The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1841 Surrender to Sima Yunhai

"Do you dare to kill me?"

Sima Yunhai said in a cold voice.

Ye Long kicked Sima Yunhai down, and stepped on his chest!

Immediately, Ye Long took out a cigarette, took a puff, and exhaled a puff of smoke, "Are you asking if I dare to kill you?"

"Yes, I don't believe you dare to kill me!"

Sima Yunhai gritted his teeth and said.

"Hey, you scared the hell out of me!"

Ye Long smiled disdainfully!

Immediately, an extra dagger appeared in Ye Long's hand!

No nonsense, Ye Long took the dagger and took a stab at Sima Yunhai!

With this knife, Sima Yun's seafood was bloody!

However, Ye Long didn't say a word, and once again took a stab at it!

Immediately afterwards, another knife...

Ye Long didn't say a word, and spared Sima Yunhai more than ten times in a row!

Sima Yunhai also screamed in pain!

"You... what are you doing?"

Sima Yunhai finally spoke first after being cut more than a dozen times.

"Didn't you say that I dare not kill you? I am proving it to you. If you want me to end you with one knife, then don't even think about it. It is too cheap for me to end you with one knife. I will make you hurt to death!"

The corner of Ye Long's mouth raised slightly, revealing a sinister sneer.

Now it's not just about Ye Long daring to kill Sima Yunhai, but how to kill Sima Yunhai!

What Sima Yunhai should think about is not whether he will die, but how he will die so that it will not be very painful!

"You... I am a powerful family!"

Sima Yunhai gritted his teeth and shouted.

This cry is mixed with pain and anger!

However, Ye Long smiled slightly, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "But in my eyes, you don't count as a fart. Since I dare to fight against the Bi family, do you think I dare not fight against you?"

Seeing Ye Long's expression and that indescribable look in Ye Long's eyes, Sima Yunhai not only felt a little bit of satisfaction!

Yes, Ye Long even dared to slaughter the Bi family, let alone himself?

"Have you considered the consequences of doing so?"

Sima Yunhai tried to make Ye Long feel scared. The only reason that could make Ye Long afraid was to make him think of the consequences.

"Consequences? I'm looking forward to seeing it!"

Ye Long's words fell, and Sima Yunhai was cut open again.

Sima Yunxiu's blood was flowing, he could only howl in pain, but he couldn't make any resistance!

"Come on, keep threatening me, the more threatening, the more energetic I will be!"

Ye Long continued to work while talking.

"Give me my life!"

In the end, Sima Yunhai looked at Ye Long and cried out in pain.

"What are you talking about? Louder, I can't hear you!"

Ye Long didn't stop, and continued to ask questions while doing his hands.

For this kind of guy, why should there be kindness?

If the results were changed now and he was defeated by Sima Yunhai, Ye Long could imagine that his result would be 10,000 times more painful than Sima Yunhai's now!

"Give me my life!"

Sima Yunhai not only shouted loudly.

The corner of Ye Long's mouth raised slightly, and he asked with a smile, "Spare your life? Why?"

"I don't want to die!"

Sima Yunhai replied in pain.

"Don't want to die? Didn't you just provoke me not to dare to kill you?"

When Ye Long heard Sima Yunhai, he was not only a little funny.

"I was wrong!"

Sima Yunhai could only surrender.

"Hey, now I know I was wrong?"

Ye Long smiled lightly.

"Wrong, wrong!"

Sima Yunhai now has nothing but to admit his mistakes.

Because Sima Yunhai understood that he would not be able to provoke Ye Long and play hard games with Ye Long!

Ye Long is a lunatic, a lunatic who does not care about any consequences!

As the saying goes, the soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the hard ones, and the hard ones are afraid of the desperate ones, and Ye Long just gives people that kind of desperate feeling!

"Come on, get up, kneel down!"

Naturally, Ye Long couldn't just let Sima Yunhai go just because he begged for mercy!

Where in the world is such a cheap thing?

Moreover, Ye Long knew very well that if he was defeated and begged Sima Yunhai like this, he would definitely not let him go so easily!

In that case, why did I let him go so easily?

Ye Long doesn't like to play social games, but it doesn't mean he can't play!

Sima Yunhai's thigh was cut several times by Ye Long, and he was in great pain, but when he heard Ye Long's words, he still knelt down obediently in front of Ye Long!

Sima Yunhai would rather suffer some pain than die!


Ye Long looked at Sima Yunhai who was kneeling in front of him and said coldly.

Hearing Ye Long's words, Sima Yunhai not only frowned!


Kneeling Sima Yunhai can bear it in his heart, but kowtow?

This Sima Yunhai couldn't bear it!

What kind of identity and status are you, kneeling is already the limit!


Ye Long looked at Sima Yunhai and asked.

"It's enough for me to kneel down for you, why don't you let me kowtow?"

Sima Yunhai not only asked.

But the tone of speaking is not as stiff as before!

However, when Ye Long heard Sima Yunhai's words, he impatiently kicked Sima Yunhai down!

"You like ink marks, I don't like ink marks, if you don't want to live, then enjoy death slowly!"

Ye Long said coldly.

Sima Yunhai doesn't have any capital to bargain with him now, let alone hesitation!

Sima Yunhai didn't think it was annoying, wasting time, but Ye Long didn't!

Immediately, Ye Long cut it again, and then said in a cold voice, "Remember, you are just a dog now, you don't have any demands, you don't have any ink capital, understand?"

After the words fell, Ye Long directly stabbed him down!

Of course, it wasn't an important part of the body that stabbed Sima Yunhai!

How could Ye Long let Sima Yunhai die so easily?

Wouldn't it be too cheap to let him die?

The most terrifying criminal law in ancient times was not death, but Ling Chi!

Let people slowly feel the fear of death and enjoy the pain of death, that is the most painful thing!

"I kowtow, kowtow!"

Sima Yunhai had been tossed half to death by Ye Long, and cried out in pain.

"Less ink, my patience is limited!"

Ye Long said coldly.

Immediately, Sima Yunhai gritted his teeth, stood up enduring the pain, and knelt down in front of Ye Long!

Then Sima Yunhai kowtowed to Ye Long while kneeling!

It's hard to imagine that Sima Yunhai will be reduced to this level!

You should know that the Sima family is a powerful and powerful family in the capital. Thinking back to the beginning, what kind of scenery and prestige it was?

Looking at Sima Yunhai, the current leader of the Sima family, he has already kowtowed to the point of praying for survival!

Presumably, even Sima Yunhai himself did not expect that he would do this!

And this is society, this is life, the strong are respected, and the victor is king!

At this moment, Sima Yunhai was very conscious. Ye Long didn't speak, so he kept kowtow!

Soon, Sima Yunhai's forehead was smashed, and blood flowed out!

But Ye Long didn't say stop, Sima Yunhai just knocked!

Of course, this is worth it compared to changing your life!

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