The strongest soldier

Chapter 844 Attacking the Embassy

At dusk, a large group of people suddenly appeared at the door of the Embassy of Sam State. Someone was holding a banner with words such as "Return My Innocence" on it. A sad-looking woman wearing a peaked cap and a toad mirror put most of the He covered his face as if he was afraid of being seen, and held up a sign with words such as "Repay my innocence and ask for an explanation."

The sudden appearance of the team attracted many people around to stop and watch. Some people even shouted "get out" and kept knocking on the big iron door of the embassy. Some armed guards rushed out of the embassy, ​​but Seeing nearly a hundred people making trouble, everyone was excited and did not dare to mess around. They faced off behind the big iron gate.

Not long after, several cars rushed over, and a group of people jumped out from the cars carrying cameras and microphones. They were obviously reporters who had heard the news. These people ran excitedly and squeezed into the crowd, but the crowd Someone in the Central Committee intentionally or unintentionally blocked them out and did not allow them to come to the front.

The reporters had no choice but to report on the spot and get first-hand information first. At this time, someone lifted up the bricks on the ground and threw them into the embassy. There were so many people, and no one knew who did it. One of them was beaten. The guard screamed and blood flowed from his head. What's more terrible is that the guard was already nervous, his index finger was on the trigger, and his head was hit. He almost instinctively pulled the trigger, and the muzzle of the gun Originally aimed at the crowd outside the big iron gate, the shot hit one of the people in the crowd.

This group of people immediately exploded and shook the big iron gate one after another. Some people even climbed on top of the iron gate without fear of the guards inside. More people picked up bricks on the ground and threw them at the ground. The scene suddenly got out of control. , shouting slogans of smashing things up.

At this time, someone in the crowd quietly took out a big wrench, rushed up quickly, and cut the chain on the big iron door. The big iron chain was torn open, and the big iron door was opened. The panicked guards inside quickly threw their weapons into the sky. The gun retreated and spread to both sides.

After this group of people rushed into the embassy, ​​they were divided into three. One group of people rushed to the office area. One group of people rushed from the left to the back, and the other group of people rushed from the right to the back. They moved quickly, and those who came after hearing the news The police immediately blocked the embassy and set up a cordon to prevent reporters from entering.

The reporter was so angry that he jumped on his feet and kept calling people to find excuses. The police responded with an unprecedented cold face and refused to let them go. No matter which TV station they were, they were all treated equally. More police officers came to help, and the surrounding area was also cordoned off and careful. People will notice that the ones coming behind are special police officers, fully armed.

After a while, everyone faintly heard gunshots behind the embassy. They all looked inside, trying to find something. Not long after, the police and reporters outside saw a large group of people chasing a few people out. , someone shouted: "We found him, it's the bastard in the suit, catch him."

More people surrounded us. The few people who rushed out looked indifferent and did not panic. They ran to the gate. After seeing many police and reporters, one of them shouted: "Police, they are terrorists, help." "

The leading police officer gave the other party a cold look, picked up his phone, looked at the photos on the phone, suddenly straightened his face, and shouted: "Raise your hands and squat down."

When the other policemen saw that the leader was taking action, they understood and quickly drew their pistols from behind and aimed them all at the past. This incident shocked the reporters around them. Why do ordinary policemen carry guns? This was unreasonable. Everyone felt keenly that this matter was not simple, and they immediately became excited.

At this time, the faces of the few people who rushed out turned sideways. The leader was Charlie. Seeing that something was wrong, they immediately realized that they were coming for him. They would definitely not be able to go back. There were nearly a hundred prepared gangsters who came to chase them, including many of them. The people with good skills quickly made a few gestures to their companions, and these people immediately dispersed and fled.

Charlie also found a direction and rushed over. The police fired directly. Charlie rolled to avoid the bullets, rolled several times in a row, and with a flick of his body, he rushed over like a cheetah, knocking three policemen away. , forcefully squeezed a way.

The police did not dare to shoot for fear of hurting innocent people. Charlie took the opportunity to rush out. The gangsters brought by the knife rushed into the embassy. The people watching outside were all citizens. When they saw the gun being used, they dispersed in fear. When it opened, the reporters scattered in fright, and Charlie took the opportunity to run far away.

Before the police could react, Charlie had already rushed to the road outside, stopped the car, rushed over and pulled the driver out, got in the car, drove away, and called for emergency investigation. Li was caught off guard and had to hide first.

Several other Charlie's companions were chased by the gangsters and had no way to go. With the SWAT police surrounding them, they directly chose to surrender and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands. The SWAT police had already received the order and turned a blind eye to the gangsters. , this made the gangsters excited. They rushed out of the gate one by one, called their companions to drive over, and chased Charlie.

Almost at the same time, Gui Shou mingled with the crowd, led people to rush to the backyard, knocked open the door of one of the rooms, and blocked a fat man. Seeing that the other person was busy on the computer, with a panic look on his face, Gui Shou He rushed forward, raised his hand and shot, knocking the opponent directly to the table.

Guishou pushed the other person away and immediately checked the computer. He saw a file destruction program running. He didn't know how to shut it down, so he simply unplugged the power, removed the battery, shut down the computer hard, and shouted to the knife that rushed in: "Quickly. Click your hands and take all the computers away."

"Okay." Xiaodao agreed excitedly. This operation made Xiaodao see an opportunity, an opportunity to get closer to the government. As long as he is tied to the big tree of Ghost Hands, as long as he does not make mistakes for the rest of his life, his past crimes will be possible. Once you are forgiven, your status on the road will also increase.

The three notebooks were put away. Guishou immediately took off his clothes, wrapped the notebooks, and held them in his arms. While carefully observing the surroundings to see if there were any other clues, he said to the knife: "Quick, the people who informed you will evacuate immediately. Take that woman away as soon as possible, and she must not fall into the hands of the embassy people."

"Understood." Xiao Dao quickly agreed and took out the phone.

After Guishou saw that there were no other clues in the room, he signaled Xiao Dao to rush out of the room quickly and walked outside, while shouting through the headset: "Find a way to cover my evacuation and get three laptops. They should have what we want."

"Understood, go through the back door." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

The ghost hand changed the direction knowingly, and rushed towards the back door with the knife and several gangsters behind him, holding three notebooks tightly in his arms, his eyes firm, and his steps as fast as flying.

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