The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3757 Sleeping in the park

"Forget it, I'll figure it out myself."

Ye Chen shook his head, resolutely rejected Yamada Hidesuke's proposal, in such a cold day, he didn't think of the time to fish Yamada Hidesuke and the others out of the water.

"By the way, I do know an underground passage that can go directly to the Imperial Palace."

One of the four old men behind Ye Chen suddenly spoke.

As soon as these words came out, six people including Ye Chen all set their eyes on him.

Hisashi Kurata, a mechanism engineer of the Amaterasu sect of Shintoism, was also in charge of the defense facilities of the Imperial Palace. Heisuke Yamada knew about it, but he really didn't expect the other party to keep a hand.

"Kurata, when did you dig the tunnel?"

Yamada Hidesuke couldn't help asking.

"I didn't say I dug it."

Hisashi Kurata spread his hands:

"Actually, I discovered that place by accident when I was building defense facilities. I don't know who dug it out with such a lot of effort, and I can't guarantee that the passage will still exist. After all Decades have passed, and that place may have been discovered by others long ago."

"In that case, please ask Mr. Kurata to take us to have a look."

Ye Chen said directly that he still has a preliminary plan, but the risk is higher, and Ye Chen still doesn't plan to use it until necessary.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you come with me."

As Kurata Hisago said, he took the lead in a pickup truck and drove westward with the crowd for more than ten minutes, and ran about a quarter of the distance around the perimeter of the Imperial Palace, before stopping at the entrance of a supermarket.

"That's it, but I remember that it used to be a barbecue restaurant back then, but now it's a supermarket, maybe the exit of that passage is blocked."

Several people looked at the people coming and going in the store, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay. In this case, even if they found the entrance, they couldn't sneak in without being noticed, right?

Thinking of this, everyone present was embarrassed.

"It's okay, let's look for it first, there is no rush to sneak in."

Ye Chen's expression was normal, and after speaking, he walked directly into the supermarket, picked up a shopping cart and entered the shopping area.

The sudden entry of these old men with samurai swords on their waists surprised the customers and shop assistants, and Hidesuke Yamada felt a little helpless.

But fortunately, the few of them were quite calm, and directly ignored the weird eyes of everyone in the store, and each carried a shopping basket into the supermarket, pretending to choose goods.

Although the customers and clerks felt a little strange, they didn't delve too deeply into it. They just thought that they were members of the nearby kendo gym, and the other party didn't make any weird moves, so they were quickly ignored by everyone.

"Alright Kurata, can you still find the location of the entrance?"

Yamada Hidesuke said softly to Kurata Hisago beside him while pretending to be shopping.

"I don't remember the location very clearly, let me recall it well."

Kurata Hisago frowned, trying to think back, turning his head to look around from time to time, and then shaking his head.

This weird behavior once again attracted the attention of the surrounding shop assistants. After all, an old man wearing a long knife didn't buy anything, but kept looking around.

"Hi sir, what do you need?"

So, a young salesman bravely walked up to Hisashi Kurata and asked politely.

"I'll take a look casually, go ahead and leave me alone."

Kurata Hisago glanced at the clerk and said.

"Sir, you."

The clerk wanted to say something else when he saw this, but Ye Chen came over in a timely manner:

"Hello, please give me an oden, thank you."

"Okay, come right away."

Although the clerk still wanted to ask something, he couldn't refuse the customer's request, so he could only give Ye Chen a slight nod, and turned around to cook Kanto.

"Everyone, can you be more natural, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, you just imagine yourself shopping, customers are gods, and you are their gods now, don't worry about them at all."

Ye Chen took the opportunity to come forward and said to several people.

"But what if they keep pestering us, I think they just knock everyone in the store unconscious."

This time it was Matsumoto Kawa who spoke. He is good at speed, and his movement within a short distance is even comparable to teleportation, but he is more straight and reckless in doing things.

"Please, there are nearly a hundred people in this store, and they are distributed in different locations. It is easy for outsiders to find out if we attack them. If someone calls the police, our operation will fail this time."

Hidesuke Yamada also spoke. His ferocious look really scared many people when he entered the store, but this guy played the role of a wise general under Haneda Koichi back then, so in Matsumoto Kazu's thoughts After it came out, he immediately vetoed it.

"That's it, Kurata continues to search for the location of the entrance, and the rest of the people are distributed around him. When they find someone who wants to disturb him, they come out and find an excuse to get them away."

As soon as Yamada Hidesuke's proposal came out, the others immediately agreed.

Ye Chen on the side translated all the words of Yamada Hidesuke and others to Hao Mingbai beside him.

"Suddenly I feel like a burden."

Hao Mingbai pinched the bridge of his nose with some headaches, and smiled at Ye Chen.

"That's why it is very important to master a foreign language. It's not too late for you to understand it now. I will enroll you in a foreign language training class when you go back, and I will guarantee you to master more than a dozen foreign languages ​​in half a year."

Ye Chen laughed.

"Forget it, your crash course doesn't sound very reliable."

Hao Mingbai also responded with a smile.

"Sir, the oden you want has been wrapped for you, please."

While talking, the clerk from before came over with a packing box, before finishing speaking, Ye Chen frowned:

"What's going on, who asked you to pack it for me, I want to eat it in the store, what do you mean, are you going to drive me away!"

The clerk's face suddenly changed. He didn't have the guts to drive away customers. There are so many customers around. If they heard it and left a bad impression on the supermarket, he would definitely be fired by the boss. ah.

The current employment environment is too bad. He got this job with great difficulty. He has only worked for half a month, and the rent is still owed, so he is waiting to get his salary. If he is complained, he will definitely sleep with the park director chair.

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