The strongest soldier

Chapter 77 Confrontation with the Wolf

Five days later, Lan Xue's leg injury was completely healed, and the two of them entered the country. Luo Zheng saw that Lan Xue had no intention of releasing fireworks to ask for help, and did not ask for help. He continued to carry Lan Xue on his back. Since the last time he accidentally hunted a After a langur, Luo Zheng could hit a beast every day. Of course, all the hundreds of bullets he had collected were used up. Without the bullets, there was no way to practice shooting, but in Lan Xue's words, his arm strength could not stop either. , Luo Zheng had no choice but to continue carrying him on his way.

That afternoon, the two came to the small river in the canyon to take a rest. They didn't notice a wolf drinking water in a bush. Luo Zheng was startled when he saw the wild wolf as tall as a calf. It was impossible to run. The surrounding terrain was open, the vision was very good, and there was no place to hide. Luo Zheng was about to fire his gun, but suddenly found that there were no bullets. He was startled and decisively pulled out the Type 65 Army Dagger.

Lan Xue glanced at the wild wolf that appeared, and when Luo Zheng came up, he didn't move. He left it to Luo Zheng to deal with. It was just a wild wolf. Lan Xue had been digging up Luo Zheng's childhood stories along the way. Knowing this This guy has been hunting since he was a child. He has dealt with a blind bear by himself and has no problem dealing with a wolf. He also fully understands why Luo Zheng can train his marksmanship so quickly and so well. He has almost caught up with his five years of hard training.

Luo Zheng was furious after not eating well or sleeping well these days. When he saw that the wild wolf didn't leave, with a provocative look on his face, he became angry on the spot. He strode forward with a meteoric step, his thin face full of fighting spirit. There was murderous intent in Leng's eyes, and he suddenly let out a long roar, like a tiger roaring in the forest, with a billowing provocation.

The wild wolf was startled and couldn't figure out how this upright walking animal could be so murderous. Years of experience of life and death made the wild wolf wary. He realized that the creature in front of him was dangerous and not easy to mess with. He turned around angrily and slowly left.

"Hey, is that your pet? You scared it away." Lan Xue said with a smile.

"That's right." Luo Zheng was also very surprised. Hearing Lan Xue's words, he couldn't help showing off: "If you don't leave, I'll chop it up. However, the wild wolf meat is too tight, too sour, and not tasty. I'll look back later." I’ll get you a hare for dinner, but now we have to hide in the woods. The wolf is a very vengeful beast. If it was scared away just now, it will definitely call more wolves over, so don’t mess with it.”

"If you're still calm, let's go." Of course Lan Xue knew the wolf's habits and said with a satisfied smile.

The two of them casually cleared their faces, and then walked into the forest. When the wild wolf appeared, Lan Xue did not ask Luo Zheng to continue carrying it. The two of them marched in a hurry, hunting a frightened pheasant on the way. Until it was almost dark, the two of them burned a fire in the woods and simmered barbecue to eat. This scene reminded Lan Xue of the past.

After the two of them had eaten and drank enough, they climbed up a tree and rested for a while. Several wild wolves rushed over and howled at the two people on the tree. They couldn't climb the tree. The wild wolves had no better way. On the tree, Lan Xue and Luo Zheng tied their bodies with tree vines and sat on the branches to rest, completely ignoring the group of wild wolves.

Until early the next morning, when the sky brightened, everything woke up, birds chirped, and sunlight came in, the woods were full of vitality and a peaceful scene, but the wild wolves had no intention of leaving. Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "This feud is big." They are determined to fight to the death. It seems that the only option is to take action. Just wait for me and I will deal with them."

"Don't worry, use this." Lan Xue handed over Luo Zheng's Type 92 pistol, then used magic to pull out a magazine, and said with a smile: "Any sniper will leave a bullet in his body, not to kill the enemy." , it’s suicide, look at me, I’ve left so much, it’s enough for you to kill the wolf.”

"That's enough." Luo Zheng agreed. He took the gun and was about to aim and shoot. Next to him, Lan Xue suddenly said, "Don't aim. Use your intuition. If you can't kill them, you and I will be buried in the wolf's belly together."

"Ah? Okay." Luo Zheng felt that the pressure was greatly increased. He quickly took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then carefully felt the surrounding situation. Luo Zheng seemed to be able to see where the wild wolf was hiding, and raised his hand. Just a shot, "Bang!"

"Woo!" A wild wolf whimpered.

Lan Xue didn't expect that Luo Zheng could actually do it, and she couldn't help but be overjoyed. Although the distance was only about ten meters, which was a bit of luck, it at least meant that Luo Zheng had felt something, and she couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Luo Zheng heard the wolf's whine and knew he had hit the target. He was also very happy. He continued to sense the wild wolves around him and relied on his intuition to aim and shoot. After a while, one magazine was finished. Looking at the result, a wild wolf He couldn't help but feel depressed. He looked at Lan Xue awkwardly and said, "I disappoint you."

"It's okay. It would be strange if it could be done in a few days of training. Use this to kill them." Lan Xue smiled sweetly and handed over another magazine.

Luo Zheng nodded and loaded the bullet. He aimed carefully this time and hit a wild wolf with one shot. The other wild wolves immediately dispersed. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt that something was wrong. He couldn't help but look at Lan Xue, only to find that Lan Xue also looked into the depths of the jungle with a solemn face, became vigilant, and whispered: "Someone is coming, be careful."

"Understood." Luo Zheng handed the Type 92 pistol to Lan Xue, pulled out the Type 65 army dagger himself, slid down the tree with a swish, hid his body deep behind the tree, and calmly looked at the direction of the danger. Stay serious.

Not long after, a soldier emerged from the dense forest in front. He was wearing a familiar military uniform and a familiar military emblem. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and shouted loudly: "Which part is it from the front?"

"Which department are you from?" The other party asked in a loud voice, keeping vigilant and well concealed.

Speaking in familiar Mandarin with a bit of a local accent, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and walked out from behind the big tree. He made a covert gesture to Lan Xue on the tree and walked forward. A soldier also came up to him in front of him. With his gun aimed and vigilant, Luo Zheng looked past the soldier and looked deeper. There must be several soldiers hidden there. He couldn't help but smile: "Ask, are you a reconnaissance team?"

"Tell me your serial number." The soldier asked warily, without answering Luo Zheng's question.

Luo Zheng knew that the troops were disciplined and would not disclose their serial numbers to strangers when performing tasks, so he didn't bother to ask more questions and said with a smile: "I, the Northwest Military Region, put down your guns."

"How to prove it?" the other party asked vigilantly.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? What proof do you have to look at me like this? Just take me back. I have a companion behind me. I'm warning you, don't shoot indiscriminately." Luo Zheng retorted dissatisfied, while giving Lan Snow gestured.

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