The strongest soldier

Chapter 821 Luo Zheng’s layout

The information he finally got was broken again, which made Luo Zheng furious. His face was livid, and the phone beside his ear remained motionless. He stared at the blue sky and white clouds outside the car window with sharp eyes. He was extremely depressed. Hearing Zhou Gang's voice Instructing the next move, Luo Zheng took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down and said: "Run to the train station as quickly as possible and pay attention to concealment."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng saw Niu Gang and others looking at him curiously. He didn't explain much, but said into the headset: "Did you find anything?"

"We monitored the vicinity of Jinghai Garden and found a suspicious vehicle leaving and entering a nearby underground garage. There are no clues. It is estimated that the other party left instead." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset, with a bit of annoyance, every time After monitoring the clues, the other party used the same trick to escape.

"Has the owner of Jinghai Garden House been found?" Luo Zheng continued to ask.

"It was found that Song Fei, the owner of Feiyang Technology Company, has business dealings with Liuyuan Group." Lanxing said.

"Investigate the relationship between him and Mrs. Liu immediately and keep it confidential." Luo Zheng warned, vaguely feeling that something was fishy. How could Mrs. Liu and Sein Fei be kidnapped at the same time? Nothing in here?

"Are we going to the train station or not?" Niu Gang asked doubtfully.

"No, you go hide near the Liuyuan Group and stand by. I'll go to the train station alone." Luo Zheng responded. To deal with someone like Charlie, you must have a backup plan. Who knows what tricks he will play next? Zhou Gang and others are enough, so there is no need to redeploy manpower.

Niu Gang didn't say anything else. Luo Zheng found a place to get off the bus and took a ride to the train station. There were people coming and going at the train station, and it was very inconvenient to find someone. Charlie said that hostages were exchanged at the train station, and there was no contact after that. Who Knowing whether it was trustworthy or not, Luo Zheng came here just to try his luck and didn't hold out much hope.

After wandering around for a while and writing down the terrain, Luo Zheng found a leisure chair and sat down. He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Zhou Gang. Soon, Zhou Gang texted back. Everyone was already in place and distributed on the train. Standing in every corner, no suspicious target was found.

Luo Zheng did not go to Zhou Gang, but waited patiently. Not long after, Lan Xing's words came from the headset: "I am using a separate channel now. Only you can hear me. What do you think I found?"

"Tell me, the key point." Luo Zheng said, becoming curious.

"I investigated Mrs. Liu's personal phone number and found that she had a lot of phone calls with Seinfeld. Of course, it can also be understood as business communication, but the phone calls are at very unique times, once every day at nine o'clock in the morning and once in the evening. , as if it was agreed upon." Lanxing said quickly, with a strong aura of gossip.

"You mean the two of them?" Luo Zheng saw that things were indeed similar to what he had guessed. He was not surprised. The general's wife was having an affair. If this news got out, it would definitely be a big scandal for the general's family. He quickly said : "It is enough for you to know and I know about this matter, and please do not spread it indiscriminately."

"I know." Lan Xing continued without saying anything: "This kind of thing happens all the time in big families. Everyone is used to it. You don't have to be too nervous. I think the general has guessed something, but there is no evidence. Otherwise, last time, You can't be so calm when reporting the situation to him."

"Could it be that Sein Fei asked Mrs. Liu to leave, and then someone took her hostage?" Luo Zheng said in surprise.

"Based on various circumstances, it is speculated that Charlie controlled Seinfeld and used Seinfeld to send an invitation to Mrs. Liu, or used Seinfeld's network IP to send an invitation to Mrs. Liu. They met in the hijacked underground mall and Mrs. Liu left. Later, Charlie was worried about keeping records for future reference, so he asked hackers to hack Mrs. Liu's phone number, and sent Ike, who was in charge of the perimeter, to kidnap Mrs. Liu to Seinfeld's house in Jinghai Garden." Blue Star analyzed curiously.

Women's gossip and intuition are sometimes unbelievable. Luo Zheng thought about it, and then he thought about it and said, "Then why not just ask Mrs. Liu to Seinfeld's house?"

"Have you ever seen that sneaky man bring women to his home?" Lan Xing scolded angrily.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng smiled bitterly, did not refute, and began to think deeply.

"I'm warning you, don't cheat on me. If you dare to apologize to my sister, I won't spare you." Lanxing continued.

"Okay, let's get down to business, can we find out Charlie's location?" Luo Zheng reminded angrily. During work, Luo Zheng didn't like to talk about personal matters to avoid distraction.

"We are using satellites for face recognition and checking one by one. There are many people at the train station and it will take time. This bastard must know that we will check him and deliberately choose a place with many people. If he is at the train station, there is a possibility of hiding in the car to observe. Very big." Blue Star replied quickly.

"Understood, switch to the public channel for me." Luo Zheng said. After Lan Xue switched the headset back to the public channel, he continued to speak into the headset: "Brother Guishou, call the people on the street near the train station immediately and ask them Use various methods to check suspicious vehicles and get some movement out for me. The more people there are, the better. Let them move faster."

"Yes." Guishou quickly agreed.

With Charlie's caution, he must observe the terrain and environment for a while. He will never show up until he is sure that he is alone, so as not to fall into passivity and call the police or the like. Charlie immediately evacuated on alert, and the gangsters on the street were evacuated. It's different, it won't attract Charlie's attention, but it's not less effective at all.

Luo Zheng sent a text message to Zhou Gang and other people, telling them the situation. He would rush forward as soon as he discovered the enemy situation. Don't worry, just shoot. You can never act as usual for people like Charlie, and there is no need to capture them alive. Kill them. After that, Luo Zheng leaned on the leisure chair to rest, recalling every detail of his fight with Charlie, and found that he was passive everywhere, if it hadn't happened that a gangster named Er Zhu had provided clues, and the ghost hand I am familiar with the situation in Dawangzhuang and can judge certain possibilities. I am afraid that I am still passive now. This guy is too good at layout and is better at using people's psychology to create opportunities.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but get excited and quickly said through the headset: "Everyone, please be careful of Charlie coming to kill you. I suspect that the train station is also a smoke bomb, with the purpose of mobilizing our troops."

"It's entirely possible. Fortunately, you didn't mobilize the manpower of the two strongholds. I'm fine here for the time being." Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset.

"I'm fine here for the time being." Lanxing said.

"I estimate that Charlie will go to the train station to exchange hostages. Otherwise, he will not be able to give an explanation to the other companions, but it is hard to say whether he is sincere in exchanging hostages. He is in the dark and you are in the open. He may directly kill you. Hands, and the killer who has never been on the road, be careful." Lan Xue warned with concern.

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