The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2795 The gems you picked up?

Chapter 2795 The Gem Picked Up

Irene couldn't help but glance at Ye Chengao, why is this guy surrounded by experts, not to mention those who are powerful, but there are even experts who can make wine go wrong.

Irene really wanted to meet this expert, and her grandfather would definitely be able to chat with this person, but she refused to say anything about it, and she couldn't help it.

"Okay, Ye Chen, I admit that I messed with the wine last night. This time the competition is indeed our side that lost."


Now it was Ye Chen's turn to be dazed.

What's the situation? I just want to get the information of the two team members, what is this girl doing with the wine last night?

Wait, what did she just say?

This girl did something in the wine? !

No wonder I lost consciousness after drinking a few cups of a thousand cups of non-drunk alcohol. I thought it was because the drink had too much stamina, but I didn't expect it to be this chick who was cheating!

Foreign girls really don't pay attention.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen pretended to be calm and snorted coldly.

"Although my expert knows that you have played tricks, he doesn't know what's going on, so I have to ask myself, and you can explain it clearly."

Ye Chen has completely forgotten about asking about the two players. He just wants to know how he lost. At that time, he clearly saw that Bilson was drinking the same wine as himself. When did he become passive? hands and feet?

Irene heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that even the expert couldn't crack grandfather's wine.

So, she recounted what happened last night.

Ye Chen was dumbfounded.

Fuck, this chick's grandfather is a talent, I will definitely meet him when I have a chance in the future, and learn how to make that wine by the way.

Irene stood there after speaking. He was waiting for Ye Chen to make a sound, but after waiting for a while, Ye Chen didn't respond. Looking up, this guy was standing there, and the smile on his face seemed to be happy?

Seeing that her plan was seen through, and whether Ye Chen could participate in the competition became unknown again, Irene couldn't help but feel a little lamented.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't play petty tricks, but now it's good, there is no chance for the competition, people have turned against each other, and in the end they have nothing.

Thinking of this, Irene couldn't help but glanced at Huzi who was laying the mats aside, with a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

"Ahem, classmate Irene, I am very pleased that you can realize your mistakes and admit them in time, so I decided to give you a chance to reform. Do you want to?"

Irene originally thought that there was no hope, but Ye Chen seemed to forgive her, so she raised her head and looked at Ye Chen with joy on her face.

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will help you."

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"That depends on your own performance~"

To see my own performance?

Irene thought about it, and she didn't seem to have anything to offer.


Irene's eyes lit up, she rummaged through her pocket, took out the sapphire she saw yesterday, and put it in Ye Chen's hand.

"This is for you, can I?"

Ye Chen looked at the gemstone in his hand, and felt a little guilty in his heart.

This gem can't be stolen goods, why does this chick keep it in her pocket all day?

Irene saw Ye Chen standing there staring at the gem, frowning tightly, thinking that he knew the origin of the gem, and her heart tightened.

When Ma Banghua whispered in Ye Chen's ear yesterday, Irene thought that the matter had been exposed, but seeing that Ye Chen didn't say anything, she was relieved.

But now seeing Ye Chen's appearance again, Irene was at a loss again.

Forget it, let him tell the truth.

Thinking of this, Erin spoke.

"Student Ye Chen, we picked up this sapphire."

"Oh, wait, what did you say? Did you pick it up?"

Ye Chen widened his eyes and asked.

Erin nodded.

"This is what we picked up on the stage after you finished fighting on the flag-raising stage that day. It should have been dropped by the woman who fought with you."

The woman I fought with?

Ye Chen frowned, could it be that Zhao Ting lost it?

At that time, there were only two women on the stage, one was Yu Han and the other was Zhao Ting. That's right, it was Zhao Ting who hadn't run away.

"Since you know whose it is, why don't you give it back to her?"

"That kind of woman is not a good person at first glance. My behavior is called robbing the rich and helping the poor in your China."

As soon as Erin mentioned this, she suddenly regained her spirits.

Fuck, this is robbing the rich and helping the poor, who is she helping the poor? Wait, did she give me this to help me?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen was upset for a while, what a joke, I always help others, when will I rely on others to help?

"Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor? Hu Zi, come here, I'm here to call you, come here."

Ye Chen waved at Hu Zi who was sitting on the cushion, and Hu Zi got up and walked over upon seeing this.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong?"

Huzi came over and asked, and glanced at Irene intentionally or unintentionally.

"Come on Huzi, take a look at this sapphire, do you like it? If you want it, I will give it to you."

With that said, Ye Chen handed the gemstone in his hand to Hu Zi.

Irene was a little surprised. This sapphire is extremely finely crafted, and the market price is at least 200,000 yuan. Ye Chen just gave it away like this?

The two seem to have a close relationship.

Huzi on the side looked at the gem, then at Irene, and held back for a long time before opening his mouth.

"Brother Chen, you should let go."

Ye Chen stared at Huzi with wide eyes, and there seemed to be a trace of shock and disappointment in his eyes.

"Huzi, I have known you for so many years, and you want to snatch this gem from me! I understand, you must be attracted to Irene and want to take the gem away and give it to her, right? Okay, you can take it. !"

As he said that, he turned away and seemed extremely disappointed.

Erin opened her mouth, as if she couldn't believe it.

This, just because he gave a gem, these two guys broke up?

No way.

At this time, I saw Huzi snatch the sapphire helplessly, and put it in his pocket.

Irene was even more surprised. This guy actually snatched the gem. How could he be such a person?

Perhaps out of guilt towards Ye Chen, Irene sympathizes with Ye Chen now.

Tiger is too much, I want to teach him a lesson.

Just when Irene was about to make a move, Huzi spoke up.

"Brother Chen, I put away your things, is there anything else?"

"Oh, it's okay, don't lose it, find a store to sell it later, and use it as compensation for mental damage from that crazy woman Zhao Ting."

After finishing speaking, the two of them giggled at the same time, their expressions must be so wretched and wretched.

Eileen on the side looked dumbfounded.

What's the matter with these two guys, they broke up just now, why are they reconciled now?

Ye Chen turned his head to look at Irene, the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

"Student Irene, look how Huzi and I are doing. Can we win an Oscar for Best Actor?"


Irene was completely speechless, the two of them were acting just now, and she thought they had really broken up.

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