Bang! Bang! Bang!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, even the solid Kai King Realm seemed to have reached the end of the world. There were volcanoes erupting, mountains collapsing, the earth cracking, and the void shaking.


Sun Wutian crossed his hands in front of his chest to block the fierce attack from Gogeta. But he did not relax at all. His eyes, ears, and perceptions were all magnified and expanded to the extreme.

""I can completely block it."

Sun Wutian's face showed a trace of joy. After transforming into the Super Saiyan God, Gogeta's strength was extremely powerful and terrifying. Every blow seemed to destroy countless stars. If he was not careful, even he would be injured.

Fortunately, the blood of the ancestor-level Saiyan was more ancient and powerful than the legendary Super Saiyan blood, and the speed of growth was also faster. After only a few minutes of fighting, he had completely caught up.

"Damn it! How is it possible?"

Compared to Goten's joy, Gogeta looked at his fist with some suspicion. Just now, he could easily punch Goten into the ground with one punch, but now the attack on Goten was as powerless as raindrops?

"Impossible, even if it's Goten, no matter how talented he is, this kind of thing is impossible!"Gogeta's eyes flashed with madness in disbelief, and the next moment he decisively burst out with a continuous and fierce attack like a raging wave!

Gogeta didn't believe that someone could be so perverted as to ignore this terrifying gap, adapt to his attack in a short time, and quickly catch up.

You know, after he transformed into the Super Saiyan God mode, there was a dimensional gap between him and Son Goten. The gap in combat power was more than a thousand times, and the gap in strength was more than ten thousand times.

But now...

Son Goten can actually completely withstand his attack?

How is this possible??...

At the same time, in the lower universe, on a planet with life, a group of people were concentrating on staring at the picture in the crystal ball brought out from the Kaioshin Realm.

"Goten has grown again!"

"His growth rate in battle was so fast, so fast that he easily closed the gap with Gogeta. According to Old Kai, Gogeta's current height is as high as the seventh dimension!"

Krillin's body was shaking like a sieve, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world. That was Gogeta, who could be called a god after surpassing the limit of Super Saiyan 3 again.

According to Old Kai's estimation, Gogeta's current level was the seventh-dimensional benchmark combat power, the level of Kyo, and it was not a single-digit Kyo level, it was very likely to reach more than ten Kyo. He was actually caught up by that little guy Goten, who was only at the sixth-dimensional level and had a combat power of 'a mere hundred trillion' in a short time?!

How is this possible?

Piccolo, Trunks, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha and others were also shocked.

Gogeta's power is unquestionable, just by feeling the battle fluctuations and terrible aura transmitted from the Kaishin Realm to the universe, you can guess it, otherwise they would not have fled away from the Kaishin Realm under the urging of Old Kaishin before the battle between him and Goten broke out completely.

"Unless Gogeta can surpass his limit again, Goten will definitely win!"

Old Kai King God sighed like this.

He stared at the legendary Super Saiyan image of Goten in the crystal ball.

The"devil" Saiyan who had appeared in the seventh universe when he was still Kai King God 76 million years ago appeared in his mind, and his heart trembled slightly.

As long as the battle is not resolved in an instant, and this kind of"devil" Saiyan has the possibility to adapt, even gods will despair.

That time more than 70 million years ago was like this.

At first, it was just cholera of an inconspicuous Saiyan on a certain planet, and finally it turned into a crisis in the universe.

It happened that the God of Destruction Beerus at that time was summoned by the King of All to deal with the affairs of the 18th universe, so that the seventh universe was leaderless and almost destroyed.

At that time, the four great galaxies in the east, west, south and north were full of destroyed galaxies.

If Beerus hadn't returned in time and destroyed that demon Saiyan, I'm afraid even Old Kai King God would be helpless!

""Old Ancestor, do you know about Goten's Saiyan transformation?" God Jebit heard the old Kai's muttering and looked over curiously. He secretly sighed in his heart that the mortal saying"An old man in the family is like a treasure" is really true.

The old Kai knew almost all the secrets and things that he didn't know.

"I do know!"

The Old Kai did not hide it and explained:"That is a special form of Saiyan transformation that is different from the transformation of ordinary Saiyans. It was called the 'Legendary Super Saiyan' by the Saiyans tens of millions of years ago. It is an extremely special and extremely terrifying transformation."

Speaking of the legendary Super Saiyan, the Old Kai began to talk endlessly.

It's not that he is a chatterbox, but it's really that this special Saiyan is too foul, endlessly breaking limits, endlessly improving. Once out of control and backfired by power, he will become extremely evil, full of desires for destruction and destruction. Conventional means, ordinary strong men will only become stepping stones for him to become stronger.

Then, become another dead soul under his command

"Terrifying adaptability, as long as it is not destroyed all at once, it will burst out with endless potential, endlessly break through the limit, and constantly surpass itself?"

Everyone took a breath of cold air. If it weren't for the strength and speed of Sun Wutian's growth right in front of them, they would have thought that the old Kai was talking about a myth. Otherwise, how could there be such a foul person in the universe?

But now, they all looked at Wutian in the crystal ball in horror.

From the short time that Sun Wutian just took,���Judging from the fact that he has grown up and caught up with Gogeta who has transformed into a god, doesn't he perfectly fit all the characteristics of the 'Legendary Super Saiyan' that Old Kai mentioned?

"Hiss, in this case, wouldn't Wutian be invincible?"

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