The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 1840 The Hand That Controls Life and Death

After Ye Long fell to the ground, he stood up again, no matter what time he would never give in!

Moreover, he will not succumb to a bunch of robots!

No matter how powerful he is, he is still just a machine!

As long as it is designed by humans, humans can deal with it!

Immediately, Ye Long narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the battle armor robot rushing towards him again!

And Ye Long jumped and dodged quickly!

Apparently, the intelligence of the armored robot is immeasurable. When Ye Long surpasses a certain distance, the armored robot shoots at Ye Long!

When the melee attack is reached, take the initiative to attack!

And when Ye Long made a huge move, the sensor system immediately reacted defensively!

I just don't know, after I am a few hundred meters away from the armored robot, will this thing launch light missiles against me?

Constantly fighting, Ye Long is looking for the pattern!

Of course, Ye Long can't actively attack the program system of the armored robot, because he learned from fighting with the armored robot of the master old man that that guy has electricity!

If you get caught by the motor, you will be completely defeated!

And maybe the electric shock power of the finished battle armor robot is even stronger!

Now Ye Long must come up with a solution as soon as possible, otherwise, if his physical strength is exhausted, he will be ravaged to death by the armored robot!

It is even more impossible to escape temporarily!

This time Ye Long came to look for Sima Yunhai, he had only two plans, one was to die himself, and the other was to die Sima Yunhai!

Moreover, Ye Long had already realized the awesomeness of the battle armor robot before he came again, so all of this is within the tolerance range!

Ye Long always believes that there is no best thing in the world, only more awesome things!


A negligence, Ye Long was hit again, flew out more than 20 meters away and fell to the ground!

And Ye Long, this fall, fell directly into the flowers!

Now Ye Long is sore all over, it seems that high technology is the pioneer of world progress!

If armored robots are mass-produced and put into war, the impact can be imagined!

Of course, it is not easy to mass-produce such high-tech armored robots. The purchased materials of armored robots alone are very scarce!

Otherwise, if it was made of ordinary materials, it would have been beaten into scrap iron by Ye Long!

Not only did Ye Long get up, he rubbed his neck!

At this time, Ye Long was thinking about how to deal with the battle armor robot in his head!

Suddenly, Ye Long's eyes lit up!

In front of yourself, there are garden sprinklers!

Isn't the battle armor robot a system program defense or an electric shock, so he can spray water by himself, what else can he do?

Ye Long was overjoyed. Sometimes, the seemingly extremely difficult problems were often easy and simple to solve, and sometimes, even the simple ones were unexpected!

If I hadn't been hit into the garden by a battle armor robot, if I hadn't seen the sprinkler pipes for watering the flowers and trees, no matter what, I would never have thought of this method!

Immediately, Ye Long jumped up and picked up the water spray pipe directly from the ground!

At this time, the battle armor robot charged towards Ye Long again!

No matter how intelligent the battle armor robot is, it will always be a machine, which is still very different from the human brain. The program is fixed and implanted through various intelligences, while the human brain is flexible and can adapt to changes!

Looking at the armored robot rushing up, Ye Long raised his mouth slightly and let out a sneer!

Immediately, Ye Long opened the valve of the water spray pipe, and the water column sprayed out from the water pipe!

A burst of water jets sprayed towards the battle armor robot!

However, the battle armor robot is programmed, but it does not know what is water, what is a flower, what is a bird, what is a tree!

The water jet sprayed towards the battle armor robot, and then "stinged" white smoke came out, and sparks were emitted from time to time!

Afterwards, all the armored robots stood motionless, emitting white smoke!

The result is obvious, electricity and water are fused, the circuit is short-circuited, and the program is paralyzed!

So, now the battle armor robot is just a pile of scrap iron. If there is a difference, it should be scrap iron with different materials!

Looking at the battle armor robot emitting white smoke, Ye Long not only grinned!

It seems that when one thing drops one thing, there is no problem in the world that cannot be solved, only the way to solve the problem cannot be thought of!

The solution that I couldn't even think of, but it was so simple to solve it in the end!

Just spray it with water, and the battle armor robot is finished!

Ye Long looked at the smoking battle armor robot and clapped his hands, looking a little satisfied!

But now, it was Sima Yunhai who was surprised!


Sima Yunhai was a little speechless and didn't know what to say.

Originally, Ye Long was about to die, but this suddenly directly paralyzed the armor robot program, which surprised Sima Yunhai!

It's not that the armored robot doesn't have a rainproof system, it's just that it doesn't have settings!

Warframe robots have multiple combat settings, but this time the setting is a single-case target combat!

It has nothing to do with the rainproof system in rainy days, so the armored robot will be useless when it encounters water!

Who would have thought that Ye Long would come up with such a trick?

Because single-target combat is the time when the battle armor robot has the strongest combat capability and basically no weaknesses, and the weather is so good, naturally there is no need to set up the rain protection system!


Now Sima Yunhai is in an indescribable collapse!

Could it be a coincidence?

Simply use the water pipe to get the invincible battle armor robot directly!

"Hey, old thief Sima, how do you feel now?"

Ye Long looked at Sima Yunhai and asked as he stepped forward.

How can Sima Yunhai feel now?

It has reached a point where there is no feeling at all!

"Ye Long..."

Sima Yunhai gritted his teeth and collapsed.


Now Ye Long would not spoil him. Before he did it again, he wanted to slap this girl.

I still remember Sima Yunhai's pride just now!

This slap came to Sima Yunhai, and his expression turned ferocious!

It is absolutely unique for Sima Yunhai, a member of such a powerful family, to be slapped in the face!

But today, he was slapped by Ye Long openly and fearlessly!

"Sima Yunhai, you are defeated now, is it clear?"

Ye Long looked at Sima Yunhai and said.

Sima Yunhai's face was gloomy at this time, but he had no intention of surrendering!

How could the dignified Sima Yunhai, a huge and powerful family in the capital, intend to surrender?

"Even if I lose, so what? Remember, now you are black and I am white, do you understand?"

Sima Yunhai glared at Ye Long and spoke with a sharp tone.

His tone was very serious, the aura of a powerful family!

"Then your life and death are already in my hands, do you understand?"

Ye Long said, and slapped Sima Yunhai on the face with another big mouth!

Sima Yunhai's spirit must be rubbed!

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