The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2796 Are you pretending to be with me?

A raised middle finger expressed Irene's mood at this time.

"Damn, classmate Irene, how can you make such a vulgar gesture, you are too easy to be misunderstood, did you see that the students in our school are broadcasting live, you were photographed and posted online The influence of your school is not good, in case it spreads to your school again."

Irene quickly dropped her hand when she heard that, but her eyes were still staring at Ye Chen, looking extremely upset.

"Everything is given to you, when are you going to compete?"

Will came over and asked.

"Wait, do I have any questions? I haven't asked them yet. Wait until I finish."

"If you have any questions, just ask."

Irene signaled Will to calm down, and then spoke.

"I want to know who the other two players in your team are."

As soon as Ye Chen's words came out, Irene and Will's expressions froze slightly.

How did he know about it?

At this moment, this question arose in both of Irene's minds.

But judging by Ye Chen's appearance, if he didn't say anything, today's competition might not be able to go on.

Irene glanced at Bilson on the stage, hesitated, but then seemed to have made up her mind.

"Those two people, we actually don't know."

"You don't know either?"

"Yes, although we are a team of five, we have only three people from the beginning to the end. We have never seen the other two. We only know that they are two Asians, but we haven't seen them until now."

Now it was Ye Chen's turn to be dumbfounded.

Is this the case?

No wonder Bilson was silent. I thought he didn't want to say it, but he didn't dare to say it.

Also, according to the rules of the competition, if you don't have a team of five people, you cannot participate in the exchange competition.

In other words, if they can't get five people together, they will be firmly seated at the bottom one.

After all, they can't even compete in the competition, so what is it if it's not the bottom one?


Ye Chen still couldn't believe it.

"Anyway, I've said it all, believe it or not, it's up to you."

Erin spread her hands.

It seems that Irene shouldn't have to lie to herself, but she didn't expect the other school to do such a trick, and she didn't know if she was hiding her strength on purpose or just joking.

"We've already told you what you want to know, so here's a competition."

Erin asked tentatively.

"Since you all begged me so much, I can't help but show you face, so let me show you a little bit."

Bah, who begs you.

Irene and Will spat in unison.

Of course Ye Chen couldn't hear this anymore, he just walked onto the ring on his own, then jumped up and stood opposite Bilson.

"Student Bilson, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"You know everything?"


Seeing Ye Chen admit it, Bilson sighed.

"There will be a competition the day after tomorrow, and the other two haven't come yet. It seems that we have no chance to participate."

"Isn't there still time? Believe in miracles."

Ye Chen comforted.

"It doesn't matter, it's all the same. Anyway, in my opinion, there are not many who can fight. After this fight with you today, I have fulfilled my wish."

Ye Chen rolled his eyes, cooperating with this guy was not to test himself from the beginning, but to really fight with himself with all his strength?

"I will convince you to lose."

Ye Chen's eyes were full of confidence.

Seeing Ye Chen come on stage, the students gathered around got excited immediately.

"Ye Chen is on stage, look!"

"I saw it. I went to Ye Chen and jumped on it in one step. It's too powerful."

"Cut, what is this? At first glance, you are an ignorant old hat. Ye Chen jumped much higher than this one on the flag-raising platform on Monday. How come you are here."

The students were noisy, and the muay thai club was suddenly very lively.

Waving to the audience, Ye Chen began to do warm-up exercises.

"Student Irene, prepare to count down."

After warming up, Ye Chen said to Irene in the audience.

Seeing Ye Chen say this to herself, Irene was relieved.

It seemed that Ye Chen agreed.

"Okay, then I'm counting down."



"One, the game begins!"

As soon as Irene finished speaking, Bilson, who had stayed in place, took the lead in attacking.

Bilson has been learning kickboxing, that is, kick boxing, which is standing fighting.

It means that if one party falls to the ground, the other party is not allowed to hit. At the same time, anti-joint techniques, elbows, knees, etc. cannot be used. There is also a certain degree of prohibition on wrestling. Free fighting is also known as international free fighting, European and American full contact free karate and so on.

"Free combat advocates free play on the spot and an open style, so many people abroad like to learn this fighting technique.

Generally speaking, one should wear gloves and mouthguards for this competition, but Ye Chen refused to wear them anyway, so Bilson just let him.

Ye Chen doesn't know much about free combat, but he knows that the ultimate goal of all martial arts is to knock down the opponent.

Of course, he wouldn't be so shameless that he inserted his eyes and kicked his crotch. After all, the other party still had some friendship with him, and he didn't want to kill him.

Seeing that Bilson's fist was getting bigger and bigger in front of him, Ye Chen turned sideways and brushed past the fist.

Bilson's eyes lit up, Ye Chen was really strong, his punch was extremely fast, but Ye Chen dodged it, it seemed that today he could have a good fight.

Thinking of this, Bilson let out a low shout, exerted his arm, and swept again, but Ye Chen raised his arm to stop him.

Good strength!

This idea appeared in the minds of both of them at the same time.

"Student Ye Chen, I won't keep my hand anymore, I hope you can fight with all your strength!"

Bilson yelled, and then he saw Bilson jumping backwards. As soon as his feet stepped on the stage, he jumped towards Ye Chen again like a spring.

Ye Chen does not dodge or dodge, usually with his left hand in front, his hands raised on both sides of his forehead, his upper body slightly bent, his left toe pointing at the opponent, his right foot and left foot at a 90-degree angle,

"Look, Ye Chen is using Muay Thai!"

Some students who occasionally come to the Muay Thai Club to watch the training exclaimed.

"What are you doing so surprised? Didn't you know that Ye Chen was learning Muay Thai from the instructor of the Muay Thai Club?"

"Wow, he actually learned Muay Thai. I thought he would use our Chinese martial arts."

"Huaxia Wushu? Anyway, I haven't seen Ye Chen use it. Our school now only has Muay Thai club, Taekwondo club and Sanda club. I haven't seen a martial arts club yet."

"Hey, it seems that Chinese martial arts are in decline."

"Stop talking nonsense, you all know shit, let me tell you, that foreigner uses free combat, and according to the rules, he can't use anti-joint skills, elbows, knees and other attack methods, so it greatly restricts Huaxia. martial arts."

A certain student started to pretend.

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