
A roar of a giant ape that seemed to come from ancient times resounded through the depths of Goten's blood. In response to the call from the most ancient blood, his pupils slowly disappeared, leaving only the pure white of his eyes. At the same time, the golden aura unique to Super Saiyans was rendered by a layer of emerald green fluorescence.


Looking at Goten, who was left with only the white of his eyes, his pupils completely disappeared, his golden hair was rendered grass green, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of emerald green mixed with some golden aura, Gogeta had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Because Goten's aura was so high at this time that he frowned.

Although he was still far from reaching the strength of his current Super Saiyan God state, the kind of strength that Goten exuded from his bloodline made him frown.

"Sorry, it's my first time transforming into this form, so I'm still a little uncomfortable."

Sun Wutian clenched his empty hands and stretched his body. This was his first time transforming into the legendary Super Saiyan form. In addition to the pure power of a Super Saiyan, there was also a force of a giant ape flowing through his body and blood. All the various potentials that seemed to have their limits were now completely unlocked and running wild.

Compared to the Super Saiyan 3 form just now, Sun Wutian, who was in the legendary mode of Super Saiyan form, had a much stronger aura. The original 20 trillion aura had now expanded to more than 150 trillion.

"What a terrifying power."

"Compressing the power of the giant ape in the power of Super Saiyan can make my legendary Super Saiyan 1 transformation up to 5000 times the normal level."

"Moreover, with the transformation, the potential is fully unlocked, and every breath is growing."

Goten feels his current state. The increase in the legendary mode Super Saiyan 1 is about 3,000 times higher than the normal Super Saiyan 3 transformation that he has tapped into to a certain extent.

This is only the legendary Super Saiyan 1 form.

Every transformation above, the legendary Super Saiyan 2, the legendary Super Saiyan 3 form, each transformation that breaks through the limit will far exceed the previous transformation by several times, or even dozens of times.

There is no need to practice to the realm of the legendary Super Saiyan God.

As long as he can develop to the legendary Super Saiyan 3, Goten will probably be able to beat all the Gods of Destruction in the twelve universes.

""Hahahaha, Goten, Son Goten!!" After feeling the terrifying aura boiling from Son Goten, Gogeta no longer had any contemptuous thoughts. He put away his arrogant attitude just now, and his body trembled with excitement. With one breath, his strength increased by nearly one percent.

This is the opponent who is worthy of fighting with him!!

Son Goten in Super Saiyan 3 may be powerful, and that kind of time ability may be difficult to deal with, but if Gogeta is ruthless, he can definitely defeat Son Goten with his current strength.

And now, Son Goten, who has transformed into a form unknown to Gogeta, has given Gogeta a desire to fight with him, which can never be extinguished.

""Come on! Goten!" Gogeta couldn't wait any longer and couldn't hold back his fighting spirit. His figure flashed and appeared directly above the sky of the King of the Gods.


Before Gogeta finished speaking, Goten had already appeared in front of him.

This unfinished battle, the most pinnacle showdown in the universe, will decide the outcome in this battle.


The King of the Gods was like a calm lake, and a bomb was suddenly thrown into it.

The dark clouds in the sky were directly blown into nothingness. In the sudden collision, Goten still suffered a little loss. His body kept flying backwards, but after flying a few hundred meters, his figure stabilized and rushed towards Gogeta again.


The fists collided violently again. The two Saiyans, one big and one small, who were thousands of meters apart just now, didn't even have the slightest idea of testing each other, and directly launched the most intense showdown!

The violent gale broke from the place where the two fists collided, and then endless gale spread outward and swept across the entire King of the Gods.

""Hahaha, so satisfying, so satisfying." Gogeta roared to the sky, looking extremely excited. He didn't care whether their collision would make the Kaioshin Realm a mess. The only thought in his mind now was to have a good fight.


Goten's figure was knocked away again.

In just a moment, Goten and Gogeta collided again.

In the legendary Super Saiyan mode, Goten's ancestral Saiyan bloodline was rioting wildly, releasing its potential infinitely, making every collision between Goten and Gogeta instantly grow a lot, and adapting to attacks of this intensity.


Goten's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, the power he had begun to obtain had already hit Gogeta's face with a fierce punch, knocking him away again.

This time, Goten did not give Gogeta any chance to breathe.

"Where is your full strength, your Super Saiyan God power?"

Son Goten's fists rained down on Gogeta, his expression frantic, and he kept roaring:"Is the power of God so weak? ?"

"Don't give it to me, you're too proud of yourself."

Gogeta grabbed Sun Wutian's fist with his backhand, and swung it like a stick and smashed it all over the ground.

The ground was cracking and breaking.

"I will return this sentence to you."

Goten's aura suddenly increased several times. It had already risen to nearly 1,500 trillion auras, and in an instant it broke through to 4 trillion combat power. He broke free from Gogeta's restraints and hit Gogeta's face with a backhanded Qigong.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the energy smoke and grabbed Goten. Fortunately, he had the power of terminal acquisition. He had predicted Gogeta's next attack long before he made a move. He moved his feet and instantly retreated from his attack range.

���Unexpectedly, Gogeta failed in his attack and immediately rushed up violently.

The next moment, two figures surrounded by red divine energy and filled with violent super-powered aura collided again above the Kaioshin Realm.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The speed of the two was so fast that others could not imagine it at all. They collided thousands and tens of thousands of times in an instant. The Kaioshin Realm seemed to be overwhelmed at this time and was shaking violently.

The aftermath of the layers of battle formed terrible energy waves that continued to destroy the Kaioshin Realm.


Son Goten appeared and was kicked into the ground by Gogeta. A deep pit of tens of thousands of meters appeared in the broken ground in an instant. Countless magma poured in, as if to drown Son Goten directly in countless magma.


Sun Wutian spurted blood from his mouth. It was obvious that this attack caused him considerable trauma, but the potential released from his blood and the energy of transformation immediately soothed all the pain.

"Gogeta, next is your last." A layer of green fluorescent flame emerged from Sun Wutian's body, almost forming a substantial light. The terrifying momentum continued to spread outward, and the huge pit where he landed was also constantly annihilated outward at this time.


Sun Wutian, who had suddenly increased to more than 2 meters due to the transformation to the super mode, rushed into the sky again with a fierce and domineering momentum, vowing to knock Gogeta down to dust again.

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