The strongest soldier

Chapter 845 Deployment and arrest

In the private garden at the gate of the villa, five elite soldiers of the former ghost team stood in a row, Niu Gang's people stood in a row, Shi Tao's people stood in a row, Shi Feng's people stood in a row, and He Shan and others from the first team of the former special operations brigade stood in a row, fully armed. He looked at Luo Zheng in front of him, his expression solemn and murderous.

Luo Zheng looked at everyone with a stern look, with blue snow and red plum blossoms beside him, and snow leopards, mountain eagles and blue stars standing behind him. Almost all the guards gathered together. The time has come to capture Charlie. The embassy ahead The news has come through the ghost hand, which makes everyone very excited, especially Hong Meihua. The opportunity for revenge is right in front of them, and they can't wait to rush forward immediately.

"Brothers, I am very grateful for your support and trust. I will not say any more nonsense. Now, our target is Charlie. That bastard has been forced out of the embassy. Without the protection of the embassy, ​​he is a lost dog. This is our country, and under our feet is the land we are sworn to protect, and we must not allow people like this to flourish."

"Give me the order." Everyone stood up and shouted, with murderous intent and eager to be targeted by Luo Zheng. It was important to capture Charlie, but there were other killers lurking around, so some people had to stay behind to look after the house. Everyone had been fascinated and was holding back in their hearts. I was so angry that I wanted to catch Charlie, not wanting to be the one left behind.

Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood. His sharp eyes swept over everyone. They puffed up their chests and burst out with strong fighting spirit. Luo Zheng smiled and shouted with a majestic look: "Listen to my orders, Shi Tao."

"Here we come." Shi Tao shouted quickly after hearing the order, his body straight like a javelin.

"The safety of our family will be left to you." Luo Zheng said seriously. Seeing Shi Tao's reluctance, he couldn't help but shouted seriously: "Our family is our foundation. If something happens to the person we protect, even if Charlie is caught, what will happen? What do you think? You have a heavy responsibility. If you don't want to, I will replace you immediately."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Shi Tao said quickly. If he didn't answer, the task at home would be gone.

"Niu Gang, you are familiar with the terrain, follow me." Luo Zheng continued.

"Yes." Niu Gang agreed quickly and smiled excitedly.

Luo Zheng looked at He Shan and others and Zhou Gang and others, thought for a moment, and said: "Brother He Shan, you guys come with me, Zhou Gang, you are all snipers, stay behind to help defend. Stick to the roof, pay attention to air defense and virus protection."

"Yes." Everyone agreed in unison. Of course, those who went were happy, but those who didn't were not upset. As a soldier, obeying orders is the first priority.

Luo Zheng looked at Hong Meihua, who turned away, as if he had to go. Luo Zheng knew that Hong Meihua had a grudge against Charlie, so he looked at Lan Xue, who nodded knowingly and said, "Then I'll do it." Stay."

"Well, be careful." Luo Zheng said gratefully.

"You too." Lan Xue warned with concern.

Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xing and whispered: "Keep the call at any time."

"Understood, the other party is under our lock and cannot escape. I have applied for another satellite monitoring class, so don't worry." Blue Star said confidently.

"Charlie fled south in panic. Niu Gang, you lead the team from east to south to take revenge. Shi Feng, you lead the team to maintain from west to south. In addition, we have applied for armed helicopters to follow him, and the police in each district will also cooperate with us. If you arrest him, he won't be able to escape, but one thing is that Charlie is very powerful, I hope you will be careful." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Yes." Everyone held back their anger and stood up in response, with murderous intent rising into the sky.

"Let's go!" Luo Zheng shouted.

Everyone turned and rushed to their cars and drove out. Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue. The two nodded in agreement. Luo Zheng smiled with relief and looked at the snow leopard and mountain eagle. The two nodded in agreement. Everyone looked towards Walking outside, striding like a meteor, I got into the off-road vehicle that had been prepared long ago.

Luo Zheng drove the car himself, with Hong Meihua sitting in the passenger seat and Shandiao in the back seat, holding a long box with a sniper rifle in his hand. The off-road vehicle roared away, rushed out of the villa area, and quickly got on After arriving at the main road, heading south, not long after, Blue Star's words came from the headset: "Ghost Hand has returned, and the computer he brought contains proof of Charlie's crime."

"Very good. Immediately hand over the criminal evidence to the relevant departments, put pressure on the Sam Country embassy, ​​and cut off all their support for Charlie. Without logistics, no safe house, and no intelligence, I don't see how he can run away."

"Understood." Lanxing responded, suddenly making a sound of surprise, and continued: "The target suddenly turned around and ran back. It has been confirmed through surveillance that it is indeed him, about fifty kilometers away."

"Go back?" Luo Zheng couldn't help but look at Hong Meihua in surprise. In terms of espionage capabilities, Luo Zheng thought he couldn't compare to Hong Meihua, so he couldn't help but ask: "How do you think he will escape?"

"The traffic arteries are being fortified. It is not appropriate to take the highway out of the city. There is a plain to the south, which is not conducive to hiding. He chose to turn back. There must be a reason for this. Let me think about it." Hongmeihua said calmly: "Judging from the distance, he After entering the city, they were blocked by us and there was no way to hide. There was only one possibility."

"What?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Underground pipes." Hong Meihua said calmly, her eyes starting to shine.

"Hiss?" The underground pipelines are complicated and densely distributed. If they really enter the underground pipelines, it is really difficult to catch them. Communications and satellites will be useless, and the advantage of many people will not be used. It is really powerful. Luo Zheng's face gradually became gloomy. Said: "We must determine the underground pipe mouth where Charlie may enter and lock the area."

"Understood, I'll notify the police to come immediately." Blue Star immediately agreed.

"Send me his coordinates." Hongmeihua said through the headset. She took out a palm-sized electronic communication device from a small bag and turned on the system. A map of the underground pipe network appeared on it, showing two points. , one red and one green, green represents oneself, red represents the opponent, the red plum blossom quickly zooms in on the map and measures the distance.

Not long after, Hongmeihua judged several possible points for entering the underground pipe network based on Charlie's driving route and traffic conditions, quickly notified Blue Star of the location, and warned: "Let all the pursuit forces rush there and assist our police." The ground is under martial law, our people enter the underground pipelines, guard tightly, and shoot directly when they find the target."

"Understood." Seeing that Luo Zheng had no objection, Lan Xing immediately agreed.

Luo Zheng knew Charlie's strength. It was even harder to catch him after he entered the underground pipeline. It was best to shoot directly to avoid casualties among his own people. An exposed spy was of little value. There was no need to capture him alive. With Charlie's ability, it would be better to keep him alive. It is better to avoid future troubles than to be a scourge.

"Attention all units, if you find a target, fire directly and never get close." Luo Zheng warned through the headset.

"Yes." The person who heard the order quickly agreed.

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