The strongest soldier

Chapter 822 The effect of gangsters

Late at night, the train station is still as bustling as ever. Many people come out of the station. In the square, there are also many people looking outside, waiting for the arrival of relatives and friends. The neon lights are flashing, adding a bit of noise to the place, and taxis are queuing up. While waiting for business, in the parking lot, people kept getting into their cars with their relatives and friends who had arrived and whizzed away.

Suddenly, many minivans rushed over from various intersections, and many people dressed as gangsters jumped out of the vehicles. In groups, they began to check the parking lot, slapping the roof of the car, and motioning to the people inside to roll down the windows, as if they were robbing. The car owners in the parking lot were so frightened that they hid in their cars and did not dare to come out. They were relieved when they saw that these people just looked at them and left without doing anything extraordinary.

Luo Zheng watched this scene quietly from a distance and smiled. It was really scary to see a large group of gangsters appear in the middle of the night. Soon, several gangsters came to a black business car and hit the roof of the car to signal. The other party opened the car window, but there was no movement inside the car. Someone looked through the windshield and saw someone inside. He became angry and smashed the front of the car with his fist, attracting more people to gather around.

Not long after, the co-pilot rolled down the window, and someone handed out a stack of cash, as if to calm down the trouble. The gangsters took the money, but did not let it go, as if it was too little, and they were gearing up, as if they were about to take action. More people gathered around.

Luo Zheng watched this scene from a distance and couldn't help but smile. Sure enough, he had a specialization in the art industry. This group of people really knew how to stir up trouble. He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Zhou Gang and other people. After receiving the phone call, he quietly To go up in a roundabout way and use money to eliminate disasters shows that the other party is mentally evil. The gangsters are not fools and must have discovered something.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng saw the gangsters starting to smash the car. The other party started the car and wanted to run away. Someone rushed over to grab the key, but was quickly beaten out. Luo Zheng realized that something was wrong and rushed forward quickly. He found that the gangsters were throwing something into the car. After a while, the car stopped quickly and two people rushed out.

When the gangsters saw someone getting out of the car, they immediately gathered around and started a group fight, but soon they were all beaten and flew away. The two of them rushed out of the encirclement, not daring to fight, and ran separately. At this time, Luo Zheng had already rushed up. , found that one of them looked a bit like Charlie, and quickly chased after him. When passing by the car, Luo Zheng shouted: "Is there anyone in the car?"

"There are two of them, who are you?" one of them shouted.

"Protect them, don't move." Luo Zheng shouted, chasing after them and taking out his pistol.

When the gangsters saw that Luo Zheng had a gun, they immediately guessed that Luo Zheng's identity was not simple, and quickly agreed. Luo Zheng rushed out for about a hundred meters. When they saw Zhou Gang rushing out of the diagonal stab, he fired at the target. They were only about 20 meters apart, and with Zhou Gang's sniper's marksmanship, there was no problem. Luo Zheng found his target leaping over a car, shrank his body, hid behind the car and disappeared.

Luo Zheng and Zhou Gang became vigilant and slowly moved closer, outflanking them from left to right. After walking for about ten meters, Luo Zheng suddenly felt uneasy and quickly stopped. He stared warily ahead. In front of him was a parking lot with many vehicles parked. He couldn't see the target position. Luo Zheng squatted down and lay on the ground to check. Suddenly he found a person under the car, aiming a gun at him. He was frightened and retreated like lightning.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Three gunshots rang out, and the bullets hit the concrete floor. Sparks flew everywhere. Luo Zheng looked at the position where he had just stood in surprise. There were three more bullet holes there. If he slowed down for even one second, I was afraid that my legs would be useless, so I was furious and made a gesture to Zhou Gang.

Zhou Gang took a few steps forward, and suddenly there were several more gunshots, and bullets hit the car next to him. Zhou Gang had to hide when he heard a voice shouting: "You called those bastards here, right?"

When Luo Zheng heard that the voice was very familiar, he couldn't help but smile and shouted: "Charlie, right? You have been surrounded. Come out and surrender. Don't make any unnecessary resistance."

"Stop using the police and soldiers who are more powerful, and use gangsters instead. Your move is really good. It easily broke my guard deployment and taught me a lesson. I have to thank you. You can't catch me if you want to." It's not that easy." Charlie said coldly, showing a sense of arrogance and confidence.

"With your caution, whether it is the police or the soldiers, you will know as soon as they move. You have escaped before they arrive. There is no other way. Just ask other people to help. It seems to be working well. There are two people in the car. , he is the hostage you captured, right? I didn’t expect that you were so trustworthy that you actually brought him in for exchange. I believe Ike will be very touched when he knows the news." Luo Zheng sneered, while giving Zhou As soon as he made a gesture, the two of them circled around and surrounded him.

"How is he?" Charlie asked coldly.

"Don't worry, you're not dead." Luo Zheng said, using the cover of the surrounding vehicles, he advanced quickly, holding the gun tightly in both hands, aiming forward, ready to fire at any time, but found that there was no movement in front of him, Luo Zheng was startled and shouted: " A dragnet has been set around, come out."

There was no sound from Charlie's hiding place. Luo Zheng was suspicious. Suddenly he heard a car start. He immediately realized that Charlie had stolen a car and was about to escape. He didn't care about anything else and rushed forward bravely. He saw a small car. He suddenly rushed out of the parking space, and the engine roared.

"Bang bang bang!" Luo Zheng quickly aimed at the driving position of the car and fired, but it was already too late. After the car rushed out of the parking space, it made a beautiful tail flick and blocked the incoming bullets with the rear of the car, roaring. He rushed forward wildly, his speed was very fast, and his superb driving skills were even more astonishing.

Zhou Gang rushed out of the bunker and stood in front with a sullen face. He raised his gun and aimed at the driving position, but found that no one could be seen. When he changed his sights to the tires, the car had already rushed over and he had to swoop aside to avoid it. After being hit by the car, Zhou Gang punched the front of the car next to him with hatred as he watched the car whizzing away.

"Lock the car immediately, turn all surrounding traffic lights red, and don't allow any vehicles to start. I want to see how he runs." Luo Zheng shouted loudly through the headset.

"Yes." Blue Star shouted excitedly, finally catching another clue.

"It's useless. Someone will respond with a motorcycle. This is his usual style. He immediately mobilizes police motorcycles and goes on the road." Hong Meihua reminded loudly in the headset.

Luo Zheng was startled, and immediately realized what he was doing. He shouted through the headset: "Shi Feng, arrange a motorcycle to pick me up. I'm afraid the police motorcycle alone is not enough. Guishou, you and Snow Leopard are dispatched. In addition, notify all the gangsters to pursue me. Send them Charlie’s photo, make no mistake, this time, we must catch this bastard.”

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