The strongest soldier

Chapter 755 Rescue Operation

"Eh? Are they really from Lucia's village?" Lan Xue came over and looked down at the hole with a shocked face. He didn't understand what this hole was used for, and continued: "It looks like an underground fortification, so... It’s mainly an underground cave, and there are many branch caves around it connected to this underground cave, but we can use the situation here to escape.”

"Oh? What's your plan?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"It is impossible for our whereabouts to be exposed along the way. We will definitely be watched by polar bears. The pursuers will be here soon. If we change into their clothes, break up the patrol team outside, and organize these people Escape. Once there are too many people, the satellite cannot recognize them, so we can take advantage of the chaos and run away." Lan Xue analyzed.

When Luo Zheng heard this, his eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "What a great idea. The pursuers will come soon. We must act as soon as possible. Hurry, let's get to the ground first."

Everyone turned back and walked along the tunnel for a distance. They saw an exit ahead with steps to go up. Everyone quickly rushed out of the tunnel and lay down near the entrance of the tunnel. They opened their eyes to observe. After a while, everyone discovered that something was wrong. Most of the densely packed tents in the distance seemed empty, and only a few tents were occupied.

"Huh? Are the workers no longer allowed to come up and live in tents after they have dug holes in the ground?" Guishou said in surprise.

"It seems reasonable. Judging from the surface situation, there are not many armed men patrolling. The entrance to the cave is ahead. Let's go and have a look." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

Everyone hunched over to the entrance of the cave and found about ten people asleep beside the bonfire. They should be monitoring the entrance of the cave. Everyone took out hand crossbows from their backpacks, pounced on them like hungry wolves, and calmly killed the ten people. After attacking and killing them all, Luo Zheng rushed to the entrance of the cave and looked down. The cave wall was as smooth as a mirror. It was impossible to climb. There was only one way up from below, and that was the rope. As long as a dozen people were guarding it, the nearly a hundred workers below the cave could not climb. Can't run away.

"Take off their clothes and put them on." Lan Xue whispered.

Everyone took action, taking off their combat uniforms and putting them in their backpacks. They found someone of similar stature who took off his clothes and put them on, pretending to be a local, and then collected all the weapons. Luo Zheng also changed into clothes and whispered: "Ghost Hands, join me in putting down all the ropes, and let everyone else spread their guard."

"Yes." Everyone agreed in a low voice and took action.

Luo Zheng and Gui Shou picked up the rope on the ground and threw it down. One end of the rope was tied to a simple wooden pulley frame, and the other end was tied to a basket. The rope could be raised and lowered by turning the pulley to pull up the soil. There were five such pulley frames in total. The tool was quickly put down by Luo Zheng and Gui Shou.

The people below were probably exhausted and were sleeping heavily, so they didn't notice the rope being lowered. Luo Zheng waited for a while, but when he saw that the people below him didn't respond, he had an idea and said to Ghost Shou: "Quickly, throw the body down."

"What a good idea." Guishou exclaimed in surprise. If the militants' bodies were thrown away, the people below would be able to guess what they were doing. When they saw the rope, the desire to survive would definitely surge up, and they would know how to escape without any explanation.

Luo Zheng and Gui Shou pulled out the crossbow arrows from the corpse, threw the corpse down, and hit the people under the cave. Soon some people woke up and saw the corpses thrown down. They all panicked and pushed the people next to them to wake up. After no more corpses were thrown above, these people stepped forward to check and quickly recognized the identity of the corpse. Looking at the five dropped ropes, the desire to survive suddenly surged up.

After a while, a brave man grabbed the rope and climbed up. More people were still watching. The incident happened suddenly. No one knew what happened. They did not dare to mess around. They climbed up the first person they saw. At the entrance of the cave, their hearts tightened, and they watched nervously. When they found that someone came up to help and pulled the other person up, everyone became even more nervous. They didn't know what the fate of that person would be?

Luo Zheng pulled the other person up and whispered in international common language: "Can you understand me?"

The other party looked at Luo Zheng in panic. Seeing that Luo Zheng had no ill intentions, he calmed down and quickly jabbered a few words. When he found that Luo Zheng couldn't understand him at all, he shouted a few words to the bottom of the cave entrance with a worried look on his face. After a while, Luo Zheng found that the people below were commotion in surprise, and they all grabbed the rope and climbed up.

"No, the enemy noticed something unusual and came over." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng handed a gun to the first person who came up. This person dared to climb up first. He was very brave. When he saw the weapon and saw Luo Zheng pointing at the person coming forward, he immediately understood and did not hesitate. He took it, pulled the bolt of the gun, ran up to him with an angry look on his face, threw himself to the ground, and pulled the bolt of the gun skillfully.

"It's interesting." Luo Zheng smiled when he saw that the other party was proficient in controlling weapons and dared to fight. The difficult living environment also created these people's survival skills. Seeing that this person did not shoot immediately, but looked back at himself , and made a calm gesture.

"Someone is here again." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng looked back and saw a group of armed men approaching. There were more than a dozen of them. Perhaps they were not sure what happened. Instead of shooting immediately, they ran menacingly. The distance was only a hundred meters away. Luo Zheng did not hesitate to give the order. issued an attack order: "Block them and buy time for everyone to evacuate."

"Understood." Everyone agreed and opened fire one after another.

Luo Zheng noticed that the first person who came up also opened fire after seeing everyone else firing. It looked like that, so he couldn't help laughing. When he saw a person crawling up from the bottom of the cave, he quickly grabbed the other person's hand, pulled him over, and pointed. Pointing to the weapons on the ground, he pointed to the first person to climb up. The other person picked up a weapon knowingly and joined the battle.

After a while, more people climbed up, and the militants' attacks were sharp. After Luo Zheng distributed the weapons, he rushed over and joined the battle. As for helping the people under the cave escape, he left it to others.

Under the moonlight, Luo Zheng was fighting and running. The SVD sniper rifle seized in his hand kept calling names. The bullets were like reminders, killing the militants rushing in front. After ten bullets were empty, Luo Zheng jumped to the ground like a tiger, rolled twice quickly, pulled out his pistol and continued to fire, killing the militants who were screaming and rushing towards him one by one.

The total number of militants totaled only about fifty. They were shot accurately by Luo Zheng and others, and half of them fell. The remaining half, seeing that the situation was not good, quickly took cover and opened fire indiscriminately. They did not dare to charge anymore. Luo Zheng raised his pistol. After one magazine was empty, he quickly replaced the magazine. Looking back, he saw more people coming out of the bottom of the cave. These people dispersed one after another, looking for a place to hide.

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