Logging Camp . .

After the three of Ye Chen were in the tunnel, they found that it was quite spacious inside. The two-meter-high passage could accommodate two people walking side by side. Apart from being a little damp and cold, there was nothing wrong with it.

After walking along the passage for a few minutes, the road ahead turned into a 30-degree slope. The three trotted all the way for nearly 40 minutes, and finally stopped.

Presented in front of their eyes at this moment are three passages.

"What's the situation? That fellow Kurata never said there was a fork in the road."

Hidesuke Yamada was a little astonished, and then took out his mobile phone to contact Hisago Kurata to inquire about the situation, but found that there was no signal here.

"Damn it, is even the signal blocked?"

Yamada Hidesuke said viciously.

"It seems that this tunnel has indeed been discovered by the people in the Imperial Palace. The three passages here are probably rebuilt later."

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