The strongest soldier

Chapter 78 Luo Zheng returns

After a while, Lan Xue came out of the woods, also wearing a ghillie suit. The soldier felt guilty. This equipment was not something ordinary troops could possess, but he still said cautiously: "Brother, I'm sorry, I haven't proven your identity." Before, I could only be treated as a target of suspicion, so please come with us."

"No problem, is the ancient road post ahead?" Luo Zheng asked understandingly. Thinking of the ancient road post, Luo Zheng couldn't help but think of the squad leader and deputy squad leader. Unfortunately, they were separated by two worlds, and a trace of loneliness appeared on his face.

The soldier signaled to the people behind him, and five people emerged from the woods. They looked at the two of them warily. One of them came forward and said politely: "You two, I'm sorry, please come with us. If you are our own people and you know the rules, don’t blame us for being unkind.”

"Okay, let's go." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly, walking forward and leaving his back to these soldiers. This is an attitude and a trust.

Not long after walking, another group of people appeared in front. The two groups were together. After they merged, a second lieutenant came up and cautiously asked about their identities. Lan Xue remained silent and left this situation to Luo Zheng to handle. It was impossible for Luo Zheng to reveal his identity. He just asked them for a phone call and called the commander of the military region.

The person who answered the phone was the captain. Hearing Luo Zheng's voice, he shouted excitedly and asked in an almost roaring voice: "You brat, where are you?"

Luo Zheng had to put down the phone. A trace of warmth surged in his heart. He glanced at Lan Xue. Lan Xue also heard the shouting. She didn't say anything, but nodded slightly. Luo Zheng said: "Where am I?" You know the coordinates, but you don’t know how to look them up.”

"Okay, if you dare to scold me now, I'll come back to deal with you." The captain cursed.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng handed the phone to the second lieutenant, and sat down with Lan Xue to rest. The second lieutenant wanted to come up and question him, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. In less than ten minutes, a transport helicopter roared over. Hovering in the sky, he lowered the ladder. Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue. Lan Xue nodded and climbed up. Luo Zheng smiled at the second lieutenant and said, "Brother, the people who came to pick us up are here. Thank you."

"You're welcome, we are all our own." At this moment, the second lieutenant could not doubt the identity of Luo Zheng and the two of them. He also guessed that the two of them were returning from a secret mission. They were legendary special forces. They saluted with great respect and admiration. , watching Luo Zheng also climb up the ladder.

After climbing onto the helicopter, Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw that the pilot was Shan Hu. He heard Shan Hu almost roaring and shouting: "You bastard, I miss you so much. You don't have any missing parts, do you?"

"Yes, we are members of the first team, we can't be embarrassed." Luo Zheng said with a smile, a strong feeling of comradeship surged into his heart. Seeing Shan Hu actually lose weight, he thought that it had something to do with him. Three days Three nights without sleep is something no matter how strong a man is, he can't bear it, so he can't help but feel grateful.

"It's okay, let's go." Shan Hu shouted excitedly and nodded towards Lan Xue. Although he didn't know each other, it didn't hinder his respect for Lan Xue. He also saw that Lan Xue and Luo Zheng had a close relationship. It is absolutely unusual to risk your life to find someone, and rush away in a helicopter.

Ten minutes later, the helicopter landed at the special operations team training ground. Luo Zheng got off the plane and saw other members of the first team. There were quite a few of them, but they were all much thinner and in poor mental condition. He was moved to greet them. , the brothers opened their arms and hugged each other tightly.

"You bastard, come here." An angry voice shouted.

Luo Zheng knew it was the captain as soon as he heard it. He smiled coquettishly and said to Shan Hu and others: "Brothers, I'll go first and talk later."

"Go ahead, brothers have prepared wine and food in the dormitory waiting for you to welcome you." Shan Hu said.

Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue, who nodded. The two of them walked towards the captain's office and entered the door. Lan Xue sat down on the sofa next to him and poured himself some water. Luo Zheng didn't dare. They were brother and sister. He was a subordinate. After closing the door, he said with a smile: "Captain, you miss me so much."

"What the hell are you thinking, do you think I don't know how to come back earlier?" the captain yelled dissatisfied, glanced at Lan Xue suspiciously, and then glared at Luo Zheng with dissatisfaction. He found that Luo Zheng was a little different when he came back this time, and his divine light was restrained. He has learned a lot, become a little naughty and a lot more confident. The captain knows very well that this is a sign of returning to his original nature. Real masters often seem ordinary. However, the captain did not expect Luo Zheng's transformation to be so fast. He couldn't help but be curious again. Looking at Lan Xue, she thought that this might be due to her strong sister.

Luo Zheng didn't think as much as the captain, so he smiled and said, "I'm not lost."

"Pfft!" Lan Xue couldn't help laughing any longer. She didn't expect that Luo Zheng still had a side to show off his tricks. A dignified special operations elite actually got lost. Who would believe it? This is too many reasons┅┅

"Be careful, I'm going to cut you off. Seriously, I've heard several of them report the situation in detail. You should also write a report. It must be detailed and not miss a single detail." The captain ordered dissatisfied.

"You can't write about what happened after you met me." Lan Xue suddenly said.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue, and then at the captain. The captain looked at the two of them and said helplessly: "Then write until you meet."

"Yes." When Luo Zheng heard this, he quickly agreed and smiled, thinking that Lan Xue belonged to a mysterious army and could not leak secrets, not even the captain. Seeing that the captain's face was not very good, he laughed and said: "Big Captain, have we completed the mission this time? Can my rank be promoted to second lieutenant?"

"Follow your big dreams. Do you really want to get promoted? Did you join the army just to get promoted? Don't forget that you are a soldier of the people, fighting for the people and the country." The captain shouted angrily. Cursed.

"I think about it, I think about it too much. It would be great to be promoted. I can honor my ancestors when I go back, and I can also marry the most beautiful wife in the country. Why can't I think about it?" Luo Zheng said with a pretended to be anxious.

"You┅┅" The captain was so angry that he almost cursed.

"Pfft!" Lan Xue laughed again, and the captain also realized that he was actually led by this guy to talk about the topic, and the girl supported by his ice beauty actually laughed twice. It was unheard of. When he realized it, he knew that these two I am afraid that the relationship between people is more unusual than I imagined. I couldn't help but look Luo Zheng up and down. His appearance is not outstanding, but his temperament is much more harmonious than before. If I have to say something unusual, it is his eyes, which are smart. Introverted, showing maturity and wisdom beyond his years, as well as a sense of agility.

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