The strongest soldier

Chapter 988 Continuous Sniper Killing

As a disciplined force, we are not allowed to shoot without an order. On a rainy night with extremely low visibility, the enemy will appear at any time. If you wait for instructions before shooting, you will either be killed or the enemy will have run away. This will greatly restrict the team. Luo Zheng's order undoubtedly freed everyone's worries. They could shoot as needed at any time. With flexible tactics, the combat effectiveness would naturally increase many times.

The heavy rain was pouring down, washing the earth tirelessly, as if to take away all the sins. Luo Zheng lay quietly on the ground without moving, staring at the front with cold eyes, letting the rain wet his body, and the silt from the mountain top covered his whole body. Pollution, holding the pistol with both hands, stretched forward motionlessly, ready to fire at any time.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Gunfire rang out again, clearly audible in the heavy rain. Luo Zheng didn't look back, or even said anything, he just stared coldly ahead.

It was quiet on the top of the mountain. Everyone in the guard company was lurking in the bunker, guarding their respective directions. When they found the enemy, they shot decisively, then changed bunkers and continued to monitor. There was no noise, no running, just lurking and shooting without sound. Now, it's like a high-speed fighting machine.

A solemn murderous aura spread over the top of the mountain, as if to block the heavy rain. Luo Zheng lay motionless on the ground, raised his ears and listened. Suddenly, a subtle and undetectable footsteps came, and Luo Zheng's whole body He immediately tensed up, his hand holding the gun a little tighter, his cold eyes slightly closed, restraining his endless murderous aura, like a cheetah ready to go, ready to strike the enemy with a thunderous blow at any time.

Suddenly, a figure flashed through the heavy rain and flew to the ground, holding his hands on the ground without making a sound. Luo Zheng's expression became serious, knowing that he was a master, so he did not move and continued to lurk in place. The two soldiers next to him also felt something was wrong. , but seeing Luo Zheng motionless, he felt calm for no reason.

Not long after, the figure in front suddenly stood up from the ground, preparing to continue to infiltrate forward. The two soldiers saw it clearly. Without waiting for Luo Zheng, they quickly pulled the trigger on the figure. Two guns, two firepower, brought In response to the panic and anger of the soldiers, they roared towards the target, mixed with the sound of heavy rain, as if the God of Death was grinning.

Luo Zheng did not fire, but watched the figure calmly. He saw the figure strangely pounced forward, avoiding the two fires. His body rolled down the mountain twice, suddenly shrank into a ball, rolled twice more, and exploded. , running wildly sideways, Luo Zheng saw it clearly, controlled the urge to shoot, continued to observe patiently, and lay still on the spot.

Seeing that there was no trace of the target, the two soldiers stopped firing and prepared to change their hiding position. Seeing that Luo Zheng was not moving, a soldier was curious and was about to ask. Suddenly, Luo Zheng moved, and his body suddenly lifted from the ground. He bounced up and rushed forward like a cheetah. The gun in his hand roared even more. Bullets screamed at the bottom of the hillside, and angry lions rushed towards their prey.

On the ground, a group of figures burst out, staggering down the mountain. Two soldiers also reacted and fired fiercely at the figures. The opponent's speed was obviously much slower, and they were unable to make effective evasive actions. The dense bullets immediately hit the figure. Throwing themselves to the ground, the two soldiers rushed out of the bunker excitedly, firing guns as they rushed.

Luo Zheng was not organized, but looked around calmly, like a ghost on a rainy night. The black muzzle was the ghost's indifferent reminder. Two soldiers rushed up and beat the target into a sieve. One soldier picked it up. Picking up a gun, the two quickly withdrew and continued to hide in front of Luo Zheng, looking at Luo Zheng with admiration on their faces.

A soldier handed the picked up weapon to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng picked it up and saw that it was a sniper rifle with a night vision goggle. He was shocked. Fortunately, the enemy was feigning an attack and could not see where everyone was hiding. In addition, they are busy hiding their whereabouts. If they stop to look for targets and kill them one by one, everyone will be in trouble.

Suddenly, another thought flashed through Luo Zheng's mind. Could this guy have come to see him specially? Otherwise, as a sniper, it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake and risk rushing up to fight in close combat. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng felt a surge of anger in his heart and quickly checked the sniper rifle. It was an SUV, a very good sniper rifle. , has a long range, but it is a pity that it is difficult to see clearly on a rainy night. If it is daytime, Luo Zheng has this gun in his hand, no matter how many enemies there are, he will not be afraid.

The sniper rifle is equipped with a night vision device, which can be seen within two hundred meters. On such a bad rainy night with extremely poor visibility, the visibility is many times higher than the naked eye. Luo Zheng quickly put the sniper scope in his eyes to observe. Seeing that it was about thirty meters away, I couldn't help but be overjoyed and quickly started searching everywhere.

Soon, Luo Zheng found two targets lurking on the ground, climbing up the hillside. The two were about two meters apart, and they could only see their outlines, but that was enough. Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he did not hesitate. The trigger was pulled, and two sniper bullets came out almost at the same time. With Luo Zheng's endless anger, they hit two different targets.

After killing these two enemies, Luo Zheng quickly searched for other locations and found no suspicious targets. He quickly ran to the other side of the mountain and continued to search for targets after taking cover. As expected, he found three more targets, only twenty meters away. Luo Zheng Shooting quickly, three bullets ended the criminal lives of the three enemies.

With this sniper rifle, Luo Zheng's combat effectiveness increased sharply. After checking that there were no enemies around, he quickly ran to the other side to continue hunting. However, no enemies were found on this side. Luo Zheng watched carefully for a while and made sure there were no enemies. The target was moved again, and when the target was found, he shot. Repeatedly, he killed ten people unknowingly.

As time passed, the heavy rain gradually stopped. Luo Zheng lay on the ground, condescendingly staring down with his stern eyes, constantly searching for the enemy with his sniper rifle, but no more targets were found.

Gunshots rang out from time to time below the hilltop. The battle between Niu Gang, Shi Tao and the others was not over yet, but Luo Zheng's anxious heart calmed down. After hunting down ten enemies who tried to sneak attack on the hilltop, Luo Zheng knew that the enemy was gone, but The visibility is too poor and it is easy to be accidentally injured, otherwise the team can be organized to counterattack.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Suddenly, there was a roar from the sky, which shocked people's ears.

Luo Zheng looked up in surprise and saw three dazzling white lights in the sky, penetrating the rainy night and illuminating the earth. Three armed helicopters came to support him. Luo Zheng was overjoyed that the reinforcements had finally arrived. He suddenly thought of Niu Gang and Shi Tao and others were still fighting with the enemy. If the armed helicopters fired indiscriminately, wouldn't they be hurting their own people?

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