What is "it", what is it, I also want to know what is "it", is it a person? Is it a ghost? is God? Or fairy? Or is it a martial arts cheat book, a secret method of cultivating immortals, or a peerless magic weapon? I don't know, "it" has always been a legend in the clan, and no one has seen the true face of that thing, but for thousands of years, the clan has always believed in the existence of this thing in the world. "

"You haven't seen that thing?"

Qianqian said in surprise.

"I haven't seen it, I just heard about it."

"Then why are you sure that this thing is in Wang Tianjun's hands?"

Qianqian felt that she couldn't turn the corner.

"Because of a single word."

"One word?"

"Give me a cigarette."

Han Laoliu did not answer Qianqian, but stretched out two fingers and made a cigarette pinching motion.

Qianqian gave Han Laoliu a white look, and threw away the whole pack of ladies' cigarettes in her pocket.

Han Laoliu grabbed the cigarette case and threw it into the sky. A cigarette was thrown out of the cigarette case, and when it fell, it fell into Han Laoliu's mouth impartially.

Immediately afterwards, Han Laoliu took out a match and wiped it on the railing, and a flame burst out. Han Laoliu lit the smoke close to the corner of his mouth, and finally shook off the match very coquettishly. Very pleasing to the eye.

But Qianqian shook her head.

"Idiot, you clicked the wrong way."

Han Laoliu looked at the cigarette at the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, and sure enough, as Qianqian said, he lit the filter, but because the lady's cigarette was too thin, he didn't notice it for a while.

Embarrassedly spitting the cigarette on the ground, he honestly took a cigarette from the case and lit it again, and then Han Laoliu smiled embarrassedly.

"Sorry, mistake, mistake."

"Don't come here, you don't have no cigarettes yourself, why smoke mine all day long, besides, I'm a lady's cigarette, aren't you afraid of losing your air?"

Qianqian snorted.

"Hey, I can't help it. Money is a little tight recently, and I can't afford any good cigarettes. Come here to play the autumn breeze."

Han Laoliu smiled embarrassedly.

Hearing this, Qianqian glanced calmly at the cigarette butts on the ground, the eight-dollar Hongta.

"Okay, Qiufeng is also fighting, it's time to get down to business, I have joined for more than ten years, and I have never known what tribe you are from, and I haven't seen any of you back home on weekdays, what is going on? ?”

"It's troublesome to talk about it. How should I put it? Our tribe has existed for thousands of years. Do you know Taohuayuan?"

"Your tribe is in Peach Blossom Land???"

Qianqian covered her mouth in surprise.

"No, no, I just asked if you've heard of Peach Blossom Spring."

Han Laoliu hurriedly explained.

Qianqian glared at Han Laoliu upon hearing this.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, don't give me a sloppy eye here!"

Han Laoliu took a puff of cigarette unhurriedly.

"Look at what you're in a hurry for. I'm just talking about it. In fact, in the history of China, there is not only Taohuayuan, an outdoor place, but also a place similar to it. This place is located in a small town on the coast south of the Yangtze River at that time. The island is not close or far from the coastline, and it is not on the route, so it is rarely found by people."

"This doesn't seem like a peach blossom garden, does it?"

Qianqian was a little puzzled.

"Do you know what era they lived in?"

Hearing Qianqian's doubts, Han Laoliu asked back.

"You didn't tell me how I knew."

Qianqian frowned.

"The era they lived in was 352. At that time, the mainland of China was in a hellish period. There were endless wars between the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms. The whole of China was involved in this disaster, but the people on the island did not understand Knowing nothing about it, they have been self-sufficient on the island for decades and have never left the island."

"Although the life on the island is not very good, at least everyone can have enough food and clothing without worrying about any danger. Until one year, a ship came to this island. At that time, there were only three living people on board. All of them were scarred and naked, and they could only be discerned from the torn clothes on the outside that they were three soldiers."

The younger generation on the island did not know these people, but the older generation knew something, so they took the three soldiers home and took good care of them, but all three suffered injuries from sharp weapons. The poison invaded the body, and there was no effective medicine on the island at that time, and the three people died one by one in the end.

"While the three of them were receiving treatment, one of the higher-ranking men called himself a general, and told them about the tragic scene that was happening on the Huaxia mainland at this time. , Killing countless people along the way, using living people as rations, etc. A series of horror storylines were constantly narrated from this population, and spread quickly throughout the entire island in less than a day."

"And this incident quickly caused panic among the people. They didn't know if these barbarians would suddenly appear on the island one day, and then dry them up and use them as military rations."

"Then what does this have to do with your tribe?"

Although she is somewhat interested in this story, what Qianqian most wants to know is Han Laoliu's tribe.

"Of course it does. The people on this island are the ancestors of my tribe."

Han Laoliu took another sharp puff of the cigarette butt in his hand, and then threw it on the ground with some reluctance.

"Your tribe are those people on the island?"

Qianqian looked Han Laoliu up and down, somewhat disbelieving.

"You really don't believe it. Although the ancestors of my tribe were just ordinary people back then, when the three soldiers arrived on the island, things changed."

"After the death of the three generals, adhering to the idea of ​​​​returning to dust and returning to earth, the people on the island buried them. But when the family who took in the general was packing up their belongings, they found a basic booklet and a long A strip-shaped box, the ancestors lived far away on the island, so they couldn't put it down for such rare things, so they secretly hid them."

"Because they have been on the island for decades, this family can't read a few big characters, let alone the contents of the brochure."

"The box looks very ordinary, but it is actually a mechanical box. This family tried all kinds of methods but could not open it. Moreover, the material of this box is extremely special. Even fire, water, water, knife, chop and ax cannot open it. In order not to arouse the attention of the neighbors, they can only give up and put the box and booklet together."

"It has been like this for more than ten years. The younger generation on the island has gradually grown up and has their own ideas. They don't want to live a dull life on the island like this. They want a better life, so one day The five children sneaked onto the ship that brought three soldiers to the island more than ten years ago while the adults were not paying attention, and were going to go to the mainland of China."

"And among them, there was the child of the family who secretly kept the booklet and the machine box. When he left, he took all the machine box and booklet away. It was precisely because of their trip to sea that our tribe moved towards the real world. The road to rise.”

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