The strongest soldier

Chapter 987 Heavy rain counterattack

Watching Niu Gang and Shi Tao lead the team to disappear into the heavy rain, Luo Zheng suddenly realized a problem. If this ambush was really the so-called demon extermination operation, then the enemy was the Samsara Killer Organization and the Death Killer Organization, and maybe Sam. After a battle, there are about 60 agents left. With so many people, it seems that the enemy is concentrating all its forces to settle the accounts with itself?

"That's okay, come on, let's see who has the last laugh." Luo Zheng thought to himself, his cold eyes penetrated the heavy rain, and looked ahead. The place where the enemy once ambush was quiet at this moment, but Sporadic gunfire soon rang out again, and Luo Zheng took a closer look. It was Niu Gang and Shi Tao's men who encountered the enemy after going down the mountain. The two sides fought in a melee, and it was difficult to distinguish them on a rainy night.

The combat effectiveness of the guard company was relatively weak, so Luo Zheng asked Niu Gang and Shi Tao to lead their men to rush down, take advantage of the rainy night to fight with the enemy, and completely delay the enemy. The longer the delay, the better for everyone. As for the fighting power of Niu Gang, Shi Tao and others, Luo Zheng was reassured. Zhongnanhai's bodyguards were all selected from all major special forces in the country. Their fighting power was definitely not bad. Let them fight freely. You will never lose to these enemies.

Looking at the heavy rain at the bottom of the mountain, there were no people around, and gunshots rang out from time to time at the foot of the mountain. Luo Zheng didn't know how the battle was going, so he immediately called a platoon leader and said: "Are you looking at the mountain behind? Take your people and rush out, no matter what happens. If you encounter any resistance, you must rush out, don’t stop, and you must spread the word about the situation here.”

"Yes." The platoon leader's expression became serious, and he suddenly felt the pressure doubled, but he still agreed without hesitation, turned around and ran a few steps quickly, standing in the rain, like a sculpture, standing motionless despite the wind, water and rain, and shouted with a stern look. : "Second Platoon, except for the wounded, everyone else is following me."

"Yes." Dozens of men stood up from the bunker, quickly gathered, lined up in two rows, and rushed toward the back mountain. However, the platoon leader ran to another platoon leader, borrowed the other's walkie-talkie, and quickly He caught up with his team and quickly disappeared into the heavy rain.

"There are two platoons left to jointly defend the mountain peak." Luo Zheng reminded loudly.

"Yes." The other two platoon leaders agreed, deploying their own men to defend the departing second platoon position.

The heavy rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if the sky was about to collapse, and the visibility was getting lower and lower. Luo Zheng sat on the ground with a cold expression, staring ahead. He pricked up his ears and listened to the gunshots that sounded from time to time in front of him. The enemy and ourselves were fighting. Together, this bad weather is not good for everyone, and it is also bad for the enemy.

"Chief, do you want to organize a team to go to the battle?" A platoon leader ran over and saluted and asked eagerly: "Brothers stay here and feel aggrieved. Watching other brothers fighting the enemy happily, I feel uncomfortable."

"No." Luo Zheng objected without hesitation. Seeing that the platoon leader was hesitant to speak, he continued: "The brothers in the guard company have great morale and good momentum, but their combat effectiveness is relatively poor. It's not that I underestimate you, but It’s because you don’t know who the enemy is and how powerful it is. Besides, there’s heavy rain everywhere, visibility is very low, and there are so many people that we can’t attack. It’s a great achievement to hold this place firmly and not let the brothers who sacrificed be disturbed anymore.”

"Yes." The platoon leader agreed helplessly. As a soldier, hiding on the second line to watch the battle was psychologically aggrieved. However, the platoon leader also knew that what Luo Zheng said was true. The enemy was more powerful than imagined. On this rainy night, Visibility is extremely low, and there are too many people to use it, and it is easy to accidentally get hurt. It is not as good as sticking to one place.

Thinking of this, the platoon leader couldn't help but raise his head and look ahead. The place had been blocked by the heavy rain, and nothing could be seen clearly, not even the highway. Only the bright car headlights were still flashing, vaguely visible in the heavy rain. , the platoon leader looked back at Luo Zheng, his face became solemn, and he said: "Chief, the enemy seems to have deployed heavy troops under the slope. Fortunately, we did not rush down, otherwise we would be in trouble."

Luo Zheng had already seen this problem and said with a cold expression: "The enemy deployed heavy troops under the slope and used RPGs to attack the convoy and create chaos. Fortunately, you have good tactical skills and stayed hidden in place. You did not fall for the enemy's trick, otherwise you would have suffered casualties. More."

Seeing that Luo Zheng was suspicious, the platoon leader did not mention the dozen or so soldiers who ran down the slope in panic. He knew that he was protecting the face of the guard company, and said gratefully: "Thanks to your decisive decision, if we stay on the highway and wait for reinforcements, we will We were just passively beaten. After several rounds of RPGs, we were still miserable. The enemy seemed to have deployed troops in the direction of our retreat. The only and best plan was to counterattack and disrupt the enemy's deployment."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Send the order down and be careful of the enemy taking advantage of the heavy rain to reach the top of the mountain." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Yes." The platoon leader immediately gave the order.

The enemy's arrogance, the enemy's unscrupulous tactics, and the enemy's recklessness cut through Luo Zheng's heart like a knife. A strong sense of shame surged into his heart. In his own land, the enemy was so arrogant. It was such a shame. Luo Zheng held on tight. He shot the gun and stood up suddenly. What does it matter if he is injured? As a soldier, when faced with humiliation, there are only two choices. Kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy. You must not live in shame.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Just when Luo Zheng decided to rush down and join the battle group, suddenly several gunshots were heard. From the side, Luo Zheng was shocked. He immediately realized that the enemy was sneaking up on him, his face became serious, and he roared: " Don't panic, hold your position and hit again when you are sure." As he said that, he rushed towards the place where the gunfire rang out.

The rioting army quickly stabilized and lurked quietly, despite the heavy rain hitting them, motionless. The muzzles were aimed forward, and their eyes gradually became sharper. Only on the battlefield and in the flames of war can soldiers truly transform. A true iron-blooded soldier, even a well-trained guard company soldier.

Soon, Luo Zheng came to the other side where the two soldiers were ambushing him. He fell to the ground with a tiger and looked forward with cold eyes. The visibility was less than five or six meters and there was nothing in front. He couldn't help but ask: "What's going on?"

"I just found a black shadow. After shooting, there was nothing." The soldier said in a panic, worried that Luo Zheng would blame him for shooting indiscriminately. It is a taboo to shoot randomly on the battlefield. It can easily cause panic and even expose himself to danger.

"Brothers, keep an eye out and shoot when you find a suspicious target. Don't be polite. Change the bunker immediately after the attack. Don't wait to die in one place. Form groups of three. Each group fights on its own without asking for instructions." Luo Zheng did not blame the soldiers. Instead, he shouted loudly, and the sound spread throughout the mountain. Everyone heard the order accurately and heaved a sigh of relief. This order greatly improved everyone's confidence and courage.

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