The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3091 Cracking the mechanism box

"Then the thing you mentioned, could it be the mechanism box?"

Qianqian seemed to have thought of something.

"Yes, the thing hidden in that mechanism box is what our tribe is after, but no one knows what is inside except the boss, but the boss believes that the thing is in the hands of that Wang Tianjun, so he and that The guy has reached this deal, as long as Ye Chen is dealt with, he will give this thing with both hands."

"Do you believe that guy will really have what your tribe is looking for? If there is something magical about this thing, why would he be willing to give it back to you?"

"No, he can't open that thing, I'm pretty confident."

Hearing this, Han Lao Liu smiled confidently.

"Oh? You look very confident."

Qian Qian couldn't help being curious about Han Lao Liu's confidence.

"Of course, that box cannot be cracked by the current people. Even the most famous craftsman of the year couldn't crack it, let alone the current people."

"That's not necessarily the case. Although modern people don't have the wonderful ideas of ancient people, they have an advantage that ancient people did not have, that is technology. As the general manager of Shike, Wang Tianjun, as long as he is willing to spend money The people who cracked this box can line up from here to the shopping mall opposite, isn't it easy to unlock a box?"

"Technology? Technology can't solve all problems. Although human history is not long, there have been too many things that technology can't explain. I'm not exaggerating to say that except for the cracking method passed down from generation to generation in our tribe, no one can solve it." Untie this box again."

Qianqian stared at Han Laoliu. This was the first time she saw Han Laoliu so excited. It seemed that even though Han Laoliu was not very interested in this thing, the pride of his ancestors was deeply embedded in his heart. Among the flesh and blood.

"Well, whatever you say, that is to say, except for the boss, everyone else just knows that there is such a thing?"

For Han Lao Liu's inexplicable self-confidence, Qianqian was not easy to offend him, so he changed the question.

"The things stored in this box are recorded in the documents of the tribe, but the documents have always been read only by the previous patriarchs and heirs of the tribe, and the boss is the heir appointed by the current patriarch. He is also the only one among us who knows The person who holds the items in the mechanism box, so what you said is correct."

Han Laoliu didn't care about Qianqian's attitude. In fact, even he himself had some doubts about the existence of the box and the authenticity of the legend. After all, a thousand years is too long for ordinary people like them. Change a lot of things that used to really exist.

But although Han Laoliu was skeptical about this, it didn't affect his support for the boss to get that thing. Of course, if the crime was too deep, forget it.

Although their organization is capable, they have vowed never to do anything harmful to the world since the tribe left, let alone set foot in the interior of China.

And this rule was handed down by the ancestors thousands of years ago, but there used to be three rules in the forbidden covenant, but the third rule was lost with the passage of time, leaving only these two rules .

Because of this rule, everyone in the tribe stayed on the island for a long time, and even traded daily necessities on the shore. They never set foot on the mainland.

And they have always been safe and sound. When the mainland was divided by wars and wars, the island rose and went to sunset, and it has been safe until modern times. Went to Morocco for development.

At that time, Morocco was also occupied by some Chinese forces. It was very rare to meet compatriots in a foreign country. The people of the tribe also received a lot of care from the local Chinese forces, and gradually gained a place to live in Morocco. Therefore, these younger generations have gradually begun to receive education, knowing the history and current situation at that time.

These tribes have lived in Morocco for a hundred years, witnessed the construction of Chinatown with their own eyes, and learned about the facts of various places through TV. They don't have to worry about the troubles of war and can communicate with more people.

The people of the original tribe can live in this environment without worrying about war, suffering, or worrying about what fish to exchange with others for oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tomorrow.

But the good times didn't last long. More than ten years ago, for unknown reasons, the tribe chief suddenly announced that he would form a team to find the long-lost mechanism box.

Han Laoliu and others were one of the people who were selected at the beginning. Under the leadership of the patriarch's successor Nan Gongzhao, they went to various places for life and death training. Of the more than 20 people who participated in it, only nine people survived at this time. One can imagine the brutal experience.

In the process of several years of investigation, the second, third, and ninth brothers were unfortunately killed, and it seemed that there was not enough time to train the members of the clan, so they had to recruit experts from all over the place to take their places. The third brother is not a tribal person either.

Immediately afterwards, due to some special reasons, Morocco began to carry out a large-scale cleansing of the foreign population, but all non-Moroccan people who did not have Moroccan nationality would be repatriated to the country, and none of their tribes had Moroccan nationality. Nationality, the consequence can only be repatriated by Morocco to China.

But since they were young, they were warned by the rules left by their ancestors that they could not return to Huaxia. They had no choice but to escape secretly, left Morocco overnight, and returned to the island to continue to settle.

I haven't returned to the island for a hundred years, and everything has changed when I go back, and it becomes more difficult to be self-reliant. In addition, Huaxia at that time had begun to pay attention to the surrounding islands, so I had no choice but to migrate again. After searching, they finally arrived at Country E, which is closer to China.

Of course, they are also black households here, and they will be repatriated if they are caught, but compared with Morocco, the intensity is much smaller.

But there is no way to find a job without a household registration, and without a job, it means that there is no source of income. In desperation, Nan Gongzhao and others can only start to accept some employment tasks to earn money to maintain the survival of the tribe.

In the process of doing the task, Nan Gongzhao and others continued their investigation, but there was no result. Until recently, they came across the auction information of the box on the official website of Sotheby's Auction House, and took a picture of it. Its person is Wang Tianjun.

And it is precisely for this reason that they had to violate the precepts of their ancestors and set foot on this land that they have always been in awe of.

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